
  Chapter 2805 Promises

The colorful fire bird and the huge wings stir up, this time everyone looks up at the sky, I saw a pair of bi people sitting on the backs of the colorful fire bird, their clothes fluttering, and their fairy tales.

Behind them is the accompanying Sword Sect dísciple. Behind the Sword Sect dísciple, there are a large number of guests.

There are not many people who follow the spirit house, they are all at Old Ancestor Level and others. The ones who gave Xiao Guoguo are Beibei and Sun Qianqian, behind them there are texts and the others.

Suddenly, it was so lively, the marriage was really beautiful.

And the last side of the team is the dowry. In front of the dowry, the custom has given way. It is really that Xiao Guoguo's dowry is too precious, and Lingshu dare not let anyone send it alone.

So today this dowry enters Sword Sect with Xiao Guoguo, besides, they are also going.

Although they can’t follow outside customs, they are cultivators and don’t pay much attention to it.

So Lingshu and Xiao Tai, including Xiao Ying, followed. They had to watch them with their own eyes.

The grandiose of the entire group came, and then grandiose went back. This way, I followed the lively and joyously, all of them did not fall. How did you follow it, and how did you follow it.

This group of people is real, and they follow one by one. They think this is a great event in the cultivation world, and they naturally want to participate.

And Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan didn't know, thousands of people followed Sword Sect at once.

The Elders of Sword Sect know that they can't watch it naturally. After all, it is for the sake of Sword Sect. After all, today is a great day.

There is no way, there is a banquet at the foot of the mountain, everyone can watch the ceremony in the sky, but can't eat in the sky.

This is also the arrangement, but everyone feels very satisfied. There are so many people in the cultivation world, how many people can come.

Although they set up banquets at the foot of the mountain and on the mountainside, they have the same banquet standards as the seniors of Great Sect.

Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan fell slowly, and they saw people everywhere, some of whom knew each other, but more of them did not.

But there are so many people, I really feel the atmosphere of getting married. Xiao Guoguo originally thought Xiao Family was noisy enough, didn't expect Sword Sect here is even more exaggerated.

This is Sword Sect. Until now, they all advocate taking the high-end route and cleaning the style of Sword Sect. For their wedding, this time has completely changed the look, everywhere is covered in red, if you change the time, it is estimated that you have to suspect that you have gone to the wrong place.

"The newcomer is here, the newcomer is here!" Sword Sect's Elder shouted, and he saw all kinds of rays of light shining in the sky.

That is the firework specially prepared by Sword Sect. Of course, the firework of the deadly stars is a magic weapon refined by Sword Sect disciples. When thrown into the air, it is not only very dazzling in color, but also lasts for a long time. very long.

This firework will not go out for a while, but it makes the entire sky colorful. There are countless Spirit Beasts dancing in it. In addition to the colorful fire bird, there are other birds and Spirit Beasts, all of which are beautiful.

This is also the arrangement of Sword Sect. They want to let everyone know that the Sect Master of their Sword Sect is not an ordinary person. Naturally, their Sword Sect event must be held in a high profile.

Xiao Guoguo didn't expect Sword Sect to arrange so much, but it was really beautiful, even if she saw it, she had to admit that it took a lot of effort.

Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan arrived in front of the great hall, and at this moment, the great hall is decorated with joy.

They walked on the road paved with flowers, surrounded by all kinds of congratulations. Then, they saw hundreds of Sword Sect dísciples standing in front of them.

"sword array." Xiao Guoguo looked at Chi Xuan, and Chi Xuan was also puzzled.

Seriously, he didn't participate in these sessions, and he didn't know what arrangements were there.

"Sword Sect dísciple congratulates Sect Master on the wedding!" said a Sword Sect dísciple.

"Sword Sect dísciple congratulates Sect Master on the wedding!" All the dísciple said.

It doesn't matter if I'm finished, I saw Sword Sect's disciplines dancing the long sword in his hand quickly.

At this moment Xiao Guoguo understands that this is Sword Sect dísciple performing for them to celebrate their wedding.

The long swords in the hands of Sword Sect dísciple are all with red sword spikes. They dance very beautifully, not to mention that so many long swords dance in the air, which is very dazzling.

I saw those long swords dancing, and finally surrounded by Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan, forming a long corridor composed of swords and sword light.

Everyone: "..." Can it still be like this?

But seriously, does anyone really dare to walk on such a promenade? If anyone in these dísciples hasn't controlled it, isn't these two people unlucky?

But Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan didn't hesitate at all, they walked through the long corridor composed of the sword array very calmly, not worried at all, and smiled.

Everyone admired them very much, and then saw Sword Sect dísciple withdraw their swords one after another, and then loudly said: "The disciples wish Sect Master a great deal of life and come with a white head!"

The sound of the call made Xiao Guoguo feel warm in his heart, and it really had to be his own dísciple.

This time is so brilliant, this time is really proud.

And when Xiao Guoguo walked into the hall and looked at Xitang, to be honest, he was honestly shocked.

Why are so many treasures placed outside? Are you afraid of losing it? Although these can't be considered as peerless real treasures, they can also be considered as priceless and unique rare treasures!

There are so many things here, Xiao Guoguo doesn't know how it is so beautifully placed, and it doesn't look crowded.

But looking at the proud smiles on the Elders’ faces, Xiao Guoguo thinks it’s worth it. With such a good opportunity for them to get married, let everyone know about the strength of Sword Sect.

But at this moment, everyone is shocked by Xiao Guoguo's dowry, what is that! Box after box of extreme grade Spirit Stone, they also saw various attack and protection magic weapons.

In addition, they also saw mechanical beasts, and there were several at once. These are still dowries, which is unbelievable.

As Xiao Guoguo's dowry was carried in the same way, everyone was shocked and numb. Sure enough, people are incomparable with people. This must be a family property that has been stored for many years.

Everyone was so envious, and felt that Xiao Tai and Ling Shu had been underestimated. This is definitely not something that can be saved for hundreds of years.

Of course, some people have good eyes, and they immediately recognize many old objects. In the cultivation world, the older this object is, the more valuable it is.

Of course, such old objects cannot be bought with money, really didn't expect, they were used as dowry.

To say something awkward, just take out one of these things, which is also possible as Sect Protecting Treasure.

Earlier, I thought Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan were the best among the newcomers. People who thought their dísciple might be a bit thin, have already estimated from their hearts at this moment. They felt that they seemed to be wrong.

(End of this chapter)

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