
  Chapter 2836 is organized.

In fact, if you don’t want too much conflict, let the Sun Family brother handle it. , They are familiar with each other, and the relationship is also close.

But just because they have a good relationship, this thing is precisely why the Sun Family brother cannot do it. The reason is simple, because it is not good for the future of the Seven Palaces.

They not only want to solve the immediate problems, they also want to avoid future problems. They cannot ignore the future in order to gather these forces.

So this is why Zhao Ting can't let the Sun Family control the entire Seven Palaces. Because according to Zhao Ting's understanding of them, these two people are likely to be selfish in the future, and once they have selfishness, they may become another Wang Chen in the future.

So this power cannot be in the hands of Sun Family, but in the hands of Zhao Ting and Sun Qianqian.

In comparison, Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan naturally trust their partners who have lived and died with them.

This is why they also hope that Zhao Ting and Sun Qianqian can become the real powers of the Seven Palaces.

"Acknowledge allegiance, or die!" Zhao Ting asked, with solemn killing aura in his tone.

Sun Qianqian looked at Zhao Ting like this, and didn't mean to stop her.

Now at this time, whoever is stronger and stronger, then it is more important to take the initiative.

So if they give in at this time, if they show weakness at this time, then everything will be different.

So Zhao Ting's choice is correct, Sun Qianqian fully supports it.

And Sun Qianqian felt that what they needed was someone who could change, not someone who was stubbornly loyal to Wang Chen.

Therefore, the attitude of these people is very important. If they still refuse to look back in the face of the threat of death, then such people will also be the first to be abandoned.

Among the thousands of people, how many people are loyal and refuse to turn back? This is the time for them to test.

"No, we would rather die than succumb!" A man said so, they were obviously going to resist to the end.

Zhao Ting slapped it directly, and the huge spiritual power made the opponent almost instantly killed. And this slap shocked everyone at once.

They really understand now that these people are really going to kill them.

"Now I ask again, acknowledge allegiance, or die!" When Zhao Ting asked again, many people were already honest.

Because they knew in their hearts that they might have lost their lives, is it really necessary to resist at this time?

Of course, there are still many people who persist in your own wrong doings. Many of them still swear allegiance to Wang Chen, so they fought back desperately.

Zhao Ting and the others will be countered. Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan are not surprised, but even so, Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan just watched and they did not help.

In the future, Zhao Ting will take over these people, and now is the time to let them stand up. And these people are simply not Zhao Ting and Sun Qianqian opponents, they don't need help.

In just a quarter of an hour, Heaven and Earth turning upside down appeared in the entire Seven Palaces.

More than five hundred people have fallen, because they are unwilling to surrender even if they die. It is useless for these people to stay, it will only pose a threat to them.

Of course, their death also shocked other disciplines who wanted to make trouble, and the Seven Palaces finally fell silent.

The Sun Family brother saw this scene with their own eyes, but they didn't say anything. They knew that Zhao Ting was also using this fact to warn them, don't think about playing tricks, because they are not afraid.

And they really know how to do it, and they will never show mercy.

"I accept the remaining 400 people. In addition, 80% of the dísciple here belongs to me, and the remaining 20% ​​belongs to you. But you can choose first."

Zhao Ting's condition is really good for them. Although they only got 20% of the power this time, it is also an advantage for them to choose these people first.

Moreover, the 400-odd people who resisted the most, Zhao Ting, stayed by themselves. This is something they can’t understand. Why did they do this? Does it do him any good?

The Sun Family brother didn't understand, but Zhao Ting's thoughts were too deep.

Xiao Guoguo didn't interfere when he watched Zhao Ting do this. It is his business what Zhao Ting wants. They will only support, not refuse, and will not interfere.

Although it took a lot of time to organize the Seven Palaces, it was successful in the end, which made Xiao Guoguo feel that the time spent was very worthwhile.

Because the Seven Palaces are stable, this world can be stable, and this world can be stable, then she can go to Transcending Tribulation without any distractions, and can truly enter the state of mind.

"Although there are still some problems in the Seven Palaces, they are not major problems. It should be about the same after a while."

Sun Qianqian said that she and Zhao Ting were evenly divided. The remaining forces.

They did this, naturally, not because they wanted to compete with each other for power, but because they were able to straighten everything out as quickly as possible.

"I'll beg you here, I still don't worry about my father's side, so I have to check it out as soon as possible."

Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan are already here. It took seven days to see that the affairs of the Seven Palaces were almost dealt with, and then I said it out.

"You can go with confidence, here are some minor matters, we can handle it." Zhao Ting promised, Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan are naturally relieved.

They are all gone, leaving in a hurry, but the Sun Family brother dare not have any ideas. Because they have deeply understood that even if Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan are not present, they are not the opponents of Zhao Ting and Sun Qianqian.

They don't understand. Didn't Zhao Ting and Sun Qianqian have a bad deal with each other? Why have they suddenly become like this now?

Did the two simply join hands, or are they really together? This is something they couldn't even think of before.

If the two are really together, plus a Lin Lang, they want to do something, or if they want to be in power again, it would be too difficult.

The Sun Family brother was finally at peace, and Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan went straight to the Earth Demon clan. They were very worried, and they didn't know what was going on in the Earth Demon clan right now.

Demon Venerable returned to the Earth Demon clan, and naturally received the warmest welcome. In the Earth Demon clan, he needs identity and status, and status and status.

He came back, and the entire Earth Demon clan was excited, especially he also brought clansman from the Earth Demon clan who was trapped in another world before.

And I heard that Demon Venerable killed Wang Chen, the clansman of the Earth Demon clan felt they could celebrate. They don't know why Demon Venerable killed Wang Chen, they knew Wang Chen was the head of the Seven Palaces.

This also means that they have finally gained an advantage in so many years of fighting with the Seven Palaces. And in the future, if they want to bully the Seven Palaces, it will be much easier.

Of course, they didn't know that Zhao Ting and Sun Qianqian re-administered the Seven Palaces, and the Seven Palaces at this moment will become more powerful than before.

(End of this chapter)

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