
  Chapter 2821 Leaving

Not only can you treat diseases for free, but you can also eat meat!

For some poor people, this is simply incredible. Some people even want to come and have a meal without being sick.

Of course, some people think so, but no one dares to do it. Let’s not talk about the arrests standing at both ends of the street, and talk about illnesses. Most people don’t dare. Lifeless.

When Xiao Guoguo and the others did not come, some people died from this disease. At that time, no one was given treatment if they had money.

So, now that someone can give treatment for free, everyone is very happy, with symptoms, and will not hide or even want to escape, but go to the clinic obediently, always I think there is hope.

But even so, the number of people who became ill was still increasing, reaching more than a thousand people after ten days.

There are not many people here, and the more than one thousand people are no small number. So even with the clinic of Xiao Guoguo, people are getting more and more scared.

But this situation has changed, because the first batch of clinic patients has improved.

When patients leave the clinic, many people hide in the distance to watch the excitement.

Even knowing that this clinic has medicine that can treat people, ordinary people still dare not approach it. In their hearts, this place is still very dangerous.

But seeing more than a dozen people walking out of the clinic, the side family members were also beaming, everyone was surprised.

It looks like it’s all right, but they still dare not approach. Who knows if there is a thorough treatment.

"Thank you Xiao Langzhong, if it weren't for her, my life would not be saved." A man said.

"Yes, we have to remember others well in this life." said his wife.

Several people walked away laughing and talking. Although the people in the distance did not dare to approach, they did not delay their message.

It turns out that this clinic can really save people. It turns out that their disease can really be cured. It seems that they can be saved.

By the second day, more than 20 people have left the clinic, more and more people are cured, and everyone is more and more confident.

And as more and more people recovered, Xiao Guoguo discovered a very strange thing, that is, many other patients came.

Although she can also help with diagnosis and treatment, she is unprofessional and has no refined medicine. She feels that it is not a wise decision for them to seek treatment by themselves.

"I can't see if you are sick. You should look for other doctors and clinics." Xiao Guoguo said, but the man didn't believe it. He kept holding his head and said: "I won't go to other doctors." Place, I’m here for diagnosis and treatment, you are now our Divine Doctor."

Xiao Guoguo: "..." What kind of misunderstanding is this?

"I’m not a Divine Doctor, I’m just an ordinary person, and my clinic is now seeing patients with diarrhea. This disease is contagious, and you are at risk of contagion now. Go back and wash your hands well."

After Xiao Guoguo finished saying this, the man was so frightened, he turned around and left. He didn't dare to mention any treatments anymore, turned and left.

"My boss, these people want to take advantage. They think we don’t need money for medicine here, so that’s why."

Said Wan Langzhong, Xiao Guoguo nodded, and then Let Wan Langzhong tell everyone that they only have medicine for diarrhea, and no other patients.

Everyone is calm down now, no one will come to rub medicine anymore.

However, more and more people were sent over, making Xiao Guoguo more busy here, and the surrounding houses were bought.

However, more and more people have recovered, so as time goes by, there are fewer people in the clinic.

Everyone is finally sighed in relief. There are fewer and fewer patients, which means that the situation has improved and everyone dared to go out.

This is very important to the entire city. Everyone can live a normal life. This is a good thing for everyone.

And at this time, City Lord also invited Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan to the City Lord's Mansion. The City Lord was full of sincerity this time, but Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan simply ignored them. They just shied away from being too busy.

Everyone didn't expect, Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan are so amazing! They even don't give face to the City Lord, which made the rich businessmen in the city feel a little relieved.

Why do you say that? Because before that, the wealthy businessmen once asked Xiao Guoguo to come to his home for treatment.

This disease does not distinguish between people, and wealthy businessmen cannot avoid it. As a result, some of the wealthy businessmen also have symptoms. But even so, they still don't want to come to clinic.

After all, there are a lot of people in the clinic. They don’t know if the clinic can be cured, so they want to invite Xiao Guoguo to the house to see it, but they didn’t expect, Xiao Guoguo refused, no matter what they give No matter how much silver, no one would come over.

Therefore, the wealthy businessmen originally thought that Xiao Guoguo's ignorance of them was too self-esteem, but now, they ignore the City Lord, which proves that they are truly arrogant.

Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan didn't give City Lord this face, but City Lord didn't seem to be angry, but rather actively gave them a plaque.

Xiao Guoguo always felt that this plaque was useless, but Xiao Guoguo saw Wan Langzhong so excited that he accepted it.

"What is written on this? Divine Doctor is reborn?"

Xiao Guoguo smiled at him. What a Divine Doctor like himself. But after all, she saved so many people and accumulated a lot of Power of Achievements and Virtue.

Xiao Guoguo wanted to leave after half a month, but didn't expect that there were dozens of doctors who wanted to follow her before she left, which meant that she wanted to travel with her.

Xiao Guoguo thought for a while and felt that it was indeed necessary to find people to train well, but so many people would definitely not work.

So, she only chose the youngest two of them. As for why she chose this way, of course it was because the two were young, they had a long way to go, and they could cultivate more disciplines. .

She is only responsible for teaching a few. As for the task of carrying forward these skills, it is left to them.

"Master, where are we going?" one of the men asked, Xiao Guoguo turned his head to look at him and said: "Don't call Master, we are not a master and disciple relationship, we will call me Xiao senior in the future Right."

Everyone: "..." This name is even more rude.

"Xiao senior!" The two changed their names very obediently.

Actually, this matter is mainly because Xiao Guoguo's reputation is too big, even they are moved by Xiao Guoguo's character.

Instead of treating people with pennies, but also selflessly giving medicine recipes for everyone to use, this is simply in line with the image of a Divine Doctor.

So although she looks very young, but in their hearts, this is indeed Old Senior, they are willing to call senior.

(End of this chapter)

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