
  Chapter 2812 Mind

Han Meng and Wen Wenna looked at Xiao Guoguo almost at the same time, even Lian Bei It's the same with Bei. Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan left only a few days after the wedding, and they met before they left.

In a blink of an eye, it took more than 20 days, and they really wanted to know what life was like after marriage.

But Wenwen looked at Xiao Guoguo's expression, she relaxed, because she felt she understood it. Xiao Guoguo's full smile and soft eyes, this must be a good time, simply don't worry about them.

Han Meng is a simple and honest person, and he asked carefully there, whether Chi Xuan treated her well, did he cook for her on time, Xiao Guoguo answered the one by one question, it’s not too much Trouble, not too long-winded.

At this time, everyone is listening carefully. Although you can see that it is pretty good, everyone is listening carefully and knowing the details, and feel more relieved.

"By the way, this is the gift I prepared for you." Xiao Guoguo said and took out a jade pendant.

Everyone saw that this is not an ordinary jade pendant. In this case, it is a magic weapon and a protective magic weapon. Pick it up carefully and look at it. There is Xiao Guoguo's mark on it, which she created by herself.

"This is too expensive." Beibei said.

Why is a jade pendant expensive? That's because Beibei is very clear in his heart that this is not an ordinary jade pendant, this is the jade pendant given by Xiao Guoguo, this is a magic weapon.

Although she has never received the magic weapon from Xiao Guoguo, she has seen Yuemu's. It is an attack magic weapon, and the level is quite high.

And she has heard many times in recent years, Xiao Guoguo's skill in refining magic weapons has been improving, and now I don't know what level it is.

Anyway, if you think about it, it can only get better and better, not worse. It is precisely because of this that she feels anxious, if it really reaches the level of Divine Item, her treasure is too hot to hold.

There are only a few Divine Items in this world. If she really accepts it, will Yuemu think her face is too big, too ignorant?

Seriously, it's not that Beibei doesn't want it. She wants such a gift crazily. When she looked at Yuemu's magic weapon, she was envious of it.

And the most important thing is that Xiao Guoguo's treasure is not available to anyone. What you can have now can also be counted.

Whoever owns the treasures she refines actually means that whoever is recognized is recognized. This is a point that Beibei is particularly envious of.

So she wants it now, not only because of the high level of this magic weapon, but also because it represents the relationship between herself and Xiao Guoguo, which means that Xiao Guoguo really regarded her as a friend .

This is what she has been looking forward to, but she has not been embarrassed to say this. What a good opportunity she wants to seize, but think about Yuemu, she is afraid that she will be angry.

"This is nothing precious or not precious, it's mainly a thought. This is my gift for you. You can't refuse."

Xiao Guoguo said that, everyone will see The embarrassed Beibei, how brilliant and sincere the smile is.

This is a gift for adding a box to myself. I feel very comfortable when I think about it.

"But, this treasure is too precious." Beibei still made a meaningful excuse, but she held the jade pendant in her hand and gently touched it twice, but she was excited, but she didn't want to let it go.

"Hehe, one piece of you and one piece of moon wood. This is also my blessing to you. I hope you two can also raise your eyebrows."

Tang Anxin said this, Beibei’s Rays of light flashed on her face in an instant, she seemed to didn't expect, Tang Anxin unexpectedly arranged it like this.

Beibei was moved, because this was not only made by Xiao Guoguo himself, but it was also a gift for himself, and it was a pair.

What does this show? It shows that people value her and Yuemu.

"Thank you Guoguo." After Beibei finished saying that, her face turned red. This is Xiao Guoguo's blessing to herself and Yuemu.

"You are welcome, you are all my friends. I am my most sincere blessing to you. I hope you can live a good life and come with a white head." When Xiao Guoguo said so, Beibei's tears It almost fell off.

Really very good, she is really so happy.

Wenwen is full of emotion at this moment. To be honest, she has always admired the boss's ability in this area, and she can always touch people in a mess inadvertently. She could even think that if Yuemu was disobedient, Beibei would not be able to agree.

Here I was talking and laughing, and everyone added boxes together. This made Beibei feel particularly happy. On the other hand, Chi Xuan also took out the jade pendant in his hand.

The moment he saw the jade pendant, Yuemu guessed it. It was not for Chi Xuan. It must have been prepared by the boss.

"The boss asked you to give it to me?" Yuemu asked with a smile like that, Chi Xuan trembled. Seriously, I really don't want to give it to him.

Although he guessed right, he couldn't hesitate a little bit, maybe he prepared it himself.

"I don’t know how to refining tools. This was made by her beasts." Chi Xuan said that, he had to explain somehow, not because he was unwilling to build this magic weapon for them, but because In this matter, he didn't have much fruit.

At this moment, Yuemu was looking at this jade pendant, and smiled when he heard Chi Xuan's words. He looked up at Chi Xuan and said: "Thank you and the boss, I know what you think."

Chi Xuan raised his eyebrows slightly. Seriously, he didn't expect this person to be able to say this. Is this acknowledging him? When I faced myself before, I had never been so pleasant.

"But to be honest, you are not only less powerful than my boss on the refining device, you are not as good as my boss in every aspect.

You look at the refining device and we won’t talk about it. That’s obvious at a glance. Besides, on the pill concocting, are you not good?

And I’m not going to mention it. For other aspects, you are also fascinated in cooking. If my boss doesn’t teach you, you can’t do it, right?"

Chi Xuan: "..." Where did he get the illusion just now, he was wrong, this guy has always treated himself like this, and he has been like this for the rest of his life. Forget it.

"But you have one thing to do, that is to be self-knowing. It doesn't matter if you are not as good as the boss. The boss likes you and is willing to live with you for a lifetime.

And there are One point, in the future, your child will definitely follow the boss, clever, beautiful and cute, so you don’t have to worry too much.

And even if the child looks like you, that’s a good thing. Think about it, at least Beautiful!"

Yuemu feels more excited as he talks about it, and Chi Xuan looks helpless, thank you so much, at least I know he looks good.

This guy is really disliked, and this guy doesn't know if he can get better if he gets married.

"Hehe, I think so too. I have already discussed with Guoguo. In the future, there will be a child. We must raise up ourselves personally so that this child can combine the advantages of both of us.


By the way, why didn’t you see Boss Du? Did he tell you a few words?"

(End of this chapter)

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