
  Chapter 2842 Little Disciple

Everyone doesn’t understand it. Don’t you choose the best one? Then why not take first place, why choose a loser?

It was precisely because they did not understand that everyone did not cheer for a while, but stared at Demon Venerable. They thought that maybe the Demon Lord would give them an explanation.

But it's only possible that the Demon Lord just didn't explain to them what they didn't dare to do. After all, this is the Demon Lord who accepts the discipline himself, and he naturally chooses what he likes when he accepts the discipline.

"Are you curious, why did I choose Heisha to become my discipline?" Demon Venerable asked, but no one dared to agree, although they were really curious.

But Demon Venerable said it himself, he didn’t even think there was anything he couldn’t ask or say. He pointed to Heisha and said, “I want a discipline, it doesn’t need to be great, it doesn’t need to be How aptitude is, how high is the cultivation base, because after becoming my discipline, these will be available.

But one thing is very important, and I have been looking for it, so that is Owen’s discipline. Shannian, at least willing to extend a hand in the face of life and death crisis."

After Demon Venerable said this, everyone understood why this black sand was selected because he had Demon. Venerable said this quality.

In fact, if it is other times, if it is not in such a test, then it is likely that they will help.

But at that time, in the face of such a test, how could they help their enemies? So he didn't feel that he was doing something wrong, it was just that he didn't do it right.

Everyone understands the reason, they are why cannot be chosen, this is already very good, at least this reason makes them feel that it is not so embarrassing.

"Congratulations to the Demon Lord!" The Elders took the lead and said, Demon Venerable is very happy, and finally there are people who understand him.

Elders naturally understand that if this discipline can't satisfy Demon Venerable, then change to another one. What a big deal.

But if the Demon Lord likes it, he still chooses the dísciple, then he will gain a lot in the future. This is only good for them, but there is no harm at all.

At this moment, the Earth Demon clan became happy. Their Demon Lord had a good vision and thought deeply. As the subordinates of the Demon Lord, they naturally had to obey the Demon Lord's meaning.

So Heisha became the chosen one. He felt that he was simply too lucky. This was incredible.

"But there are still family members who need to say goodbye?" Demon Venerable asked, with a gentle expression on his new discipline at the moment.

"Many thanks Master for being considerate, but the disciple had already bid farewell to his family when he came out. Now they know that I was selected, they will be very happy. No need, they saw it."

Heisha said so, Demon Venerable nodded, and then left with the discipline.

Xiao Guoguo looked at the Earth Demon clan who was still excited in the distance, and looked at the black sand that followed the father with an excited expression. This was like having a throne to inherit.

But thinking about it this way, it seems that this is really the case. This is the throne of the Earth Demon clan.

Heisha's parents stopped crying in clansman's consolation at this moment. In fact, they cried with joy. They really have an excellent son.

"Let's go, we're going back, from now on we have to work harder, not to shame Heisha." Patriarch was even more excited, saying that he was about to take people back.

He can't wait to go back, tell clansman the good news, and tell the tribes who are at odds with them, let them envy, make them jealous, let them don't dare provoke themselves.

In fact, Demon Venerable didn't expect in such a scene. He didn't expect to collect a discipline by himself, which would have such a big impact on the tribes below. He is now thinking about which vow is better, so that the little discipline can also be honest.

At this moment, Heisha still doesn't know what situation he will face in the future. Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan standing beside him staring at Heisha, this guy is very strong.

Zhao Lu also stared at Heisha. From now on, this will be her Junior Brother. Thinking about it like this... I feel very lucky. Fortunately, Master accepted her early, otherwise he will call this now. Guy Senior Brother.

After thinking about it this way, Zhao Lu felt very lucky, and gave Heisha a gentle look. Heisha didn't expect that Zhao Lu would look at herself this way and give him a kindly grateful smile.

Zhao Lu: "..." Hehe, you will know later.

Heisha felt dizzy. He looked at Demon Venerable and the people beside him, and then knelt on the ground very sincerely and said: "dísciple Heisha salutes the Master."

Hei Sha salutes like this, Demon Venerable didn't refuse, he didn't plan to do any apprenticeship, it was as simple as that.

Seeing Heisha's salute, Demon Venerable directly took out a magic weapon, and then said seriously: "This is a meeting gift for you."

Heisha didn't Expect Master is so good, he directly gave such a high level meeting ceremony. So he was a little excited, and his fingers trembled.

"Thank you Master!" Hei Sha said that he took the magic weapon with excitement, and Demon Venerable smiled with satisfaction.

However, Xiao Guoguo, who knew the truth, almost laughed. This magic weapon was not prepared by father, but given by Elder.

Of course, this is not because father is stingy, but because father does not have the right magic weapon in his hands.

They are Human Race, even the magic weapon used by the demonic cultivator is the magic weapon of Human Race. This Earth Demon clan silhouette is tall, and the magic weapon used by nature cannot be refined by humans.

Elder was afraid that Demon Venerable would not think of it, so he prepared in advance, anyway, there are a lot of treasures, just choose a good one.

So even though they are all disciplines, Zhao Lu’s magic weapon was personally prepared by Demon Venerable, and when it came to Heisha, it was chosen from the treasure house.

Of course, Zhao Lu and Heisha don't know about this. They have Master omnipotent in their hearts, refining magic weapons, that's definitely fine.

"This is your Senior Brother Zhao Lu. I'm afraid that the Master won't accept their dísciple anymore, so you two must support each other in the future and don't shame the Master's reputation."

Demon Venerable said so, both Zhao Lu and Heisha looked cautious. At the same time they also realized that the same sect senior and junior brothers are even closer to each other than the biological brothers.

"Heisha has seen Senior Brother!" Heisha said with respect to Zhao Lu.

"You are welcome, from now on we will be senior and junior brothers, we are all a family." Zhao Lu behaved very grandly, a little bit as Senior Brother.

"Since I entered my door and became my dísciple, there is one thing I have to treat equally."

Demon Venerable said so, Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan looked at Each other, they know that Demon Venerable is also worried about this Earth Demon clan dísciple.

Seriously, if he talks about the degree of worry, he should be even more worried about the Earth Demon clan.

"Master, please say!" Heisha was very cooperative. He looked at Demon Venerable with admiration in his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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