
  Chapter 825 Competition (One more)

Sect Leader Li smiles helplessly, this Elder, really He is a stubborn one. It seems that he can't collect this discipline. He can't take away other people's discipline.

But he is not in a hurry, can this Elder live for hundreds of years?

This is called the leftover is king? Because he killed the opponent... so he won.

The minds of everyone turned away from the water curtain again, and they discussed other things enthusiastically. For them, even if aptitude is good and smart, Xiao Guoguo is just a promising dísciple, after all, it hasn't grown up yet.

At this time, only Du Fei'er's entire mind is still on the curtain of water. Because she hated it so badly, she didn't understand how Xiao Guoguo could have such a good luck! Faintly, she turned out to be sect's new pride.

No, she must ruin her! Otherwise, she doesn't know what is the meaning of all this she has done!

Du Fei'er look at the Cangge daoist in front of him, laughed, it's time to use him. She has worked hard on this person!

It's just people chatting, and this topic will always come back to the little Spirit Pill. This medicine pill is really important to them.

Although the cultivator has a lot of time, the few present, including Sect Leader Li, are actually thinking about getting a little bit more, and they all want to say something to Cui Sect Master in private to calm their minds. .

But this Cui Sect Master doesn't mean to leave for a private chat. He seems to be very interested in the discipline competition.

Everyone began to consciously look at Chi Xuan, thinking that Chi Xuan is probably waiting for his branch school dísciple. But if this person does not leave, Cui Sect Master is afraid that he won't move.

A group of people can only accompany and continue to chat.

Fortunately, there are always gossips of this or that kind in the cultivation world. They never talk about the annoying things of others. By the way, the atmosphere was active and relaxed.

Another day has passed, and at this time, the earth spirit in Xiao Guoguo's hand is only a half. Wenwen looked at Xiao Guoguo's breakthrough again, and the breath on his body had reached ten two layers, and he understood that Xiao Guoguo seemed to really want to be here for Transcending Tribulation.

Wenwen looked around and quickly began to assume the role of commander.

"Little Fatty, you go to the east, with the surname Pan, you go to the west, and take back the Earth Spirit Stone in both directions." Wenwen said, Fatty Bai and Young Master Pan Frozen for a moment.

"Why should I listen to you!" Young Master Pan was upset, always feeling that this woman's brain was not normal.

"Because you can't beat me." Wenwen sneaked, saying this very calmly. Young Master Pan was stunned for a while, and he had never seen such an arrogant one.

"Great Elder, she bullied us sect disciple!"

Young Master Pan complained as soon as he turned his face, because he knew that his cultivation base could not beat this woman, but Great Elder The cultivation base is high!

"Hey, go and bring Spirit Stone back, I can't beat her." Great Elder replied sincerely, and Young Master Pan almost vomited blood to him.

In the end, helpless, the fist is not as big as others, Young Master Pan can only ask for everything and go to Spirit Stone. Moreover, the woman threatened him, if one piece was missing, she would punch him. It's all who!

Wei Feng and Wangcai are responsible for the other two directions. In literary terms, girl shouldn’t do these rough jobs, so Wei Ling would be good to stay with her... Because Wei Feng heard this, she was really worried that her younger sister would accompany such a person to force Wei Ling. Ling took it away.

Wenwen is speechless, she obviously has no other meaning.

The concept of Wenwen is the same as Xiao Guoguo. Since Transcending Tribulation is required, these Spirit Stones cannot be wasted, whether it is low grade, middle grade, or high grade. It's money!

So, taking advantage of the Thunder Tribulation has not yet come down, this time we should take back all the Spirit Stones. It's like getting food in demand before it rains, speed is the key.

"Little Fatty, be lazy, the drumsticks will be confiscated for you!"

Wenwen shouted without looking back, and saw that it was far, far, far away Fatty Bai Senior Brother Yun outside was surprised, No way, she could see it so far!

Great Elder looked at Fatty Bai with sympathy on his face, and suddenly thought, if this girl followed to the Dongcheng branch, the future of these dísciples would be difficult!

With Wenwen's supervisor, the speed of collecting Spirit Stones is much faster, but within two hours, all the Spirit Stones in the periphery have been collected.

"It's all here. But, what I want to say is clear, this is our boss... Hey, don't grab it!" Young Master Pan was about to say a few strong imposing manners, He saw Wenwen grabbing his storage bag firmly.

Then... whoosh sound, the storage bag is broken!

Broken! That's a storage bag, it's so broken! A pile of ingredients fell out of it!

Everyone: "..." Well said Earth Spirit Stone! This Little Panpan is really giving up his life and not giving up money!

"Where is Spirit Stone?" Wenwen has a black face, this guy didn't expect, and has a dim eyes!

"If I don't give it to you, why should I give it to you! That's my boss! I want Spirit Stone to not have it, it's dying!" Young Master Pan said decisively, Wei Feng helplessly covering his face, this Second goods!

When did they lose the Spirit Stone? Now the situation is not as good as others, they have to give in! What is Yin Ren, don’t you understand?

"Oh, your life has been exchanged for so many Spirit Stones, do you consider yourself so valuable?" Wenwen said, holding the Young Master Pan's shoulder with only one hand, and he gave a mention Up.

"Ahhh! Look at the hooligan!" Young Master Pan finished shouting, and the whole scene was quiet.

The text that I wanted to search is also stiff. He feels like this, is that okay?

Then in the next moment, Wenwen only scratched gently, and Young Master Pan felt a sudden cold, and his coat was shattered!

Young Master Pan looks at the familiar fabric in Wenwen's hands, the whole person is not good!

She won't be real! His pants!

"Don't move, I'll give it to you! Give it to you!" Young Master Pan is really scared. Those who wear shoes are afraid of barefoot, and those who wear clothes are afraid of shameless!

Young Master Pan was planted this time. He dangled the storage bag for a long time before handing it out. After suffering from heartache, he found himself a piece of clothing to put on. During the whole process, the scene was very quiet.

With the lesson learned from Young Master Pan, Fatty Bai resolutely handed in the storage bag, and suddenly he didn't want to marry a wife.

Wenwen took a look at the Spirit Stones in a few storage bags and found that they were not wrong, so he tied all four storage bags together and hung them around Wangcai’s neck.


Everyone: "..." What are you doing?

Wangcai: "..." The idea of ​​hanging on his neck is not very good!

"You take it, turn your head and give it to your master." Wenwen said with a smile, nodded stiff Wangcai.

It doesn't want to talk now, it wants to be quiet. Is this the owner's friend? This is clearly a bandit!

Young Master Pan was even more dumbfounded. He felt that his resistance just now seemed to be meaningless, and now there is no possibility of even giving credit to the boss.

He really wants to cry, where did this woman come out? How can she be so cruel! Why didn't it make sense in the beginning!

(End of this chapter)

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