
  Chapter 2828 Gift

"You said, as long as I can do it." Seriously, because this is Xiao Guoguo's request.

If it is someone else, it may not care at all, but Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan, they are the people who saved this world, so it will naturally not refuse.

"After I left, I didn't dare to bother you with other things, but my father and mother, they are my most important people. I hope that if they are in danger, you can shelter one or two. "

Xiao Guoguo said that, Dashu was very surprised that Xiao Guoguo actually gave his relatives to himself.

"Don't worry, they are your relatives, and I will take shelter anyway." Dashu said, and directly picked a fruit from his tree and gave it to Xiao Guoguo.

"this world, will of the people is vicious, no one knows who is true and who is false, this fruit is for you, if you really encounter life and death crisis, let them summon me, I can Distraction passes."

Xiao Guoguo knows that the distraction mentioned by the tree is its body of power. The body is too big and it is inconvenient to move. Distraction is the best.

Before they had fought side by side, Xiao Guoguo respected and trusted Dashu very much, and Dashu also had deep affection and affection for them, so Xiao Guoguo thought of Lingshu and Xiao Tai, the first umbrella that comes to mind is the big tree.

Yes, they are gone, and the big tree is the highest cultivation base in this world...the tree. No matter who the human cultivator is, even if it is from the rule world, the tree has the ability to protect its father and mother.

For this reason, Xiao Guoguo accepted the kindness of the tree and naturally left his kindness.

"This is a magical treasure fragment." Xiao Guoguo said that he gave the magical treasure fragment to Dashu, and Dashu accepted it. It felt strange why Xiao Guoguo gave it to himself.

"Chi Xuan and I will ask about the state of mind. I will leave the process of passing through the state of mind in question and put it in another magical treasure fragment. When the two fragments meet again, the magic treasure can be repaired. , You can see the content inside.

You don’t have to bear any burden on this. This is a gift, this is a gift between friends. If we are good luck, it’s so short. I can’t come back in time, so I can’t tell you personally, I had to come up with this method."

Xiao Guoguo said that, Dashu is very happy, this is equivalent to helping himself to pass the test.

Although Xiao Guoguo didn't say it explicitly, Dashu understood that this was a gift she gave to herself, and it was a gift to thank her family for taking care of her.

Actually, they don't have to be so polite, but in order to make Xiao Guoguo feel at ease, and because he really needs such a gift, Dashu accepted it very happily.

"Don't worry, their safety is left to me. I promise that as long as I stay in this Aristocratic Family for one day, they will have no accidents."

Said that Xiao Guoguo finally felt relieved, and said goodbye to the big tree family, she still has things to do.

Dashu watched the two walk away, and looked at the magical treasure fragment in his hand. Xiao Guoguo said that he should not be burdened. This is their gift.

Yes, only friends give gifts, and strangers trade.

They regarded themselves as friends, and it had already regarded them as friends, so Dashu was very happy. And it is also clear in his heart that why Xiao Guoguo came to find himself, this is a recognition of his ability.

Indeed, if they leave, the most powerful person in this world will be themselves.

Thinking about it this way, Dashu feels quite proud, hoping that their worries will not happen, but if it happens, it will desperately protect their family.

Xiao Guoguo left the tree clan and went to see Demon Venerable. Demon Venerable was still in retreat and did not come out. Xiao Guoguo met the Elders of the Earth Demon clan.

Now the Elders of the Earth Demon clan respect Xiao Guoguo very much, because they know that this man's toughness has surpassed the Demon Lord. Their Earth Demon clan looks to worship powerhouse, even if this powerhouse is Human Race.

And anyway, these two are also the daughter and son-in-law of their Demon Lord, so they are not outsiders, they are their own.

"If my father wakes up, tell him that I am ready to leave." Xiao Guoguo said. Several Elders from the Earth Demon clan are very happy.

"Yes, the subordinates must tell." Several Elders said, watching Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan leave with respect.

They can finally leave. They have been here for such a long time, but they really miss their hometown.

"Hurry up, let everyone pack up, take away everything that should be taken away, and this souvenir is packed." The Elders said, and the Earth Demon clan below was even more happy.

They followed the Demon Lord to fight the world, and then they discovered that there was no meaning at all except for the better food.

If you think about it this way, let's forget about such a world. So during this time, they had already bought the souvenirs, and packed everything they were going to take away. They only waited for Demon Venerable to give an order and went back without any reluctance.

Of course, the Earth Demon clan who was staying here before will also follow back this time. They are also very happy to be able to go home.

And Xiao Guoguo saw that Demon Venerable hadn't come out of retreat, so he went to Zhao Ting and the others.

There was no way before. In order to fight the enemy, Zhao Ting and the Earth Demon clan are on the same plane. Although there is no friction, everyone still sees each other a little bit unpleasantly.

So now when they are secluded cultivation, they have separated two planes, there are so many places where no one is there, why bother to suffer on a planet.

So they are now stationed at two nearby planets, Xiao Guoguo also heard that, in order to promote friendly exchanges between the two sides, there are occasional competitions.

Of course, this competition is a very formal one-on-one competition. Elder from the Earth Demon clan does not participate, and Zhao Ting and others will naturally not take action. They are all under their opponents.

The results of the competitions over the years have been similar. The Earth Demon clan has won first place, and Human Race has also won the championship.

The Earth Demon clan has always believed that they are better than humans in terms of physical fitness and cultivation base, but now it seems that they are almost the same. As long as there are seven palaces, they want to completely defeat Human Race, that is almost impossible.

It is precisely because they understand this truth, their mentality is much more peaceful, and they no longer compete with Human Race.

After all, they have a relationship between birth and death. They are getting along well with Human Race now, which is also a very good change.

When Xiao Guoguo arrived, Sun Qianqian was very surprised, she asked with surprise on her face: "You are here, the retreat is over!"

Sun Qianqian said this while looking at it. Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan want to see how their cultivation base is.

But Sun Qianqian looked at it and smiled again in her heart. How did she forget that Chi Xuan and Xiao Guoguo's cultivation base, she hadn't seen it for a long time.

Although I can't see the specific level, one thing is certain. They are much stronger than when they met last time.

(End of this chapter)

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