
  Chapter 832 A Nascent Soul

If you ask Xiao Guoguo why he actively attacked the tribulation thunder?

She will definitely answer, just to make the inner core broken!

Then why do you still have silver cream in your hand?

She will definitely answer, in order to conduct electricity, I am afraid that the tribulation thunder will be crooked!

But... if this reason is said, who would believe it!

At this moment, Xiao Guoguo was flying in midair...He was very handsome and was hit by the tribulation thunder, and then, with a click, he fell to the ground.

Everyone: "..." What exactly is this going to do!

Xiao Guoguo sat down cross-legged, as if the handsome person who fell from the air just now was not hers! And this time, the thunder and lightning is even more severe, constantly impacting the meridian and inner core in Xiao Guoguo's body, without wasting at all.

And Xiao Guoguo's inner core is finally missing one piece!

There is really one missing piece. Her inner core is all broken, but her inner core is missing one piece. Although it was only a small piece, Xiao Guoguo saw hope in the end.

This small piece of inner core energy is scattered inside of Dantian, exuding colorful luster, like clouds, very beautiful.

Then, she saw that the little hairball in her body was crazy, moved towards that Yunxia flew over.

Seriously, at this moment, Xiao Guoguo was completely confused. What's the situation? Why are these little spiritual power balls flying so crazy towards Yunxia!

Is the smell of the broken clouds of the inner core very good?

I have to say, you can’t understand the thinking of foodie.

Because in Xiao Guoguo's eyes, these little fur balls seem to have heard a whistle at the start of a meal, and they rushed over to grab the food one by one.

Even the little purple thunder and lightning fluffy ball, which was originally lying down, weak and unwilling to turn over, seemed to be fully charged in an instant, and it flew up and rushed over at the same time.

Looking at the appearance of the thunderbolt ball, Xiao Guoguo thought of a word, deeply hidden!

This guy will confuse his opponent. Didn’t you just lie down just now, but lurking, conserve strength and store up energy?

This idea came out, and I saw that purple thunder and lightning hairball made a big move. The thunder and lightning squeezed into the pile of fur balls, and the remaining six fur balls, whether large or small, were all hit. For a moment, they couldn't move and became fluffy!

Xiao Guoguo: "..." This will also use strategy!

Xiao Guoguo hasn't seen what's going on yet, purple's little hairy ball has rushed into the colorful clouds and mist, and then it turned quickly.

Those colorful clouds seemed to be swallowed by a big mouth, wrapping the little purple hairballs, and then...slowly turning into a purple ball!

Xiao Guoguo was stunned for a moment, not understanding why the cloud suddenly changed color. And what is the purpose of this wave of operations of this group of small hair balls!

Those unsuccessful little hairballs seem to be very depressed. One by one, they started to roll on the leaves, rolling around, as if they didn't want the sugar to make trouble with the unreasonable child.

And the purple hair ball finally stopped. Xiao Guoguo watched the purple hair ball shape constantly changing, and his facial features gradually became clear. In the end, a reduced version of himself appeared inside of Dantian.

Xiao Guoguo: "..." What is this!

Yes, Nascent Soul appeared after the inner core was broken! This inner core is only broken so little, and Nascent Soul appears directly. There is a problem with this process!

When I think of the inner core with a big fist, I finally broke a small piece and became Nascent Soul. Xiao Guoguo has an urge to cry.

And this Nascent Soul is still a reduced version, the Q version! With a big head, a small body, and a purple shirt, Shuiling's big eyes blinked and flew back to the spiritual power tree.

It walked around in front of the other fur balls with a victor's posture.

Xiao Guoguo: "..." This is scream! Purely shattered!

A few little fur balls lost their interest, one by one lying on the leaves, motionless!

Xiao Guoguo gritted his teeth, this is the Nascent Soul that the little furballs were vying for just now! Could it be that Purple's little furball won in the end!

Xiao Guoguo, take a look at the inner core with the big fist left, no! This cannot be given up now. If the remaining inner cores are all broken, is it possible that there will be other Nascent Souls?

Although, I have never heard of the two Nascent Souls. However, her colorful inner core is also the only one!

It is precisely because of this that Xiao Guoguo immediately became energetic, opened his eyes abruptly, looked into the sky, thinking about when the next Dao Tribulation thunder will fall.

When everyone looked at Xiao Guoguo's extremely anxious look, they felt sore in their hearts. Their Transcending Tribulation is the same as the terrible one, how come the more they are struck by lightning, the more energetic they are! This is not right!

At this moment, everyone in the great hall is also surprised, this Xiao Guoguo is too special. This ability to carry the tribulation thunder is too strong, and this mentality is also strong enough, look at the way that looks up at the sky, as if waiting for the tribulation thunder to fall.

Sure enough, when the tribulation thunder was condensing, Xiao Guoguo had already flown to in midair, holding silver cream in his hand, looking like he was ready to go.

Everyone: "..." I really want Thunder Tribulation to be fiercely more powerful! This kind of thought is all in my mind.

"As expected to be my boss, I don't take the usual path!" Young Master Pan said so, Wenwen glanced at him and was very dissatisfied, because this guy robbed her of her lines.

"Is this really okay?" Great Elder feels that today can be regarded as a long experience, and there is really such a Transcending Tribulation cultivator.

Wenwen is silent. She thinks Xiao Guoguo must have done this for a reason, although she does not know what the reason is now.

But, it’s not important, even if it’s for a handsome posture when struck by lightning, she supports the decision made by the boss.

Everyone watched Xiao Guoguo being knocked down by the tribulation thunder. The landing posture is still quite handsome. I directly sit cross-legged and move in one go. It seems that I have absorbed the lesson of landing on my back.

And Xiao Guoguo did this purely to save time. After it stabilized, the inner core was surrounded by lightning in his body.

Xiao Guoguo blocked the spiritual power from going to the rescue, and directly caused lightning to hit the inner core. There were more and more cracks on the inner core, but no inner core fell again.

Xiao Guoguo understands that in today's situation, it is useless to be anxious. It is all because the inner core was too big. Now I can only absorb as much tribulation thunder as possible, so that the inner core will be broken more, and only seek to eventually break it all!

Therefore, one after another tribulation thunder fell, and Xiao Guoguo flew into the air to absorb the tribulation. Thunder, let the cracks on your inner core become more and more, while guiding the tribulation thunder to temper your body, let the blood, skeleton, and meridian all experience the baptism of tribulation thunder.

(End of this chapter)

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