
  Chapter 2747 Limits

The battle between Demon Venerable and Worry-Free has been going on, and everyone’s hearts follow. Seven ups and downs, and at this moment Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan opened their eyes.

They have felt the powerful energy fluctuations. Sure enough, Demon Venerable is fighting Wuyou, but they know in their hearts that Demon Venerable does not have any advantage in such a face-to-face fight.

They wake up from the deep cultivation, and the injuries in their bodies have basically recovered. The medicine pill refined by Xiao Guoguo is amazing, plus their own recovery ability, as long as they are given time, everything is not a problem.

"It seems to be taking over soon." Chi Xuan said, Xiao Guoguo agrees. Their goal today is to kill the enemy, not to let their own people be damaged here.

Their injuries are almost healed, and worry-free energy is not consumed much. Now is the time for them to join forces.

Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan know that Demon Venerable has done everything they can do. Let’s look at them below.

"Don't want to beat me. Today, I ruined my foundation and want you to die!" Wuyou shouted, and then he slapped his Dantian sharply.

At this moment, Shi yelled fiercely: "Be careful, this is his secret technique, which can stimulate energy."

As Shi Gang said this, he quietly continued to back away. I have to say that he thinks this worry-free is crazy.

Worry-free glanced at Shi Gang, and then coldly smiled, saying that he hadn't betrayed him, but he was still reminding others, which showed that he was the real enemy in his heart.

But these are not important anymore. Now he wants to kill all the people in this barrier, leaving none of them.

Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan looked at each other, they saw resoluteness in each other's eyes, and this was probably the last stop.

Life and Death Sword merged again. This is the most powerful attack weapon of the two of them. At this moment, Life and Death Sword has turned into countless fragments, completely surrounding the worry-free from different angles. Up.

Demon Venerable backed quickly, he knew that Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan would use killing move.

This move has dealt with Shi Gang just now, and Shi Gang is still lying down now... Hey, I can move, and they have all gone to the extreme edge of the rule field.

Now we have to deal with this worry-free, and see if it can be effective. So Demon Venerable admired it very much and retreated quickly.

He is the one who has not been injured so far, but the magic power in his body is almost exhausted.

According to the previous plot against, he is not afraid of the consumption of magic power. There are people from the Earth Demon clan outside, and they can replenish their magic power at any time.

With one command, the clansman and Elder of the five thousand Earth Demon clan outside, dared to fight for their demonic energy to be completely deprived of their lives, and to supplement him with demonic energy.

But the problem is in the field of this rule. They are completely isolated from the outside world. This will be out of contact for a while.

Unless...unless this worry-free is seriously injured! This is also his last plot against, plot against desperately with Wuyou.

As long as Wuyou is seriously injured, then this field can no longer be supported if it is closed, then he can contact the Earth Demon clan outside, and they can give themselves a second chance, this opportunity Very precious.

Of course, now Wuyou doesn’t know their plot against. He looked at Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan and concentrated almost half of their spiritual power on the Flying Sword. They were trying to test themselves now s level.

Worry-free and not afraid, the flying blades all stopped in front of him, those flying blades were trembling, trembling constantly, the flying blades wanted to break through his defense and pierce his skin and Internal organs.

But Wuyou didn't care, he stood up and grabbed one of the flying blades.

Chi Xuan's eyes changed and he immediately condensed all the flying blades into a sword, but it was still too late, and the captured piece could not fly back.

"Is this your ultimate method?" Wuyou asked. Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan only felt uncomfortable in their hearts, but Dantian was in pain.

Life-Source Magical Treasure was caught, which was a kind of harm to them, and at this moment they knew that if the other party destroyed the Life and Death Sword, they would definitely be hit hard.

If this is the case, then they will become very passive below. If this is the case, it is better to fight to the death.

The two immediately extracted all the energy, which was so dazzling that people did not dare to look directly at it. Worry-free looking at faintly smiled, this is preparing to fight hard with myself.

And Yuemu and Beibei grabbed each other's hands, they slapped Na Xiyuezhong, but Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan did not look back, nor did they release them.

Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan concentrated all their energy on Life and Death Sword. This Life and Death Sword seemed to be thrown into the furnace, and the whole body was flushed red, as if it was about to be melted. .

Wuyou sees this coldly smiled and said: "This quality magic weapon, you can be ashamed of it!"

In Wuyou's view, even a magic weapon can't bear the owner. The spiritual power, which in itself is a shame.

But he immediately noticed something was wrong, because the blade fragments in his hand were also the same. Not only did the color change, but the temperature rose sharply, even he couldn't hold it anymore.

"You guys are so willing, this is Life-Source Magical Treasure." Wuyou wondered why they had so many tricks.

"Life-Source Magical Treasure replaces your life, it's worth it." After Xiao Guoguo said that, she spits out mouthful of blood, and she drew out all the natural power from her body.

"Hehe, I'm afraid I won't be able to change my life!" Seeing Life and Death Sword moved towards I stabbed over, and seeing Life and Death Sword want breakthrough defense, worry-free can't take care of him, he He knew in his heart that if this sword was sturdy and hard, then it was certain that he would lose half of his life.

He extracted all the demonic energy from his body, but he didn't believe it anymore, and he couldn't deal with them. As for the demonic cultivator, if you don't deal with him now, it is waiting for a while to clean up, because in his current state, the demonic energy on this body is continuously and rapidly stored.

Of course, all this comes at a price. In the next two thousand years, his cultivation base will not increase even a little!

Such a price is too great, he himself feels unacceptable, but today it is such a point, it is impossible not to accept it.

So he can only ignore it, ignore it, and slowly think of a solution in the future.

Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan felt that the worry-free demonic energy was very powerful. This demonic energy blocked their Life and Death Sword from the outside, which made Life and Death Sword no breakthrough defense at all. .

Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan are anxious. After all, this is a fatal blow. If it is not useful, they will be passive.

And after ten minutes of persisting like this, Xiao Guoguo felt Dantian’s pain. She looked at the spiritual power tree, and she had no choice but to let her Fire Spirit Power fuse into the inside of Dantian. .

But so I can support it, Chi Xuan!

Chi Xuan doesn't have any spiritual power Avatar. If this continues, Chi Xuan will definitely be seriously injured.

(End of this chapter)

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