
  Chapter 2808 One Hundred Years

Everyone is staring at Demon Venerable, in fact, this senior is not very familiar with them , I only know that he is also a relative of Sect Master.

But now he is sitting on an equal footing with Lingshu and Xiao Taiping, everyone knows that this is what the parents mean.

But they don't have to ask too much. After all, this person's identity and cultivation base are there, and they can't question them.

At the moment Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan have not come, everyone is waiting, even the people of Sword Sect will not ask someone to ask.

Last night was the bridal chamber banquet, they don't want to discuss this boring.

Of course, although everyone is waiting here, the conversation is very hot. After all, there are no outsiders here at the moment. They are all family and friends. Besides, Zhang from Sword Sect is here. Wait a minute. It doesn't matter.

I originally thought that I would have to wait for two hours. I didn't want to wait a moment. Chi Xuan and Xiao Guoguo came together. They had changed their clothes, but they were still dazzling red.

The appearance of a talented woman, this is the most direct description.

Such two people are very envious. These two people are married. What will the child look like in the future?

This is the most true first reaction in everyone's mind. They looked at Lingshu and Xiao Tai enviously, how lucky it is to have such a good child, and now there is such a good son-in-law.

"Father, mother." Xiao Guoguo looked at Lingshu and Xiao Tai and saluted them solemnly, while the back end offered tea to them.

This rule is for the bride to offer tea to her in-laws, but they are people in the cultivation world, so naturally they don’t have to refer to the world.

If Chi Xuan's parents and family are there, then there will be two more people sitting here at this moment, and there will be no lack of Lingshu and Xiao Tai's position.

"Be good, I hope you and the United States and the United States." Lingshu said so, Xiao Tai looked at Xiao Guoguo and said very solemnly: "I hope you respect and love each other."

After Xiao Tai finished speaking, he still looked at Chi Xuan. Xiao Guoguo side Chi Xuan hurriedly saluted like this. He saluted the two of them very sincerely and offered tea, and then he received two big red envelopes.

There are two red storage bags, one for Chi Xuan and one for Xiao Guoguo. No one knows what is in this storage bag.

Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan stood up, and then respectfully saluted Demon Venerable. Together, they said to Demon Venerable: "Father, please have tea."

Everyone was also very surprised at the moment. They thought of seeing Demon Venerable sitting before. Today I am afraid that Xiao Guoguo will officially recognize the relationship between Demon Venerable and himself.

It's just that they didn't expect to be so formal, which is equivalent to telling the world.

"Okay, okay!" After Demon Venerable finished speaking, he also gave two storage bags. This is what he thought of Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan.

Everyone looked at the end of the tea ceremony with joy, but Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan still began to salute the others. There are Lingyue and Xiao Ying in it, of course, besides them there are Zhao Ting and Sun Qianqian, their three people.

Everyone happily talked about a conversation, and then it dissipated. Everyone knows that this is a newlywed, so naturally we can’t bother.

Even the guests in charge left, and everyone did not let Xiao Guoguo bother. The Elders of Sword Sect sent everyone away one by one.

They can’t make Elder bother at this time. They think that Sect Master still has very important things to do, giving birth to a child, which is also a major life goal for a female cultivator.

They even look forward to it, Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan's child, how outstanding it is! They really look forward to it, they can give birth to a child soon, then Sword Sect will have someone to succeed.

Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan returned to Dongcheng campus. Chi Xuan believes that this is the right place for them, and Xiao Guoguo likes Dongcheng campus very much.

Fortunately, during this period of time, the two of them have finished their tasks. Naturally, no one will look for them, so they decided to stay here for a few more days.

During the past few days, Xiao Guoguo felt that he was very relaxed, without any pressure, except for eating and rest, and he was very relaxed.

Thinking about it this way, it seems that they haven't missed the vacation for a long time, and they should find a place to rest this time.

"Shall we give ourselves a vacation?" Xiao Guoguo asked, and Chi Xuan thought so.

But he didn't dare to say before that, after all, he was married. If he left with Xiao Guoguo, I'm afraid Lingshu and Xiao Tai would not agree.

Of course, if the wife wants to go, she must go.

"Where are we going?" Chi Xuan asked.

"We go to a place where pipe down is not a cultivation plane, what do you think? We will live a quiet life for ten years."

Xiao Guoguo all plot against good Now, Chi Xuan also thinks it is feasible. Just tell everyone now, the question is, will everyone’s response be more exciting.

"What, what are you going to do?" When Lingshu asked this, she suspected that she hadn't heard clearly.

"Well, we want to go on our honeymoon." Xiao Guoguo replied with some embarrassment on his face.

"Honeymoon, it should be, newly married couple, this is normal." Lingshu looked at Xiao Guoguo and said, she actually wanted to ask, Chi Xuan How is her life?

These questions are naturally the most concerned questions of a mother after her daughter’s marriage, but she hasn’t found a chance to ask them yet.

These two guys, except for the newly married second day, they didn't show up for several days. Of course she understands, it's a youngster after all.

Moreover, seeing Xiao Guoguo's look and expression, Lingshu knew that she had a very good life, very well. But even so, Lingshu was still going to ask a question later.

"We are going to ten years." Xiao Guoguo continued, and Lingshu and Xiao Tai were both stunned.

"You mean ten years! You mean you spend ten years on your honeymoon!" Lingshu couldn't believe it, and Xiao Guoguo finally felt ashamed.

"It's not a complete honeymoon, it's actually a combination of honeymoon and vacation. Of course, if you and father want to follow along, it's okay, because after that, we will have to go again Secluded cultivation."

After Xiao Guoguo finished saying this, Lingshu's heart breath came out. Fortunately, he still knew that he was thinking of himself, and he was willing to let them follow.

So, how angry Lingshu was before, how touched and guilty now.

She felt that Xiao Guoguo, the child simply didn't care about them, and would leave them behind for ten years. She simply didn't care about the thoughts and thoughts of people like them. And now, she feels narrow-minded.

This is not someone else. It is true to my own daughter. If you face other people, what should you do?

So, this time Lingshu said happily: "Okay. Let's go together. Your father and I will not delay your lives, we will be with you on the same plane."

In the end, Lingshu decided to follow, just not to live together, not to interfere with them, after all, there is no news at all in time, and she is not at ease.

(End of this chapter)

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