
  Chapter 880 Wooden Sword

The so-called only a distant road tests the strength of a horse, over time... It takes a long time to see people's hearts. Xiao Guoguo originally thought that after a long time, after the Sword Art 1st move is Full Mastery, it will naturally have something to do.

This among which is included is not limited to: attack power and offensive power, smooth flow and smooth flow, imposing manner and imposing manner, if you want style, there is compelling style!

However, the reality is laughed fiercely, and then slapped the face!

"WHY? Why? It's been a month and a half! Still nothing has changed!" Xiao Guoguo said, and when he was angry, the twig in his hand was thrown on the ground, and his heart became anxious.

This doesn't blame her. In one and a half months, she will absorb the spiritual power well, and the experience bar must also rise! But now this Sword Art, hehe, still looks ugly and can't bear to look straight!

"Master, don't get too upset, I think there must be something wrong." Looking at Xiao Guoguo's face, the fatty decided to comfort her by watching the crowd.

"Where is the problem! Am I not diligent enough?" Xiao Guoguo asked, and fatty shook his head.

"How can it be! You wake up at five o'clock and go to bed at ten o'clock. You don't have enough sleep for seven hours a day. It's really hard to work." Fatty said so, Xiao Guoguo grieved.

"Yeah, am I easy? Since I set foot on Immortal Path, when have I been so diligent?"

After Xiao Guoguo finished speaking, Mo Yu glanced at her, it turned out This is hard work in her eyes! Those cultivators who never sleep all night and never rest, don’t know how they feel after hearing this!

"Then why, the accumulation of quantity did not bring about qualitative sublimation!" Xiao Guoguo asked fatty tilted his head. Can you speak something human?

"I think it may be that your weapon is not in your hand." Fatty clenching one's teeth and said, Xiao Guoguo froze for a moment.

"You mean, there is a problem with the twig?" Xiao Guoguo hurriedly picked up the twig, looked around, there was nothing wrong with it! This looks like a small branch that grows seriously and responsibly!

"No problem! The length is quite satisfactory." Xiao Guoguo waved it, the strength is not bad, the softness and the hardness are no problem.

"I'm not saying that the branches are problematic! I mean, what you need is a sword, not a branch!" Fatty is angry, and still has a small branch. Is this the name given?

Xiao Guoguo was taken aback for a moment, and suddenly felt that what this guy said...makes sense!

So, she hurried to her house, looking for it, she has so many things, there will always be a suitable sword!

So, after turning around, two swords were really turned out. However, she doesn't like these magic weapons. She doesn't like to use other magic weapons. Besides, she really can't remember the unlucky person who contributed this Two Swords!

"If you don't like the magic weapon here, we can go out and look for it!" Fatty said, looking at Two Swords contemptuously, the magic weapon's level is too low.

"Yes, these Two Swords are for you. They are indeed not very suitable." Mo Yu also said the same. In any case, it is the owner of Mo Yu, using such a shabby sword to speak out. , Make people laugh.

Xiao Guoguo didn't make a sound, but picked up one of the swords, looked left and right, and went around the room again, and finally walked out.

The three Spirit Beasts looked at them, and they were a little puzzled. Then they saw Xiao Guoguo found a Spirit Fruit Tree. After looking at it for a long time, with a sword in his hand, there was a sturdy branch on the Fruit Tree. Was hacked down.

The Spirit Beasts were stunned. They didn't know what Xiao Guoguo was going to do. They saw that she was holding a sword in her hand and a wood in the other hand, and began to cut it seriously.

The three Spirit Beasts were dumbfounded. After a while, Xiao Guoguo was finished, and he looked at the objects in his hand and was satisfied.

"Anyway, this magic weapon is sharpness. See how sharp the iron is like mud, and it can be sold for a good price." Xiao Guoguo finished speaking and put the sword back in his hands. What he held was the wooden sword he had cut out himself.

"Do you want to be ingenious and unique?" Fatty asked, thinking that what I saw was an illusion.

"No, I just think that the wood is lighter, it doesn't take much effort to hold it, and it won't hurt yourself, so awkward posture, if you are not careful, it won't be worthwhile to hurt yourself."

After Xiao Guoguo finished speaking, there are still fatty and Moyu big eyes staring at small eyes. What she said... really makes sense.

So, from that day on, Xiao Guoguo held a wooden sword made by himself and practiced the 1st move of Sword Art over and over again.

And this time, Fatty didn't dare to mention any opinions. Seeing that Xiao Guoguo was about to cultivation deviation, he didn't dare to say anything. Everyone has seen the change since the last time it made a sound, a wooden long sword appeared.

"Master is like this, it doesn't seem to be the same thing!"

Wangcai is a little worried, Xiao Guoguo is not good at this sword practice now. She went from sleeping only seven hours a day to five hours, and, recently, this temper is really getting more and more grumpy!

"Forget it, let's stay away, sort out the precious items, don't get involved for no reason!"

Fatty said, taking the lead in moving his nest. Now, within one kilometer of Xiao Guoguo, there are all dangerous areas.

And Xiao Guoguo doesn't care about these, then Sword Art mentioned above, the highest realm of Sword Art is Human and Sword Unity! So, now she wants to think about herself as a sword.

So, the first question she has to think about now is... what kind of material is it?

Wooden? Iron? Stainless steel... Bah, copper? Or is it made of spar?

Xiao Guoguo thought for a long time, and felt that the spar was made well. It can be used as a sword when he has money, and when he has no money, it can be used as money... How can I digress when I think about it!

Quickly withdrew her thoughts, under Xiao Guoguo sit cross-legged, she didn't believe it anymore, she is such a smart child, can she still figure out this question!

So, Xiao Guoguo sat down stiffly, and from that moment on, he never opened his eyes. Close your eyes when you are awake, and when you fall asleep... you also close your eyes.

After sitting like this for one day and one night, Xiao Guoguo opened his eyes abruptly, which made the three Spirit Beasts who occasionally look back at her with joy, and he finally woke up.

Xiao Guoguo looked at the wooden sword in his hand, thinking about the comprehend just now. It doesn't matter what kind of sword is made of, it's important, it's a sword!

The sword is just the shape. No matter what material the sword is, it can hurt people if it is sharp enough. Others seem to be unimportant. But for the cultivator, can this sword hurt people? Is it the sword that hurts?

No! no! It was the hand holding the sword that really hurt people!

So, Sword Art put it bluntly, it is not the sword that dances, but the sword-bearer! These postures and movements are for training people, regardless of whether you are holding wood or iron essence in your hand!

Xiao Guoguo made a fierce stroke of the wooden sword in his hand, and the three Spirit Beast only felt a force passing by, and then on the mountain a thousand meters away, a clear sound and a sword mark appeared.

(End of this chapter)

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