
  Chapter 873 Women

Earth, Thousand Mountain Sect branch school, an array suddenly lights up rays of light, this made the Sect Master Liu of Thousand Mountain Sect stunned. He quickly stood up and flew over to the place where the teleportation array was located.

These sects all have transmission arrays, but only the people of this school can come here by transmitting the array. I don't know which one of this school is here, so they can't neglect it.

After Sect Master Liu arrived, the whole person was stunned, because he definitely didn't know the woman in front of him. Elder, who is not their sect, is not very old, but with this cold temperament and appearance, he is sure that this woman is definitely not easy to provoke.

"This Fellow Daoist, I don’t know what happened to our Thousand Mountain Sect branch school?" Sect Master Liu asked, the woman glanced at him lightly, and then took a token in her hand Threw it out.

Sect Master Liu hurriedly caught it. He took a closer look. It turned out to be the token of his Master. Is this woman a special identity?

"It turned out to be a friend of the teacher, but I don't know why the senior came?" He said, carefully looking at the woman, but she was stared at by the woman fiercely, which Sect Master Liu felt His body seemed to be frozen.

This is the coercion of the woman. He knows that the cultivation base of this woman must be higher than him! Sect Master Liu was frightened in a cold sweat, she seemed to be angry at her guess just now.

"Who I am and why I came here, you don't need to know, I have never been here, just remember it." The woman said, what else would Sect Master Liu dare to say, Can only bow his head respectfully.

"Yes, Junior understands." He was afraid of this woman now, so naturally he didn't dare to ask any more.

"hmph!" The woman was coldly snorted, and then flew away. She hadn't been here for many years! What's going on here, she doesn't know.

"This woman, you have seen it before." The woman said so, she used spiritual power in her hand to transform a woman's face, then Sect Master Liu hurriedly raised her head, looked at it for a while, and shook her head. have not seen.

"No, no." He felt that this woman had a problem with God, and she ran here without asking anything. She even asked him to recognize people, even if he knew him, he didn't dare to say. Ah, who knows if she will stop talking, not to mention that she really doesn't know her.

When the woman heard this, she was coldly snorted and turned and flew away. The Sect Master Liu who was left behind had a cold sweat on her face.

By the way, he has to quickly send a jade slip to his pro-Master and ask, where is this great aunt? It's so fierce, it scares me to death.

And the woman simply no matter what Sect Master Liu thinks, she followed the path she remembered to go to the original Cave Mansion. The closer she got, the more angry she was in her heart. That woman, really Bold, how dare to treat her like that.

I must find her this time, as long as I find it, let's see how she cleans her up!

Only this time, she doesn't have much time, she must find this woman as soon as possible! She didn't believe it anymore, with her own means, she couldn't find a little slut!

And, what she did here, she must not let Sect know, otherwise, she must not cause any trouble. She found someone quietly, and just took it away quietly. On this plane, there is still who is his opponent.

The woman thought of this, and suddenly the complexion changed, because she thought of a person who was really her opponent.

"Chi Xuan." The woman chewed the name in her mouth for a while, then let go of her thoughts and flew to the Cave Mansion.

She didn't know that Xiao Guoguo changed his face when she had an idea. What she saw was not what Xiao Guoguo really looked like. So what about finding someone to avenge? Just the face she remembered, how could it be impossible to find someone to avenge!

The woman entered the depths of the forest where the Secret Realm was in just one hour, and flew all the way, half the monster beast did not dare to make trouble.

The woman who flies on the road has never suppressed the coercion on her body. Everyone naturally feels her strength. Therefore, every cultivator a strategic withdrawal, this monster beast also kneels on the ground and dare not dare. move!

"Who is this, and why is it so powerful! Could it be that the Sect Master of which sect is here?" Some cultivators are very scared, but no one can answer his questions.

They are just ordinary sect disciples. They are just hunting a little Level 1 and Level 2 monster beasts on the periphery, not to mention those ordinary persons who are just a little tougher. In their eyes, the cultivator is actually The existence of unfathomable.

At this time, those interested dísciples hurriedly used jade slip to send messages back to their respective sects. They knew that their sect was very powerful, but it was surprising that such a powerhouse suddenly appeared and moved towards the depths of the monster beast forest.

Some high level dísciples understand in their hearts that they are powerhouses in this Level 3 plane, but in the eyes of the Level 2 dísciple, they are just a circle of poor creatures, and, simply There is no power to fight with others.

The coercion on the woman who flew over was so shocking that they almost knelt here. This is because she did not target them, but the coercion was naturally exposed, without the slightest pertinence. .

In this way, this woman's identity, this cultivation base, they must think deeply about it.

The woman didn't know how much trouble her coming had brought to the outside world, or that, even if she knew it, she didn't care!

In her eyes, the cultivator here is not worthy of being a subordinate to her, but she doesn't want to cause trouble, so Sect knows that she is here. Moreover, she didn't want Chi Xuan to misunderstand her.

The woman flew into the land of the Flame Lion. She has not been here for so many years, and the monster beast here has disappeared. Moreover, this cave full of Fire Spirit Power... how did it become like this? .

The silhouette of the woman was very fast. When she walked, she only left an afterimage. Not to mention that the mechanism in it was invalid, or it was not invalid, and it would certainly not be able to harm the woman.

She is standing in the cave now, looking at the scenery in front of her in a daze, but after thirty years of not coming back, her treasure cave turned out to be like this!

"Asshole! I'm going to kill you!" The woman's angry roar with attack power, the cave shook for a while, and the stones fell one after another, but the woman seemed to have a cover beside her , Did not hurt her at all.

And the woman's voice spread towards all directions. The monster beasts around here were the first batch of unlucky ones. They vomited blood one by one. Although they didn't die, the image was really miserable.

Those dísciples who were originally in the monster beast forest also retreated. Although they felt the pressure of the woman, they were not stupid. They were so frightened that they simply did not dare to stay where they were. , I just want to wait for the people of sect to find it.

(End of this chapter)

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