
  Chapter 896 The same cultivation technique

Looking at Xiao Guoguo’s eyes, looking down like a searchlight , Chi Xuan's heart tightened, but he still stood up straight, Little Panpan said, a man's face is as important as his body, which is a bonus.

Xiao Guoguo's face suddenly reddened when she saw it this way. I don't know this. She felt ashamed at first sight. Is Chi Xuan in such a good figure?

Those one-meter-eight long legs, a flat and hard abdomen, a hard chest, and a perfect collarbone.

This guy, this is too long! Not only is it responsible for the appearance, but this figure is also beyond control. This is due to the high cultivation base, otherwise, I went out and met a powerful female cultivator... Thinking about the consequences, Xiao Guoguo felt his scalp numb.

"cough cough, what I want to say is that Guoguo, the "Body Refinement Technique" you have been learning is actually what I put there."

Chi Xuan said this At that time, Xiao Guoguo was still admiring his body...Bah, it was his figure.

Wait, what did Chi Xuan Senior Brother just say!

Xiao Guoguo's eyes were lost for a moment, what was she thinking just now?

It seems to be thinking, if Chi Xuan Senior Brother meets a powerful female cultivator, he will be stripped naked, tied to the bed, holding a Little Pi whip in one hand, and a small candle in the other... etc. Next, this style of painting is wrong!

Chi Xuan Senior Brother can't be treated like this with this face, right?

"Senior Brother what did you just say?" Xiao Guoguo forcibly pulled himself out of the crooked painting style, thinking that when Chi Xuan Senior Brother is looking for a wife in the future, he will definitely not be too sturdy.

"I said, "Body Refinement Technique" is for you." Chi Xuan said, looking at Xiao Guoguo with some uncertainty.

"Which "Body Refinement Technique"?" Xiao Guoguo is thinking slowly now.

"The copy of your cultivation can improve your physical fitness, impact the meridian of the whole body, and increase the meridian." Chi Xuan said that, Xiao Guoguo was completely stupid.

"You... did you put it down? Give it to us?" Xiao Guoguo was puzzled.

"It was originally for you, but then you gave them to Wei Feng." Chi Xuan said sorry.

"Such a serious topic, don’t talk about it so easily, OK! What does this mean? You prepared the book for me? Specially prepared?" Xiao Guoguo looked at Chi Xuan, Chi Xuan hurriedly put on a serious look.

"Yes, yes, I have seen your potential a long time ago!" Chi Xuan profound mystery almost made Xiao Guoguo spray.

Xiao Guoguo: "..." Senior Brother, your face is changing too quickly, okay?

"Then this book, Senior Brother, where did you find it? How can you trust me?" Xiao Guoguo thinks this is a bit of a play, isn't it?

"The source of this book, I have to say that the meridian on my body was broken, and then I went to Earth. Although Wu Bo is good at pill concocting, I also eat a lot of medicine pill to repair meridian, but the meridian that can be repaired It is still very fragile. In other words, although I am still a cultivator, I can no longer withstand Thunder Tribulation and cannot be upgraded."

Xiao Guoguo heard this, the whole person was not good. When Chi Xuan Senior Brother looked so great at the beginning, was it actually in such a desperate situation?

For the cultivator, not being able to raise the level is equivalent to eating and waiting for death. There is no pursuit in this life, which is to wait until the life essence is consumed. No wonder, at that time, he always felt so gloomy and cheerful as he is now.

"Wait, that is to say, at that time, are you easily unable to make a move?!" Xiao Guoguo asked, Chi Xuan nodded, Xiao Guoguo's complexion changed, then he followed them everywhere !

"You can rest assured, as long as you don't touch the expert, there is no problem. Moreover, my meridian is not that fragile." Seeing the worry in Xiao Guoguo's eyes, Chi Xuan understood what she was thinking about Thinking, I just felt warm in my chest. She is caring about herself.

"What's the matter with that "Body Refinement Technique"?" Xiao Guoguo is very curious, what does this book have to do with Chi Xuan Senior Brother.

"My cultivation base can't be improved. I didn't take revenge at the time. How could I be willing? I want to go the way of body cultivator! Although it is hard work, it may not be impossible to succeed. Wenwen's ability, I have also learned it."

What Chi Xuan said, Xiao Guoguo could realize his helplessness and struggle at the beginning. A cultivator has to go the way of a body cultivator, where is so easy.

"This "Body Refinement Technique" was only found after I traveled through the entire plane. It is the most suitable body cultivator cultivation technique, but it didn't expect that it mentioned meridian. ! I think, this or which senior left it, I don’t know how it spread to Earth, but it restricted me. My meridian at the time couldn’t stand such a change and had to give up."

Chi Xuan finished speaking, Xiao Guoguo suddenly thought of the two sentences full of depression and helplessness on the top of the book.

"You wrote the above?" Xiao Guoguo asked sympathetically.

"At that time, it was considered as sentimental." Chi Xuan said sorry.

"Now, you can use "Body Refinement Technique"?"

Xiao Guoguo saw Chi Xuan nodded, and he understood that their cultivation techniques are actually the same ! And this cultivation technique was actually given to them by Chi Xuan Senior Brother.

"It's all thanks to you." Chi Xuan said so, Xiao Guoguo was a bit sorry, and thought it was the credit of Bloodline Power.

"Hehe, nothing, nothing."

Xiao Guoguo sorry, but Chi Xuan didn't say it through. In fact, this was not the influence of Bloodline Power, but she gave herself encouragement and hope. Before that, he didn't dare, but after that, he took that step bravely.

In fact, if he learned the "Body Refinement Technique" in the past, he would not necessarily fail. It's just that he didn't dare to bear this failure. He was at a low point in his life and didn't dare to take a step forward. He confined himself in place.

Although the meridian is not strong enough, he still gritted his teeth and broke through! It's just that he didn't have the courage to fight to death before, and he had too much to let go.

During Transcending Tribulation, the fragile meridian still made him passive. If it weren't for Xiao Guoguo's help, he was afraid that he would have fallen during Transcending Tribulation.

So, this is still a real life-saving grace. She gave him a second life.

Xiao Guoguo now understands that Chi Xuan is the same as himself, from skin to bone, from blood to meridian, comprehensively improving.

But, wait a minute... If he is like this, how can he be as fast as himself? What is his cultivation base, what is his own cultivation base?

"How many layers is your "Body Refinement Technique"?" When Xiao Guoguo asked, Chi Xuan was a little sorry.

"seven layers." Chi Xuan didn't want to lie to Xiao Guoguo.

"That's not right, Chi Xuan Senior Brother, your speed shouldn't be like this! According to the truth, you are so much higher than mine, the speed should be faster." Xiao Guoguo While speaking, he looked at Chi Xuan meaningfully, and Chi Xuan dodged his face.

Oops, I forgot for a while that she is so smart, so I can naturally understand.

(End of this chapter)

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