
  Chapter 2832 Farewell

Wei Feng and Chi Xuan went to chat for a while, what did they talk about? Everyone didn't know, they only knew that Wei Feng seemed very satisfied when he left.

Elder Feng actually has nothing to say. Although he is their Master, he hasn't taught the discipline for so many years, and two disciplines appear like this, he is proud of his name as Master.

"You two, you must respect and love each other in the future. No matter when you think about each other and support each other, you will be able to walk the future." Elder Feng said this, and tears first Falling down, eldest apprentice is a bit unbearable.

Since Fatty Bai's incident, this Master has been very emotional. He was tortured in the discipline normally and it was enough. Don't torture the Little Junior Sisters now.

"Master, please say something happy. Besides, Junior Sister, they just went to other places for cultivation and they are not coming back."

eldest apprentice said so, Elder Feng Quickly adjust his mentality, he knows that they are going to travel far, but he can't let those who travel far away worry about it.

"You two don't worry, I have you Eldest Senior Brother here. He takes good care of him. Besides, I am studying medicine pill now and I don’t have time to think about you. Don’t worry about me, take care of yourself. That's it!"

After that, he turned his head and left. Xiao Guoguo had no choice but to directly give the things he prepared for the Master to the Eldest Senior Brother.

"Eldest Senior Brother, here is the medicine ingredient we found, and the attributes of these medicine ingredient are all sorted out. You send it to the Master.

Don’t let him I always test the drug with myself. Monster beast has some disobedient and made mistakes. Now there are still attacks on humans. It can be used to test the drug to make a contribution to the Human Race."

Xiao Guoguo That being said, Eldest Senior Brother is very grateful to nodded. Although both he and the Master now have a high cultivation base, they are still a bit damaged when they encounter a powerful medicine ingredient.

But recently they are also studying with Young Master Pan, the medicine ingredient analysis instrument. Of course, I won't tell Junior Sister about this, lest she worry about it.

"Okay, I'll tell Master, Junior Sister takes care of everything outside." Eldest Senior Brother finished saying that and turned and left. He knew he was useless, only blessing.

He delayed Junior Sister to reunite with his family, who knows when she has to leave. This time they will say goodbye, and they will go to retreat when they look back, but at any time, he and the Master will sincerely wish them peace.

Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan looked at the passing Master and Eldest Senior Brother. They knew why the road to cultivation was so lonely.

People you have been familiar with, everything you are familiar with, will be left behind because you want to move forward. It is not that they want to abandon, but that there is no way to stand and wait.

Sometimes they have to go forward by themselves, and sometimes they have to go forward, because once they stop, they are in danger.

Therefore, they are getting farther and farther away from familiar people, and even farther and farther away from their relatives.

"Fortunately, we still have each other around." Xiao Guoguo sighed, and Chi Xuan held her tighter.

Yes, fortunately, I always have her by my side. She appeared when she was the loneliest, and accompanied when she was the most confused.

So Xiao Guoguo has always been around a lot, and he is just one of them. And besides oneself, in fact, there is only one fruit all the time.

Chi Xuan’s worries are much less, but he can understand Xiao Guoguo, so he is giving silent support at the moment, and he hopes she can be more happy.

Three months later, Demon Venerable woke up from the retreat. He knew that Xiao Guoguo was going to leave, and he sighed. Unexpectedly, in just a hundred years, two children would have such an achievement.

He settled for two months before going out to collect some things.

Zhao Ting and the others know that Demon Venerable is awake, but they also know that Demon Venerable is out. Although they don't know what to do, they are pretty sure that Demon Venerable will not do anything wrong.

Xiao Guoguo's preference is Demon Venerable's standard of conduct. He will not do things that make Xiao Guoguo unhappy.

So they are not worried about what Demon Venerable will do. Demon Venerable is all curious. Why don't they just look at themselves, so rest assured?

Demon Venerable went to several planes by himself, and those were all places where he and his wife had been. After reminiscing this way, he brought a lot of things back.

He is not for himself, he is for his wife. When her wife wakes up one day, he must have some evidence when he describes their past to her.

So he took away the flowers, trees, lakes and towers of these planes! So some people on the plane wonder, where is their lake? Where is their tower? More than a dozen floors!

Demon Venerable Regardless of this, he didn't bother him, he just took something, but didn't take his life, which was pretty good.

When Demon Venerable came back two months later, I saw Zhao Ting and the others waiting for themselves. Demon Venerable knew what it was for.

"What are your plans?" Zhao Ting asked.

"Wait half a month again, let her reunite with her friends over there for a while, let's sort it out first, and we can leave immediately when they come back."

Demon Venerable said that, Zhao Ting also agreed, so that everyone should be packaged, and it is time to find special products.

The Earth Demon clan on the Demon Venerable side has been celebrating for several days, and the people on Zhao Ting’s side also hurriedly cleaned up. They are going home, and the wife and child hurriedly bring something back. It's good to coax his wife and child.

Xiao Guoguo was also going to leave after half a month. She had received the news half a month before, and she was in a mixed mood.

If you don’t go, you can’t do it. This is something that has been decided long ago, but when you go, looking at the relatives and friends in front of her, she once again understands that repairing the Immortal Path is also a way to make a decision.

"Mother, I'm leaving." Xiao Guoguo said while holding Lingshu, his tears fell first.

Xiao Tai watched Lingshu endure tears, and knew that Lingshu felt uncomfortable. But after they discussed it, you can't cry.

I can cry anytime, but not now. Even if I want to cry, I will wait until my daughter opens the Space-Time Tunnel and leaves.

"I will send you off." Lingshu and Xiao Tai insisted, Xiao Guoguo did not object, except that they also brought Wenwen and Yuemu, if they both wanted to send it, Xiao Guoguo would naturally not refuse.

Master Xiao Ying is in retreat. She only left a message. When the Master exits, she has already left.

Demon Venerable looked at Xiao Guoguo and her side Chi Xuan, and Lingshu and Xiao Tai behind them. He did not say hello to Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan, but instead looked at Lingshu and Xiao Tai and directly held Xiao Tai's hand.

"You are here, don't worry, I will take care of them when I get there, and I promise that there will be no problems."

Demon Venerable said that, Xiao Tai is very grateful. At this time, he really didn't mean to compete with him for his daughter's heart. He was really grateful.

There is also a Demon Venerable, otherwise Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan will go to that world, they must be worried.

"Big brother, let's not talk about other things, these two children are also your children, so please take care." Xiao Tai said that, Lingshu also meant this, constantly nodded.

(End of this chapter)

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