
  Chapter 2849 Preparation

But they did not expect that all of this would be seen by Demon Venerable, because they could see So I feel distressed. He doesn't want to delay the children anymore.

"Father, in fact, we don't want to Transcending Tribulation so early. You also know that suppressing the cultivation base is not at the worst thing. I have seen many people suppress the cultivation base for so many years, and there is no problem. "

When Xiao Guoguo said this, Demon Venerable gently patted his head, and then said with a smile: "But you two are different. You two is my pride. How can I bear You are aggrieved by this.

I know that you do not have no confidence in your Transcending Tribulation, nor do you have no confidence in the questioning state of mind, you want to accompany me completely.

But you are Do your best to suppress the cultivation base for ten years at most. After ten years, your cultivation base will no longer be able to suppress it. When the time comes or Transcending Tribulation, you also have to Transcending Tribulation.

No Necessary, I believe you will be able to succeed. Wouldn’t it be better to come back and accompany me when you are successful?"

Demon Venerable’s words are very reasonable, but Xiao Guoguo still feels that his nose is slightly sour, no matter what Until then, the person who is most tolerant of you will always be your relative.

"Father, are you really ready?" When Xiao Guoguo asked, Demon Venerable smiled: "Is it your Transcending Tribulation or I Transcending Tribulation? Don't give me a trick, hurry up Transcending Tribulation."

Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan nodded, they agreed. Then Transcending Tribulation, it has been done, fully prepared, they have confidence in themselves.

For Transcending Tribulation, several people found a plane, which is not too close to the Earth Demon clan, but there is no other life around. This can be considered a suitable plane.

The reason for this choice is really because this Transcending Tribulation will be very dynamic. The whole plane disappeared in half during the last Demon Venerable Transcending Tribulation. So they are also experienced people, and they don’t want anyone to be involved, so they have to choose this kind of peripheral, there is no lifeform.

Before Transcending Tribulation, Xiao Guoguo still had one important thing to do. She and Chi Xuan sent messages to their friends and told them the location, and then they talked to Spirit Beast.

Xiao Guoguo has more Spirit Beasts, so there are more things to talk about. She really can't worry about them. But even if they were uneasy, they couldn't take them away this time, because they were going to ask the state of mind impossible to take Spirit Beast in.

"Master, how long are you going to go?" This is a fatty question. It doesn't care whether it can enter the rule world. It has no interest in it. The only thing it cares about is Xiao Guoguo and Chi. How long will Xuan be away?

"I don't know, it depends on when the time comes. Maybe a few hundred years, maybe...I think a thousand years will be the same."

Xiao Guoguo Said, Spirit Beasts are all downcast, and they don't want to be separated from Xiao Guoguo for so long.

Xiao Guoguo saw this scene, and couldn’t help but said with a smile: "Don’t be so reluctant to bear with me. This is your rare free time. I don’t look at you. I just want to do something. Do something, isn’t that great?"

Spirit Beast: "..." Should I answer well or not?

"Mo Yu, these guys are handed over to you." Xiao Guoguo said, and Fatty's excitement disappeared.

"Master, don't worry, I will take good care of them, and I will restrain them." Mo Yu said that, Xiao Guoguo felt relieved a lot.

These guys are better than one, and they are not by their side. These guys still don't know what to do. Although Zhao Ting and father were watching, but if these guys really got into trouble, she would be impossible not to punish them.

In order to prevent your Spirit Beast from being punished, let Mo Yu watch it well.

"You must cultivation, if I don't come back, you can also find it. Otherwise, if I am in danger and there is no hope outside, wouldn't it be very pitiful."

Xiao Guoguo said that, the spirit beasts looked at her, are they serious?

They have a high cultivation base now, and they can walk unhindered even in this world, but they are still a bit worse in the rule world. They have a very clear understanding of this.

"Master, you should try not to put yourself in danger. It has been too long for us to go to the rule world."

Wangcai said so, Xiao Guoguo was helpless Looking at this honest guy, I still feel uneasy.

But in addition to his Spirit Beast, this time there is also Chi Xuan's Xiaoqi. That guy has now been promoted to the eight tails, and it is very difficult to deal with.

Of course, besides being great, this guy is also very cunning. With such a shrewd guy, she can rest assured.

"If you look back and don't want to go to the Seven Palaces, then find a plane cultivation." Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan finally made this decision, and the Spirit Beast had no opinion at all.

When Zhao Ting and the others arrived, Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan bid farewell to them one after another, which was considered sufficient preparation.

And Zhao Ting and the others are not watching their Transcending Tribulation in this plane, they are in the plane next door, after all, this Transcending Tribulation is too powerful, they dare not stay in the same plane. .

"Can they really do Transcending Tribulation together?" Sun Qianqian couldn't help saying so.

"Since they have made such a decision, there should be no problem. Although I have never seen someone transcending tribulation together, I am willing to believe them."

Zhao Ting said so , But she still held Sun Qianqian's hand tightly. To be honest, this is indeed a bit too headstrong.

Together Transcending Tribulation, and this kind of Thunder Tribulation, can it really succeed?

Although he said so, he is really worried. He knows that Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan are willing to go with each other, but why take the risk?

Lin Lang closed his mouth tightly and did not speak. Next to him was Demon Venerable. He was afraid that Demon Venerable would slap him as soon as he spoke.

He feels that he can understand Demon Venerable's mood at the moment, but his child, this kind of uneasy child wants to beat him. But what to do, they want Transcending Tribulation, simply can't stop it, probably can't stop it.

And beside Demon Venerable stood his two disciplines. They knew that Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan were going to Transcending Tribulation, and they felt very excited.

That's the Thunder Tribulation that asks the state of mind. Even if it's just looking at it, even if they can't realize anything, it's a very rare experience.

How many people can enter the state of mind in this world? It is simply a lifetime honor to see this time.

And after hearing that Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan were going to Transcending Tribulation together, the two of them felt weird. Can this really work?

They dare not look at Demon Venerable's face, they think it is too dangerous anyway.

And Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan, they watched the thunderclouds gather in the sky, this is the most powerful Thunder Tribulation in their lives.

But they are not afraid, it is because they believe in each other, they have the ability to Transcending Tribulation together.

Why not separate? Because they don't want to, they would rather be more adventurous than separate.

(End of this chapter)

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