
  Chapter 2794 Marriage

Lingshu was also surprised that Xiao Guoguo was about to get married. He pushed it to Chi Xuan, and Chi Xuan looked like a big deal.

A man, does he know these details?

"Chi Xuan, I found Old Ancestor this day, forget it, the eighth day of next month, it is a good day, suitable for marriage.

And the eighth day of next month It is also the lucky day for you and Guoguo. I calculated my own constellation. That day is also suitable for you two. It is a lucky day."

Chi Xuan didn't expect, Lingshu has arrived. At this level, is this a combination of Chinese and Western life? But these seem to be the hobby of the sacred child, as a qualified prospective son-in-law, it must be agreed and supported.

"You and Lingjia Old Ancestor have seen it, it must be a good day. Then let's set that day." Chi Xuan agreed.

Lingshu also didn't expect, Chi Xuan had no opinion at all, and didn't know if he should be happy or worried. She couldn't help but asked, "Aren't you going to ask Guoguo? "

Her own child understands that Guoguo's temper is up, and no one can control that. So she asked, because she was afraid that Chi Xuan would agree, and went back to Xiao Guoguo to piss him off.

"No, Guoguo said, I am responsible for these things." Chi Xuan smiled and replied, Lingshu didn't expect that Chi Xuan had this courage.

Does that also prove that Chi Xuan's status is very high in her daughter's heart. Thinking about it this way, Lingshu didn't feel jealous, but rather happy.

In fact, he has always been very worried. If the deserted character of his daughter is the same for Chi Xuan, then the couple can't last for long.

"That's good, it's good, let's discuss it with you." Lingshu said that, Chi Xuan nodded, this is already an identity with himself.

"Then let's talk about the wedding venue. Do you have any good ideas?" Lingshu asked. She also respected Chi Xuan. After all, this is their wedding. Their choice is important.

"What Guoguo and I mean, choosing a place on this plane is good." Chi Xuan said, but Lingshu felt that this was not the best choice.

"Sword Sect seniors said, since Guoguo is the Sect Master of Sword Sect, is it better to run Sword Sect?"

"Sword Sect." Chi Xuan hesitated. He knew that Xiao Guoguo meant to be simple, and it would be better if only relatives and friends participated.

But he could see that Lingshu didn't think that way, maybe not just Lingshu, including Xiao Tai and Xiao Ying senior, they didn't think that way either.

So, in this matter, you can back down one or two.

"What's the matter, if Sword Sect is not good, we can choose other places." Lingshu said.

"No, since you think Sword Sect is good, it must make sense. I'll go back and talk to Guoguo." Chi Xuan said, Ling Shu became more and more happy.

She knows that Chi Xuan is so accommodating to herself today, that is to please her, after all, she is also a mother-in-law.

"Okay, I beg you, if the child is too stubborn, tell me, I will tell her." Lingshu said.

Chi Xuan smiled and shook his head, meaning not to use it.

Guoguo was afraid of this, so she let herself deal with it. If these things are arranged, their wedding will be even more memorable.

"I have saved some dowry over the years. It is the heart of my father and her father. As for the dowry, no matter how much it is, it will be given to Guoguo, and it is also yours. So you just look at it and discuss it. "

So Lingshu said, Chi Xuan also nodded agreed, Lingshu was very happy, which shows that Chi Xuan really respects himself, and many things are done according to his own will.

"Then, do you think the wedding dress is red or white yarn? I think red is the tradition, but I know you youngsters like white yarn a lot."

Shu asked Chi Xuan again, and Chi Xuan felt that this was simply a trap.

He actually doesn't think it matters. The white yarn is also beautiful, and the red one is also festive, but he really can't answer this question. After all, this is worn by Xiao Guoguo, not by himself.

"I think Guoguo can like anything, I have no opinion." Chi Xuan replied, Lingshu nodded: "I'm prepared, she chooses which one she likes. "

So Lingshu said, obviously he is not just preparing for two.

"It's good if you call the shots. I think you will definitely choose the clothes Guoguo likes." Chi Xuan pleased Lingshu by the way.

"I'll be ready, and she will do as long as she is satisfied." Lingshu said with a smile, apparently very happy to praise Chi Xuan.

"By the way, the banqueters, do you have anyone special to invite?" Lingshu asked a key question.

"As you probably all know, our friends, It shouldn't be too much. But Guoguo said, she hopes this wedding will be happy and warm, and she doesn't want to do it. It's too grand."

When Chi Xuan said this, he looked at Lingshu very sincerely, and Lingshu felt sorry.

Because of her many conditions in the front, people have agreed to it. Seriously, when it comes to this, she should also agree to one or two.

"Well, I know Dao Fruit's thoughts, it's just a lively spot that we all want to do. Otherwise, would we hire fewer people?"

So Lingshu said Now, Chi Xuan knew that this matter can be discussed.

Finally, they reached an agreement to invite only their relatives, friends and a few sect people. Of course, people from other sects can participate, but a small sect does not exceed two people.

This is the final result of the discussion between Chi Xuan and Lingshu. Xiao Guoguo feels that it is still acceptable.

She feels that these cultivators will not be so idle, doing nothing all day long, just staring at her marriage to Chi Xuan.

"By the way, how many places do I leave for the Dashu clan?" Xiao Guoguo asked. Recently, she is simply not cultivation, but is preparing for marriage.

Although the mother made a lot of decisions, they were only responsible for cooperating, but what to do with the marriage is actually up to them.

Under the condition of satisfying mother's mood, they can also stick to their own style.

So, Xiao Guoguo is actually really busy.

"You said, it's not too late for me to take care of it from now on? People say that you need to take care of it before getting married." Xiao Guoguo said. Chi Xuan looked at her skin that can be broken by blows. Seriously said: "Simply don't need, you are perfect in my eyes."

Xiao Guoguo: "..." This sudden sweetness!

"But I have an appointment with Wenwen, we are going together, if I don't go, Wenwen will be disappointed." Xiao Guoguo said, Chi Xuan nodded and said: "That I must go, who can I do for beauty?"

"Cui Cui will do it for us, she knows the acupuncture points of the human body, and Han Meng Senior Sister, she wants to be together." Xiao Guoguo said. , Chi Xuan knows where to go for maintenance, this is obviously to go to the party.

But this is good, Xiao Guoguo is willing to go out to play, willing to party with friends, this is a good thing, he is naturally supportive.

(End of this chapter)

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