
  Chapter 2792 The Truth

Chi Xuan nodded, he knows that these two people are speaking for themselves Well, and they also accepted themselves from deep in one's heart, this is the most important thing.

Everyone had a celebration party, and they were salvaged from the sea while eating. The food was fresh and very happy.

And today there are two pairs of protagonists, whether it is Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan, or Yuemu and Beibei, they have received sincere blessings from everyone.

Of course, everyone has discovered that Boss Du is a bit unwilling.

But he didn't turn his face either. After all, it was an important moment in his daughter's life. If he was unhappy, he endured it and waited until he turned around.

Everyone knows what Boss Du’s thoughts are, but everyone also understands that Beibei and Yuemu are together, that is what Beibei is willing to, so for this, Boss Du also has to agree to solve himself .

"Let's go chat." Boss Du said while holding onto Yuemu. Beibei immediately became nervous, because she felt that the appearance of father was just looking for Yuemu trouble, and he didn't want to Let Yuemu be wronged.

But father is not allowed to find him, Beibei feels that father's mind is always unsolvable, so what should father's mood do?

So she is now in a dilemma, not knowing what to do.

"Okay, I'll accompany you." Yuemu made a gesture to Beibei, telling her not to talk. He has to solve this kind of thing by himself.

Beibei was deeply moved by the look. She understands Yuemu's character, except for Xiao Guoguo and Wenwen, he doesn't see anyone in his eyes.

Now for her, he is willing to coax and persuade his father, this is already very incredible. This just shows his position in his heart. Only when he really cares about himself can he be so respectful to father.

Yuemu followed Boss Du solemnly, he didn't mean to run away, and he didn't feel anxious in his heart.

Seriously, he thought that Mr. Du would embarrass him, but he felt that Mr. Du would not be too much. The reason is simple. Beibei likes herself, even if Mr. Du doesn’t want to love the house and the Uganda, he always has to Scrupulous about Beibei's thoughts.

Boss Du looked at Yuemu. In fact, he really didn't like Yuemu, not because of his cultivation base, nor because of his appearance, but because he was always worried.

He still remembers the first time he saw Yuemu. This guy’s eyes were always on Xiao Guoguo's body. Although he was with Beibei later, he was not very sure. Now Yuemu , Did you really take your heart back?

But such questions cannot be asked directly. It doesn't matter if he loses his face, Beibei has made up his mind to marry this guy, and he can't let the two of them have a gap in their hearts.

So the depression in the heart of Du boss can be imagined, he found Yuemu, and the people on the side persuaded him, why bother, find yourself unhappy.

The Lord of the Deep Sea also persuaded him, after all, he also thinks Beibei and Yuemu are really suitable. Moreover, both Yuemu and Beibei have reached this age, and it is not easy to meet the people they like finally.

But Boss Du has his own ideas, no one can let him change.

"Let's have a fight." Boss Du said, Yuemu was stupid.

Have a fight? They are going to fight now? Does this know that he can't beat himself? But he is not really a fool. At this time, if he dared to beat Boss Du, it would be nothing to think of getting married.

"Okay, let's have a fight." Yuemu agreed with a smile. It was flattering. That's right, it's just flattering, father-in-law facing one's own future.

Boss Du took this shot very seriously. He knew that there would be a lot of noise, but he also believed that no one would come over at this moment.

It was true that no one came here. They all knew that Boss Du looked at Yuemu not pleasing to the eye, and now is a good opportunity for the two to shed their suspicion.

Even if it is not a good choice to clear up the previous dislikes by means of competition, if Yuemu can get a wife in exchange for a beating, he will not lose money.

Boss Du is very serious, and Yuemu is also very serious, not to hurt him.

"Don't let me!" Mr. Du shouted, and Yuemu slowly shook his head: "Although I don't want to, but my Divine Consciousness disagrees. If I hurt you, Beibei will I hate me."

Upon hearing this, Boss Du has several points of approval, because he knew that Beibei was still very important in Yuemu's heart.

"Are you sure? Then I'm not welcome." Boss Du tried his best to provoke Yuemu, didn't expect him to be so calm.

Boss Du's methods didn't make Yuemu angry, he was still very restrained, and even suffered several times.

So at this moment Yuemu was injured, his face was red and swollen, and his back was hit. Yuemu could feel that the purpose of Boss Du doing this was to irritate himself.

Although he knows that he doesn't respect Boss Du very much, but now the situation has changed. He is the prospective son-in-law of others, so he has to look like a son-in-law.

"No matter how much you dislike me, Beibei and I will not leave each other." Yuemu wiped and loved his nosebleeds and said, he hasn't been so embarrassed for a long time.

"That would be the best." Boss Du said so, and then increased the intensity of the attack.

Yuemu: "..."

Fortunately, although Yuemu was angry, he still didn't fight back. It wasn't until after one hour that Mr. Du stopped.

Yuemu felt that he had the feeling of escaping from the dead. He thinks this is a disarming, absolutely disarming.

"Although I still don't like you, I agree with you and Beibei's marriage." Mr. Du said that, Yuemu couldn't understand even more.

"Why? I really don't understand. You don't like me, why do you agree to our marriage?" Yuemu asked, which made Mr. Du look at him again.

"Are you sure you want to ask this question, at this time?" Boss Du looked at Yuemu. He felt that Yuemu was always so unreliable and that he did everything like this, just for his own happiness. Completely ignore the feelings of others.

So this is also the reason why he opposes being together with Beibei. Beibei, such a well-behaved child, has experienced too many troubles after being with Yuemu.

"Yes, I'm sure, if I don't do well, if Beibei doesn't get your blessing, I'm afraid she will be unhappy."

Said Yuemu , Boss Du laughed and said: "I don't agree with you being with Beibei. That's because you are too casual and do everything you want. For Beibei, you are not a good choice.

Or you want to deny it, but I don't think it is necessary. I consider the problem from a father's point of view, but you are from your own point of view. The two of us have different positions. Naturally, there is no way to think of the same."

For this, Yuemu agrees. He knows that he doesn't have many advantages, but he didn't expect that Boss Du doesn't like him because of this reason.

Sure enough, you can't be too arrogant, because you don't know who is likely to become your father-in-law in the future.

(End of this chapter)

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