
  Chapter 904 Three Thousand Medicine Ingredients

What a pursuit this is! For pill concocting, this Ancestor Master really spares no effort in dedication.

However, Xiao Guoguo looked at the flames surging crazily in the cave. Seriously, you think we are really fine when we go in?

"Ancestor Master, I think the flame doesn't seem to know your own person of the same root with different branches!" Xiao Guoguo said so, Li Dan Master smiled.

"It's okay. I have so many good things here. There are so many medicine pills that have been refined for so many years, and there are many favors and good things!" Li Dan Master said, I flipped through my storage bag, and then threw a piece of snow-white ice-like thing out. After throwing it out, the flame seemed to have seen a nemesis, backing madly, and the ice-like jade stone slowly formed a cover.

"This size is fine, this cold white jade can protect us from being burned by the flames, but the temperature is a little bit higher, so please bear with me."

Li Dan The Master said and walked in first, then Elder Feng, Xiao Guoguo saw it, Elder Feng's footsteps were a little bit difficult.

Chi Xuan looked at Xiao Guoguo, laughed and walked in. His cultivation base is high, but he did not use spiritual power to block the Fire Spirit Power. The pores all over his body are absorbing the Fire Spirit Power. . At this temperature, his pure white as jade face was instantly covered with a layer of fine sweat.

Xiao Guoguo: "..." This man looks good and is so exciting to sweat!

No wonder people say that sweaty muscles are more attractive, but Xiao Guoguo thinks that the premise is that this face must be good-looking. Otherwise, you can try another one that doesn't look good. It doesn't matter if anyone shouts that it's too bad.

Xiao Guoguo walked over, and instantly felt that he had walked into a hot desert. Although it looked cold, it was just an illusion to deceive you. The flame is not bad, but what good things do you think about it!

Seeing everyone walking in, Li Dan Master slightly smiled, that originally neat white beard, Xiao Guoguo, how did Xiao Guoguo look a little bit about to be scorched?

hehe, this Ancestor Master really contributed a lot for them!

"This is what Ancestor Master prepared for you." Master Li Dan said, and gave Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan a storage bag each.

"There are medicine ingredients in it, and there are three thousand copies, ranging from simple to precious! In addition, there are ten Pill Recipes in it, corresponding to these three thousand medicines. Pill, a medicine pill with three hundred medicine ingredients, you have finished refining these ten medicine pills, even if you pass it!" Master Li Dan said so, Xiao Guoguo was stunned.

"Ancestor Master, are you ready to receive the recipe at any time? Why do you still carry so many medicine ingredients and Pill Recipe with you?" Xiao Guoguo felt that this person was too proactive.

"Don’t be dissatisfied. This was originally prepared for your two Senior Brothers. This time it’s cheaper for you."

Li Dan Master said with a smile, he several There are only four disciples who can be qualified to teach him personally. It was originally prepared for the other two disciples and grandchildren. This time it is cheaper for them.

"Hehe, that's so sorry." Xiao Guoguo said while hurriedly putting away the storage bag.

Li Dan Master: "..." I hehe.

"Besides, at this time, it will be five years! Five years, day and night cultivation, I think it is almost the same!" Li Dan Master finished speaking, Xiao Guoguo was stunned.

Five years? Cultivation day and night, when will she eat!

"We have been pill concocting for five years! What about other things? I won't do it!" Xiao Guoguo asked, obviously feeling incredible.

"Relax, the spiritual power here is rich, not bad compared to the core area! It won't delay the improvement of your cultivation base! Even, it’s more than the outside improvement!"

Master Li Dan has thought of this a long time ago. He has been walking around for a month to find this place!

"No, I'm talking about other things." Xiao Guoguo is really sorry that he wants to ask for a meal, one day one meal is fine!

"Other people, don't worry, there are Qingyun daoist and Wenwen girl over there, they will take care of everyone!" Master Li Dan had arranged it a long time ago, Qingyun daoist, but he slapped his chest and promised It's all wrapped in him!

Such happy, such an urgent need to send them away, he believes in Qingyun daoist.

Xiao Guoguo: "..." Hehe, such a good romantic couple's world, would he let others destroy it? She is very skeptical!

However, he doesn't dare to go too far with the text. Moreover, Qingyun Daoist certainly doesn't know, she told the jade slip of In Literature there is sound transmission.

What good thing does he think? If he leaves, he can be the boss! Beautiful him!

"Thank you Ancestor Master for our so much effort, Chi Xuan Senior Brother and I must have a good cultivation, and I will never let Ancestor Master down!" Xiao Guoguo said that, Li Dan Master was really touched , This child is not easy!

"I still have two boxes of extreme grade Spirit Stone here. If the pill concocting is tired and the cultivation base cannot be recovered, I will use this to supplement the spiritual power!" When Master Li Dan took it out, he didn't feel distressed. , Anyway, it is for my own disciples!

"Ancestor Master is like this, it really makes us unrequited. In the future, Senior Brother and I will become famous. We will definitely let outsiders know the nurturing grace of Ancestor Master." Xiao Guoguo continued, and he was moved by his own words. Up.

"Hey, good child, here are two pieces of pure heart jade, although they are a little smaller than your Master's, but the effect is the same, you all have one piece!" I originally planned to give other disciplines a meeting ceremony in the future. The Qingxin Jade was just sent out.

"Ancestor Master, I am so touched!" Xiao Guoguo said, hugged Chi Xuan, and patted Chi Xuan on the back. Wu wu seemed to be crying.

Chi Xuan froze, didn't expect Xiao Guoguo to be like this, he suddenly felt stiff all over, his heartbeat accelerated, and his face flushed. Suddenly I don't know how to release my hands and feet.

Master Li Dan saw that this cry was too fake. But, thinking about what good things I had, it seemed that I didn't have any. I remembered that my grandson liked the Spirit Stone, clenched the teeth, and took out a huge, two-person Spirit Stone.

"This Spirit Stone chalcedony is also given to you. This is not a normal Spirit Stone. It cannot be spent as a Spirit Stone. It is used to improve the cultivation base. It must be preserved!" The hand still touched it reluctantly, this has been following me for years.

"Thank you Ancestor Master." Xiao Guoguo turned his head in an instant, with a smile on his clean face, and put away the spirit of the Spirit Stone, and that was the end.

Master Li Dan is relaxed when he sees Xiao Guoguo like this, but she can't thank her anymore. If you continue to thank you, you will be bankrupt! Elder Feng hurried away with a bewildered look.

"Ancestor Master, Master, are you not here?" Xiao Guoguo was puzzled, saying that it is good to share adversity, and to share the wealth!

"Hehe, no, we two Old Guys don't need this, you guys work hard!"

Master Li Dan took Elder Feng and ran outside without looking back In the cave, they are old and can't stand the toss, so let's find a cool place! Youngster, come on!

(End of this chapter)

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