
  Chapter 2790 Treasure Hunting

At this moment, Beibei is looking for a serious treasure. She does not know Yuemu ’s plan , She hunted for treasure with a purely relaxed attitude.

And she did discover a lot of treasures!

"This kind of squid is delicious, so big for Chi Xuan to clean up, how good we eat together!" Beibei caught a stunned octopus, this octopus It's a few meters long, I definitely didn't expect, I went out and wandered around, and I was caught.

Yuemu: "..." Okay.

Then they saw a huge pearl oyster. This pearl oyster was five or six meters in size, and Bei Bei could see it at a glance.

"You won't hide the baby here, are you?" Beibei asked. Yuemu shook her head quickly. Beibei was a little uninterested, but turned her head and tapped the pearl oyster with the stick. .

"Go on, let me see if there are any beads."

Beibei is so domineering, Yuemu smiled, this is so cute.

Although the pearl oyster is a low-level monster beast, it seems to understand it, open the scallop obediently, and then slowly spit out a bead.

"No, there is only one impossible!" Beibei said so, and Yuemu saw that the scallop continued to spit out beads, one after another, and seven or eight beads came out.

Yuemu: "..."

"Count you acquaintance." Beibei said, clutching those beads bigger than a fist and left.

"How do you know how many beads are in this scallop?" Yuemu curiously asked.

"This is simple, I just scare it, who knows it is really there, but this bead is pretty useless.

Let's go back and give it to Wen Wen and Han Meng They definitely like it. Put it in the house, and it will emit a soft light at night. It is very beautiful.

The biggest one is for sister Guoguo, she must also like it, when the time comes to this bead With some gauze on the outside, it can also change the color."

Wenwen said as he walked, and then went to Coral Cong.

Yuemu didn't know what Wenwen could get out this time, but he felt that he was looking forward to it.

"Red coral, this is a big one, we cut it down and put it in the room." Beibei said so and started directly, and Yuemu thought it was really good-looking.

"Have you seen this stone? This is a seabed gem. It looks good when it is made into a bracelet. We can dig down and we can dig a larger one. It is estimated that it used to be a volcanic crater."


As Beibei said, Yuemu felt that this stone was more like a diamond.

Of course, the oceans of each plane are different, and this stone must be different too.

"I haven't seen many things here. The ocean of this noodle is interesting, but I don't know if the fish in it can be eaten."

When Bei said that, he felt that they were getting farther and farther away from the goal.

"Babe, we are here to hunt for treasure, let's find our treasure." Yuemu saw that they had caught a lot of fish, which was enough to eat.

"Okay." Although the meaning was still unfinished, Beibei still followed Yuemu.

Following Yuemu's prompts, it is not difficult to find treasure. She found a small box with a bracelet inside.

"What is this?" Wenwen curiously asked. She knew that this was hidden by Yuemu, so she must be right to ask him.

"I have bought this bracelet for a long time. I think it is suitable for you to wear, but I have never had the courage to give it to you." Yuemu said, Beibei blushed and put it on herself Up.

"If I wear it, it will be mine. You are not allowed to go back." Beibei said, Yuemu nodded, this is natural.

"Let's go on, there's more." Yuemu said shyly, but Beibei's face lit up.

She followed Yuemu to find the treasure he had hidden, and sure enough, she found another small umbrella.

"Is this treasure?" Beibei asked curiously.

"No, this is a well-made umbrella. The day I bought it, I thought it matched your white dress."

Yuemu said, Let an ordinary umbrella have a special meaning, Beibei also put away like a jewel, can not be used here, here is underwater.

The third treasure, that is a hairpin with a small ruby ​​on it.

"I don't think you look good with pearls, so the red gems are more suitable for you." Yuemu said and put on Beibei.

Beibei really didn't know what to say. She felt moved and cried, and she really wanted to cry. It turned out that he secretly bought a lot of gifts for herself.

"Don't cry, you won't be pretty when you cry. You keep looking, I will be with you."

Yuemu stopped Beibei to continue, and they found several more Good things, food and play, and wear, everything is there, and there is a storage ring.

"What is this?" Beibei looked at the storage ring and asked.

"For most of my family, I only left some pocket money, and the rest is here." Yuemu said so, Beibei was completely stupid.

"This, give it to me? What did you do wrong?" Beibei was a little nervous, she felt that Yuemu did not suit his style.

"Babe, I know it is a bit sudden, but sincerely, I will give you the gift that I have hidden, I will give you my wealth, I will give you this person, you are willing Accept me?"

Yuemu asked seriously, holding Beibei's hand, and Beibei stared at Yuemu with big eyes, as if she didn't understand.

"You give me this person? Really?" Beibe asked a little uncertain, the surprise came too suddenly.

"During the battle with Wuyou, when I was about to die, I felt that my biggest regret was not that I was going to die, but that I didn’t give you an explanation when I died.

I think I was wrong, I should beg you sooner, I should marry you! So I made this decision when I came back, but I don't know, whether you want it or not.

I know me Has a bad temper. I was not good enough to you before, but I will change it in the future. I will talk to you well, and I will stay with you well.

I will give you what you want to eat I will accompany you to do whatever you want to play, and buy what you like for yourself, and I will take care of all my treasures."

After Yuemu finished saying this, he looked a little worried. Beibei, he doesn't know what Beibei thinks.

He knows that Beibei is innocent, but this is a major event for life after all. What if she doesn't want to get married now?

"I do, I really do!" Beibei jumped up and held Yuemu's neck. She felt that she must be the happiest person in the world at this moment.

"Thank you, Beibei!" Yuemu said and put her storage ring on Beibei's finger. The ring changed its size and fit it firmly on Beibei's finger.

"Congratulations, spread flowers and spread flowers!" With a cry of exclamation, Yuemu was stunned, looking at the group of people who suddenly appeared.

"You guys! Wenwen!" Yuemu looked at Wenwen and them helplessly, and he knew that only Wenwen could do it, which opened up the space directly.

"Haha, we are here to visit Beibei, not to see you!" Han Meng said, Beibei is very sorry.

(End of this chapter)

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