
  Chapter 882 Little Secrets

Wenwen’s story speaking of which is not so complicated. This man A woman's grudges, other than that bit of love and hatred, what else can there be.

It's nothing more than I love you, you don't love me, you love her, she doesn't love you, she loves me... Wait, he loves me, I don't love him. A simple relationship from two points in a straight line. To three-point triangle, four-point quadrilateral, five-point...the shape is just a little more complicated.

"That is to say, you really met a man, alive, which made you feel tempted!" Xiao Guoguo looked surprised, this article also got into real trouble...no, yes When in love?

"Yes, when I was young and ignorant, I met a scum and turned it into a treasure! However, I can't blame me, that person is really good at hiding!" Wenwen said, Xiao Guoguo Nodded, yes, it is not too difficult to be able to deceive the text.

To be honest, this girl is not very shrewd, and don't look at her cold face, in fact, her heart is too soft! It is not difficult to impress her, but it is rare for her not to forget it for so many years. Obviously, I didn't feel wronged less in those days!

"Who is he!" Xiao Guoguo is curious, and ask first, wait until later to check it out and give it a beating, otherwise how will he vent his anger!

"It's not a terrific character, but a son of a Cultivation Family. The order of the cultivation world on Earth had not been established at the time, and it was very chaotic. Jin Mao and I were lost. I haven't found him for many years. I didn’t find the boss either, so I went to a small Sect at that time.

At that time, Four Great Sects was still on the sidelines and never sent anyone. The Sect I joined seemed serious on the surface. , In fact, hehe, I didn’t know until after I got in, what kind of weekends to do!"

After Wenwen finished, Xiao Guoguo was stunned. It turned out to be like this! However, a Sect on a two-day break, let Wenwen go in, isn't this smashing your own sign?

"They beat you!" Xiao Guoguo asked with clenched fists.

"No, they locked me up, and then, I ran away. The so-called Sect Master cultivation base is not high enough. I tried my best and escaped." Wenwen said, Xiao Guoguo was taken aback for a moment. People don't want it, so let's not be so persecuted! Suddenly thought of Can Hongmen.

"It's not a double break. Later I learned that the woman is just a furnace cauldron! I can't be disgusting. At that time, I wanted to run out to find someone for help, and then go back to save the poor women."


Wenwen finished saying that, Xiao Guoguo sighed, in this cultivation world, everything is there, the world is in chaos, and the first unlucky person is often the woman!

"Later, but did he accompany you to save people?" Xiao Guoguo asked, Wen Wen nodded.

"At the time, life and death were on the line, that person came, saved me, killed the Sect Master, and also saved his female disciple." Wenwen said that, Xiao Guoguo felt that the script was a bit a bit It has become more romantic. Isn't this a typical hero saving the beauty drama?

"Then you devote one's life to! This is too casual, right?" Xiao Guoguo believes that Wenwen would not be such a person.

"Am I such an unprincipled person? He has chased me for two hundred years, okay!" Wenwen looked up, Xiao Guoguo aggrieved, let people chase for two hundred years, this man's brain is okay, right? !

"After chasing you for two hundred years, you haven't promised, he still continues? He thinks this is a long-distance race!" Xiao Guoguo shook his head in disapproval.

"Yes, you should have noticed at that time, that man's brain is sick! All day long white clothed clothes, wearing the same as a snowman that can move, and holding a handful Bai Fan, it's not festive at all!"

After the text is finished, Xiao Guoguo thinks about that scene. It doesn’t matter what you are wearing, what matters is how it looks! This one looks good and wears white spots, just like Chi Xuan Senior Brother, and it is acceptable.

Wait, Wenwen dislikes Chi Xuan Senior Brother so much, is it because he wears the same clothes as a snowman! Xiao Guoguo felt that he might be the truth.

"Later I thought, since he is so tenacious, I will give him a chance to prove that we are not suitable, but who would have thought that his family is so responsible!

Give me a Spirit Stone, do you know? Of course I can't ask for such a large amount of Spirit Stone! Her son is not worth the price! I took a piece and treated it as two cleansing."

After Wenwen said this, Xiao Guoguo's heart sank. It seems that this silly girl was a bit like others at the beginning, otherwise it would not be speaking of which now, but still with this expression.

"People have to face their mistakes bravely, how can they forget if they can't look directly at them." Xiao Guoguo said, Wenwen thought for a while before sighed.

"Yes, I am a little touched, a little like that person, after all, whoever has chased you for two hundred years is a Spirit Beast who has been with you for so many years, so I should be moved! So, I am I like him a little bit.

Who knows that his family background is so responsible, his cultivation base is high, his status is high, he is rich, and a fiancee of Ms Perfect has waited for more than three hundred years. I am angry and nothing else. I’m angry, he lied to me, I didn’t even notice it. You’ve made a kiss, is it interesting to go out and hook up? "

Xiao Guoguo heard this nodded, this is tantamount to dishonesty, cheating Cai liar, if I promised you, how are you going to explain to your family when you look back!

No more fiancee? I still want my text to be small!

"He asked you to make a small one!" Xiao Guoguo asked with shock on his face, let him die!

"Whatever you say must be good to me, just wrong me in your identity, he is sincere! Bah, I am stupid! Dang San still said so fresh and refined! Am I the one who wronged me like that? "

Wenwen said, Xiao Guoguo shook his head, Wenwen is not a person who likes to wrong himself. Not for anyone!

"This kind of thing should be broken, then what are you holding back?" Xiao Guoguo felt that since it was broken, it would be broken clean. I don't even think about it. What depressed!

"Could it be that you were deceived! Impossible, your temperament, if there is a loss in wealth, you can't be so calm?" Xiao Guoguo smiled, Wenwen frowned, and didn't see it. Had such an unreliable boss.

"I haven't, but his mother is still not convinced. He fiancee is not convinced, and he chased me for more than a hundred years! I should be theirs! This Miss is also a victim! They are so one Nao, how did I cultivation, so Heart Demon came out, hating myself for being weak, hating that bastard for taking me so long!

If it weren’t for him, I wouldn’t have been restless for such a long time. Maybe I've found the boss and the golden retriever! Asshole stuff, how much has been delayed for me!" After hearing this, Xiao Guoguo felt a little sympathetic to the man. He was treated like that by Wenwen, and he didn't know him at this moment."

how do you feel!

Xiao Guoguo can tell that the man is definitely interested in literature, but this mommy boy is unreasonable. If you like people, there is a way to admit it, let What kind of man is a woman who takes care of everything.

Despise him, completely dislike him.

(End of this chapter)

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