
  Chapter 857 Step by Step

"If you ask me to forgive you, you have to give me one I can spare you the reason!"

After Sect Leader Li said this, Elder Sun only felt sad in his heart. What reason could he have? These things he did, punished by sect's sect rules, are indeed unforgivable!

"Sect Master, I must correct my mistake! If you abolish me, it will be a moment of joy in your heart. It will do no good to sect at all. I am willing to commit my crimes!"

Elder When Sun said that, Sect Leader Li coldly smiled, this guy actually treated him as a child, and it seems that this person really doesn't understand himself.

"If you want to commit crimes and meritorious service, that's good, I give you this opportunity! As long as you satisfy me, I will save you from death!" Sect Leader Li said, and Elder Sun shivered. .

Does he want his own life? After all, he wants his life!

At this moment, Elder Sun realized that Sect Leader Li had already thought of the most severe punishment waiting for him! He is really over this time!

"Sect Master, talk counts!" Elder Sun seems to have caught a life-saving straw now, he can't do anything else, just want to save his life!

"Naturally count! You just have to tell who was here, and I will spare your life!" Sect Leader Li said, and Elder Sun's hand shook.

The ones here are all sect disciple, and some are even... Elder of sect, if they say everything, then he will naturally not be able to gain a foothold in sect in the future! What should I do!

Seeing the hesitation on Elder Sun's face, Sect Leader Li coldly smiled. Fiercely waved his sleeve and waved away Elder Sun's hand holding the sleeve.

"When you die, you are still plot against! Then you can go to the bottom to plot against." Sect Leader Li said, giving Third Elder a wink, and Third Elder immediately moved forward. One step, you have to do it as soon as you see it.

"Wait! Sect Master, I tell you, I will tell you now!"

As Elder Sun said, everyone only felt sad in their hearts. It's not that they didn't worry about such a situation, but to improve the cultivation base, they still took this path.

This is Secret Realm. This is the place where the Sect Grand Competition once in a hundred years can be opened. Every one of the dísciples entering here has a rapid increase in the cultivation base, and every one of them is soaring...How can such a temptation be blocked?

Previously, they only had envy and jealousy, but since this Elder Sun managed this place, things have changed. He is little by little, revealing the news, and gaining the trust of everyone little by little, so that those who want to enter here can get what they want.

After that, the business got bigger and bigger, and more and more people knew. They were introduced by acquaintances, or told by seniors in the family, and they came here to seek opportunities. .

Who would have thought that as long as you have a Spirit Stone, anyone can enter here!

They were originally ecstatic, but now, they only feel terrified and distressed! Only this time, Sect Master seemed to be thinking about thoroughly investigating it, but I don't know how many people will be implicated.

Everyone watched that Elder Sun took out a booklet from his storage bag, handed it to Third Elder, and watched Sect Leader Li reverently flipping through it.

"Sect Master, this is what I have recorded for so many years. This is the person who has entered Secret Realm these years."

Elder Sun said so, everyone dísciple face deathly pale, sure enough, no one can escape!

And Sect Leader Li's face is also very ugly. He thought that there might be many dísciples coming, but he did not expect that there would be so many!

At this moment, his heart is trembling. There are more than 300 people recorded here. Among the more than 300 people, there are still a few who have performed very well recently. !

This makes Sect Leader Li very disappointed. He originally thought that sect was thriving, but he did not think that so many dísciples let him down. Sect Leader Li even had the idea of ​​forgetting the past, because too many people were involved.

"Sect Master, we are wrong, Sect Master bypass us!"

Seeing the look of Sect Leader Li, the dísciple felt wrong, one or two hurriedly began to plead , They were very scared, afraid that Sect Leader Li was punished severely because of this anger.

They have been miserable enough, they can't make it worse!

And Sect Leader Li's wobbly heart suddenly became firm. They are still inside because of Xiao Guoguo. There must be a change of stable talents here.

They are far away from sect here, it’s too slow to go back and forth, beyond the reach of the whip, he can’t take risks, this Elder Sun must deal with it as soon as possible.

The look in Sect Leader Li's eyes made Elder Sun's heart chill. Sure enough, at the next moment, Sect Leader Li suddenly made a move and suddenly lifted the Elder Sun.

Elder Sun only felt that his neck was pinched and couldn't breathe. Then he saw Sect Leader Li's eyes, which were full of murderous intention.

However, Sect Leader Li did not kill Elder Sun at all, just abolished his cultivation base, broke his meridian, and finally returned to sect with it, and started a series of searches And liquidation.

In the action at this time, Sect Leader Li shot very quickly and accurately. Simply did not leave any opportunity for the opponent to breathe. Whether it is a common disciple of other families or no family, Sect Leader Li is all against Sect Leader Li. A heart of fear arises, of course this is something later.


After Xiao Guoguo and the others entered Secret Realm, the disciplines fell asleep, and Xiao Guoguo did not have any adverse reactions, and the absorption of spiritual power The speed is much faster than the others.

Xiao Guoguo cultivation is "Quan Ling Jing", this is a highly competitive cultivation technique. Many spiritual powers around here have moved towards her, that is, the Qingyun Daoist and Master Li Dan was also surprised.

It shouldn't be like this. If the spiritual power here is not so strong, they might not be able to sense it. These spiritual powers seemed to be very happy, and they rushed towards Xiao Guoguo.

No wonder, no wonder this woman is so powerful, this can make spiritual power so friendly, this is not a simple person, it seems that there will be Great Destiny in the future!

This is the idea of ​​Li Dan Master. He is a Pill Refinement Master and believes in this theory of luck. He can see that Xiao Guoguo is peaceful around her, so this group of dísciples like to go around her.

Such a person is best to be good friends, don't offend it!

Master Li Dan thought in his heart, looking at Elder Feng, who happened to also look at Elder Feng, but he hung his head quickly. That way, it has several points of scruples Master Li Dan.

After all, Li Dan Master and Qingyun daoist have the highest cultivation base here, and Qingyun daoist aside, why did the Li Dan Master follow?

Elder Feng likes cultivation medicine pill and respects Pill Refinement Master. However, because of the high status of Li Dan Master, and after the last conversation, he vaguely treated him like a dísciple, let He was very upset.

(End of this chapter)

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