
  Chapter 2772 Unaware of the oriole behind

Wrong, something must be wrong!

At this moment, Wang Chen suddenly thought of himself using demonic energy to replace his ontology. Looking at his subordinates, where is Demon Venerable, this is the same trick.

Demonic energy can change its form, not only can it change into a devil beast, but it can also imitate others naturally. I used this to deceive Zhao Ting and the others before, and really didn't expect Demon Venerable to do the same.

Moreover, he paid less than he did. At least he left a strand of Divine Soul here, but he didn't leave anything!

"No, this is a trap!" Wang Chen wanted to understand and wanted to leave, but it was too late.

A rays of light suddenly rose from his surroundings, as if a hood appeared from the ground and enveloped him inside.

Wang Chen heart trembled, this is an array trap! And this is not a general array trap, this is an array that specifically restrains him.

If it is a general array, there will be no distinction between attributes, but this array contains Lightning Spirit Power and natural forces.

This is very clear, this is set by Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan, specifically to restrain his demonic energy. Really didn't expect, they will plot everything against.

I originally thought that they were stupid and didn't even know that he would kill him back. But never thought that they had never really believed in themselves, they had set a trap long ago, and waited for him to walk right into a trap.

This feels very bad, as if he is very stupid.

How proud he was before, how depressed he is now in the heart, feeling that everyone around him is laughing at him, although now, there is no one around him.

At this moment, a person slowly walked out from underneath, it was Demon Venerable. He smiled and looked at Wang Chen and said, "What is called a clever person may become the victim of his own ingenuity. I have seen it once today.

You didn't expect it at all, here I am. A trap will be set up and waiting for you. Do you think everyone is not as smart as you? Do you think we simply don’t want to ambush you?"

When Demon Venerable said that, in fact, he felt very much in his heart. proud. Because all this is not good for him to plot against, but these are good for Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan.

This array took the children a month of time and energy. After it was set up, it was directly given to him for self-protection use.

They thought that Wang Chen might come back, maybe not. But the heart to guard against people is indispensable, so I gave him this in order to guard against the unexpected.

Who would have thought that it was really used today. He knew that the man in grey had appeared outside, so he immediately arranged a trap and hid it underground.

Sure enough, Wang Chen thought that he hadn't missed anything, so naturally he was careless, and this was also the main reason for his failure. Of course, the most important reason is that Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan are smart and prepared in advance.

Thinking of the two children, Demon Venerable's faces are smiling, and his mood is much better. Even seeing Wang Chen's anger has alleviated a lot.

This guy is really unpleasant, they don't care about it, why deal with Wuyou, they let him go, this guy even dared to kill a sudden thrust to kill them all.

By the way, maybe not all are gone. After all, although his injury is healed, it is a bit harder to deal with so many of them alone.

Perhaps his goal is purely himself, for revenge?

No, for your own magic!

Demon Venerable only felt that Wang Chen was doing it for his own magic power, and he didn't even remember that he was the Demon Lord of the Earth Demon clan. At this time, he had forgotten such a heavy identity.

He knew that this guy was going to destroy his hard-earned happy life.

"You, since you were caught, I have nothing to say." Wang Chen said, Fiercely's fist hit the protective array.

Demon Venerable: "..." said it as if you could do anything.

Wang Chen felt that the meridian in his body was hurt at once. He really didn't understand where such a powerful force of nature came from.

Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan took a look at Demon Venerable. They didn't dare to despise the situation inside. Who knows if Wang Chen has any hole cards.

"Needless to say, it was either you or me that died today!" Demon Venerable said, and walked directly in.

Although this array is powerful, it only defends people from coming out from the inside, but it doesn't stop people from going in from the outside.

Everyone: "..." Is it so awesome?

"Naughty! How dangerous is this!" Xiao Guoguo let out an angry rebuke, and the person had disappeared in place.

Chi Xuan shook his head and went to take a look together. Their original plan was to wait for Wang Chen to be exhausted from tossing in it, and then kill him directly.

But now that Demon Venerable walks in by himself, this plan has to be changed, otherwise when the array kills Wang Chen, it will naturally damage Demon Venerable.

"You, you are crazy!" Wang Chen couldn't believe it, is this Demon Venerable crazy?

This is an array, and it is an array that restrains the demonic cultivator. Such a powerful array came in on the initiative. What does he want to do?

"I'm crazy? I think you are crazy! Isn't it okay to live well? I have to kill me, I have to disturb us!"

Demon Venerable said so Then, it turned into a black tacit understanding. Wang Chen was stunned. This was going to fight him desperately.

He didn't dare to neglect, he also turned into a demonic energy, this is the purest state of demonic cultivator, they are all demonic energy, now it depends on who is stronger.

Wang Chen thought he had this confidence before, but when he saw Demon Venerable without the slightest hesitation walk into the array, his confidence was shattered, and it was completely shattered.

If it wasn't for Demon Venerable to have strong confidence in him, if he was not very sure that he could beat himself, how could he have come to take the risk so casually.

So Demon Venerable is confident, but he doesn't have that confidence anymore, especially after seeing Chi Xuan and Xiao Guoguo outside, they are obviously worried, so come and take a look.

At this moment, the Earth Demon clan outside has also left Cave Mansion, as if they knew that Demon Venerable was okay, so they didn't go inside.

And the Earth Demon clan trapped by the array hasn't gotten out of it for a while, staring at the front with annoyance, as if still wanting to come in and see the situation.

Of course, these are not the key points. All his energy is now in Demon Venerable. He didn't expect Demon Venerable to fight with him as soon as he came up.

There are two groups of demonic energy. To be honest, Xiao Guoguo can’t tell which is Demon Venerable and which is Wang Chen, so she doesn’t know at all, whether Demon Venerable has the upper hand or Is it down?

"Can you tell who is who?" Xiao Guoguo asked Chi Xuan. Chi Xuan shook his head slightly. Seriously, he couldn't tell.

If they are Magic Human Transformation, even if they have a little clue. But no, these are two groups of the same demonic energy.

"I think the larger demonic energy is Demon Venerable." Chi Xuan said. Xiao Guoguo wanted to agree, but couldn't help but doubt it.

(End of this chapter)

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