
  Chapter 2766 Enemies

Anyway, this is what they owe without regrets.

And one more thing, they don't want to be anyone's pawn anymore. Now that the Holy Lord knew their identities, it was very likely that they would be regarded as chess pieces.

They don't want the kind of life controlled by others, so they have to cultivate well.

"We have to think of a way." Xiao Guoguo said, Chi Xuan nodded. He just wants to hold her now and comfort his heart that has been fluctuating during this period of time.

Xiao Guoguo's face was slightly red, but the old man's wife was not so hypocritical, so Chi Xuan hugged him like this. There are always solutions, and there are always more solutions than problems.

"Yes, we have to think of a way, we can't always be so passive." Xiao Guoguo said, Chi Xuan suddenly realized that he shouldn't have said it now.

The two of them have injuries on their bodies, and the injuries are not minor, and now they seem weak to say anything.

"Guoguo, the most important thing now is healing. We will think about other things later." Chi Xuan is so gentle and considerate, Xiao Guoguo will naturally not refuse.

The two of them are still cultivation within a Cave Mansion. Although the conditions here are not good, there is not so much attention to healing.

On this plane, almost everyone is healing. They are actually quite miserable this time. After the fierce battles, their situation is not good.

But even so, with Zhao Ting and the others, they still arranged patrols and defenses. These people were all slightly injured, much better than those dantians who would be broken.

They have no complaints either. They know that there are more than 10,000 injured people behind them. If they don't patrol these people, there will be no guarantee for their safety.

Such days passed, as if everything had returned to calm, their greatest enemy had lost track, and they were finally able to breathe in peace of mind.

Three months later, Earth Demon clansman looked at the cave where Demon Venerable was. The Demon Lord didn't know when he could leave.

The recovery from injuries of these people is relatively slow, because they are a demonic cultivator, and the demonic energy here is really not enough.

So their injuries have been repeated repeatedly, but they can't be completely healed, let alone improve their cultivation base.

So they really don't understand what the seniors who said they wanted to occupy this world thought.

With so little demonic energy, why are you here? Are you on vacation?

Thinking about it this way, they miss their world very much, but they also know that Demon Venerable will not easily go with them, because Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan are here, he is impossible to leave himself casually The child.

And for them, if Demon Venerable wants to stay, they naturally can't leave. This is their responsibility and mission as subordinates.

Homesickness, this is the first time I am so homesick.

"There is movement over there." An Earth Demon clansman said so, everyone looked up in the air, it turned out that everyone was attacking the barrier.

This barrier was set up by people from the Seven Palaces, the one named Zhao Ting, but he was also injured at the time, so this barrier was set up very casually.

What is going on here, who is so short-sighted to come here to make trouble?

Earth Demon clansman was very curious, and then he was surprised to find that there were so many people outside.

These people are ordinary cultivators, but their expressions are very firm, as if they came with a mission, and this barrier must be broken. This is the first time they have seen each other in this situation.

Of course, they don’t need to bother about this. Someone has already notified Zhao Ting. Zhao Ting was also frowned.

He roughly estimated that there are hundreds of thousands of people here. They are cultivators, and there are all kinds of cultivation bases, from Xianzun to Saint Realm, but there are more relatives.

"Why are they eager to enter here?" Sun Qianqian asked, she had a bad feeling.

"I guess they knew we were here." Zhao Ting said. The expressions of the people outside were serious, and there was a look of death in their eyes.

This look is so strange, they don't seem to be treasure hunters.

Zhao Ting once thought about whether someone would enter here by mistake, because generally barriers have treasures.

So he also thought that if someone came to hunt for treasure, he would just frighten him and let him go.

But at this moment, he doesn't think so. This group of people is clearly not the case.

"Who do you think is the person standing behind them?" Sun Qianqian asked.

"No matter who it is, it is uneasy and kind. This is to know that we have not recovered and want to beat us completely unprepared."

Zhao Ting knows that his inference is somewhat arbitrary, but he Now I don't mind using the greatest malice to speculate on the people behind this matter.

"Let's consume their spiritual power first. Anyway, we must reduce the burden for everyone." Sun Qianqian said, Zhao Ting knew that she was talking about reducing the burden for her subordinates.

So many people, they are impossible to kill, so they can only intercept. Of course, it's not that they can't kill them, but the early killings are too heavy.

And the task of interception must still be completed by their own men, so they will face a fierce battle again.

But Sun Qianqian found something wrong, she found that this group of people was actually divided into two parts, one of them was responsible for opening the barrier intently, and the other part, they did not move, as if to save their strength .

Save your strength, it means that the other party knows that they are not easy to deal with!

In other words, people outside know their identities and even figure out how to deal with them.

"Zhao Ting, you can let them in. I want to see what their arrangement is." Sun Qianqian said, Zhao Ting was taken aback, and then nodded.

Yes, let's put a part in first, so that we can test their thoughts.

Zhao Ting made a small opening at the edge. The man who was attacking before was stunned at first sight, and then laughed in surprise.

"Hurry up, everyone, I opened this barrier!" The man shouted, and the people around immediately noticed.

They squeezed into this hole together, as if they all wanted to be the first to rush in, with a complex and decisive look on their faces.

"Looking at their expressions, they seem reluctant, but they have to come in to die." Sun Qianqian said so, Zhao Ting thought she was very vivid.

Zhao Ting's expression is also very complicated, he thought of a possibility, that is also a means he has seen before.

People say that a good controller will not let himself take risks, but will let his people open a way for him, and whether these people are voluntary or persecuted.

"Wait a minute, don't go there." Zhao Ting said, and the people under him were stunned, why don't you let them pass.

"My lord, this is our duty and our mission." A subordinate said so, but Zhao Ting shook his head with a very firm expression.

(End of this chapter)

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