
  Chapter 834 Spirit Beast Protector?

Great Elder looked at the bowls of meat in the hands of Young Master Pan, his expression speechless.

Can't you think about his mood as a Sect Great Elder?

He is still here! Still gasping! How can this be? This is Transcending Tribulation, it's not coming out to play!

"Your cooking skills are good." Wenwen said, looking at Young Master Pan.

"What am I, compared to Chi... that, far worse than a serious cook!" Young Master Pan said so, with an open face.

Everyone: "..." Don't really think of yourself as a cook!

"Boss, cheer up, Transcending Tribulation is over, I'll make it delicious for you!" After Young Master Pan finished speaking, with his eyes rolled, the water spiritual power was released, and it instantly became a table ice sculpture , The kind with patterns, put three bowls of meat on it.

"Boss, look, it's ready-made, I'll put it here to refresh you!" After Young Master Pan finished speaking, he arranged the three big bowls in a straight line.

Everyone: "..." This dísciple with a faulty brain, just bring it out, is it really okay?

"get lost!" Xiao Guoguo let out a roar, if an increase burner is placed on this, it would be a good time to worship, right?

At this time, the thirty-fifth thunder and lightning fell at a speed that was too fast to cover one's ears whilst stealing a bell!

Xiao Guoguo still doesn't dare to use spells, this thunder and lightning is one less one! If this time did not crush the inner core, where would she go crying!

So, I would rather suffer a little bit by myself than let the inner core be wronged! With such thoughts, Xiao Guoguo greeted the tribulation thunder calmly, but never thought that a green silhouette suddenly jumped in front of her, floating in the air.

Xiao Guoguo: "..." Don't rub my old lady's tribulation thunder with the ability!

A big green egg was the first to block most of the tribulation thunder, and only a small part of it was absorbed by Xiao Guoguo, but fortunately, the last part of the inner core was finally completely broken Up.

The two spiritual power hairballs are evenly matched. One hairball absorbs part of the colored cloud and fog, and finally forms the Nascent Soul.

It's just that these two Nascent Souls are really a bit smaller than other Nascent Souls. Of course, they can't be blamed for this, the main reason is that they didn't grab a small hairy ball in front.

Xiao Guoguo looked at his inside of Dantian and all seven Nascent Souls appeared. They were dressed in clothes of different colors, but they looked exactly the same. This really means that it has several points of.

However, in comparison, several Nascent Souls are really big and small. However, no matter how big or small, Xiao Guoguo is very satisfied. Looking at the seven Nascent Souls hidden behind the leaves, with their eyes closed and contemplative, they are really so cute!

"My mother wants to eat meat!" Red's Nascent Soul said so.

"Rice noodle meat!" Yellow's Nascent Soul answered.

"Red Braised Pork!" said the green Nascent Soul.

"I think sweet and sour fish is also good." The little white Nascent Soul said so, causing the rest to look at it.

"The big fist has the final say!" red Nascent Soul shook his fist.

"Yes!" Purple's Nascent Soul also shook his fist.

Xiao Guoguo: "..." What kind of Nascent Soul is this! This is a robber! Still a group of foodie robbers!

Xiao Guoguo gave his seven Nascent Souls Lei's outside and inside are tender!

What kind of Nascent Soul is this? If such a Nascent Soul is seen by people, she will basically confess her name in her entire life!

"Shut up to my old lady, you have to be able to come out if you want to eat!" Xiao Guoguo said, the seven Nascent Souls fell silent, and then silently glanced at each other with a decadent expression on their faces.

It really is, I can only think about it, nothing serious, they really can’t be eaten!

Xiao Guoguo looked at Young Master Pan and became even more angry. If it weren't for this product, his Nascent Souls would not be so fierce.

And that green Spirit Beast egg is also unreliable, this guy has shamelessly finished rubbing the tribulation thunder and still does not leave, what is turning on her head!

Everyone saw that Xiao Guoguo's head was a huge green egg. This guy didn't know what it was for, hovering constantly on Xiao Guoguo's head, as if he was protecting her ?

"Is this Spirit Beast egg so human? I knew the protector when I was Transcending Tribulation?" Someone asked puzzledly, looking at Chi Xuan.

Chi Xuan: "..." Don't ask any questions and look at him, he is not a Spirit Beast egg!

"I think this is the case. According to the truth, this Spirit Beast egg should be the one who is most afraid of tribulation thunder. This one is loyal and protects the owner by himself. This is really rare!" Sect Leader Li With that said, it's no wonder Xiao Guoguo took out the Spirit Beast egg from the beginning!

When everyone heard what Sect Leader Li said, they naturally followed suit. They all said good things and said Xiao Guoguo's good blessings. Spirit Beast eggs knew they would come out to help!

Thinking about it this way, the Spirit Beast Snow Wolf from Xiao Guoguo is really unreasonable, how can he not come out to help carry Thunder Tribulation!

However, there are also smart people who understand that the Spirit Beast egg in front of them must be different from what they saw. Otherwise, why did the Spirit Beast egg survive the tribulation thunder even though it is still safe!

This is not in line with common sense! What level of Spirit Beast can dare to help carry the tribulation thunder, that is what a particularly powerful Spirit Beast can do!

Therefore, they always think this green Spirit Beast egg is not simple, but because they can't see the category, they are not easy to speak casually.

At this time, Xiao Guoguo could feel that the Spirit Beast Divine Soul within Sea of ​​Consciousness seemed to be absorbing thunder and lightning, and he didn't say a word. No matter what he said, let it Removed from the top of the head, it ignored it.

Xiao Guoguo has no choice but to let it go. After all, this little fellow is also helping her Transcending Tribulation.

And in this state, Xiao Guoguo hurriedly ate medicine pill to restore his strength, and at the same time mobilized the spiritual power in the body, let alone this last one, you can deal with it properly. !

The last Dao Tribulation thunder was the most powerful, and it fell sharply. Young Master Pan and the others closed their eyes.

This last Dao Tribulation thunder is really amazing! The whole sky that is shining is bright and dazzling! This kind of tribulation thunder, they all find it incredible.

Xiao Guoguo's last Dao Tribulation Lei Ben wanted to use spells and magic weapons to carry it down. However, there is a Spirit Beast egg. This spell is not easy to use, so I can only resist!

But fortunately, this Spirit Pet egg finally exerted its strength, and the last Dao Tribulation thunder fell, and most of it was absorbed by it.

When everyone saw this Spirit Pet egg, they all thought it was incredible. This thing is still carrying Thunder Tribulation, which is incredible!

If this Spirit Pet egg can really carry Thunder Tribulation, it is really great news for the cultivator.

However, they knew very well that this was impossible.

Most Spirit Pet eggs are broken after a single drop, not to mention, they are resistant to tribulation thunder!

And at this time, the huge green Spirit Pet egg began to spin violently, as if to prove that it was still alive.

(End of this chapter)

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