
  Chapter 2745 Beads

black demonic energy carries a suffocating coercion, Xiao Guoguo But Chi Xuan and Chi Xuan didn't even open their eyes. They were still meditating, as if they didn't care about everything outside.

"You guys are so brave!" Wuyou said so, and the black demonic energy surrounded Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan.

"Boss!" Yuemu's heart trembled when she saw it, the boss will be fine, right!

At this moment, everyone's hearts are also raised. Although they know that Demon Venerable is outside, the feeling that Wuyou gives them is still too strong.

"No, I have to go!" Lingyue stood up, the injury is still there, but she can work hard, she is willing to work hard for Xiao Guoguo.

"You can't, and even if you want, we can't get out." Lei Hao advised that Lingyue calmed down. Look at Xi Yuezhong, she really can't get out.

Is it because they had anticipated it and put them here, just because they were afraid they would go out to take risks. Thinking about it this way, Lingyue's heart became even more uncomfortable.

Although they came to confront the enemy together, in fact they were protected everywhere. Although the cup one fist in the other hand took their lives, it made them feel disturbed.

Especially Lingyue, she knows that her cultivation base is not high enough, and she is not big enough to help. Compared with Zhao Ting and the others, it seems a bit far-fetched.

But she still came, but she did not die.

Before she came here, she had a will to die. What she wanted was to use her life to pave the way for Xiao Guoguo and the others. But who would have thought that at the end, she would be harmless.

So Lingyue felt guilty, but didn't want Xiao Guoguo to know it, so it was a little difficult to suppress it. Lei Hao knew Lingyue's thoughts and grabbed her hand to give her silent support.

"You believe me, they will be fine." Lei Hao said this, and he saw changes in Xiao Guoguo's side over there.

It was originally a group of black demonic energy. At this moment, the demonic energy seems to be absorbed by someone. It is as if someone opened a huge mouth and absorbed the black demonic energy in one mouthful. .

And Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan are still meditating, there is no change at all.

"You guys, how is this possible." Wuyou couldn't believe that his demonic energy was actually absorbed.

On the other hand, the Shi Gang who was lying on the ground laughed heartily, smiled and said: "Worry-free, you have to be careful, they are not ordinary people. Think about it carefully, according to me Can ordinary people beat me like this?

You know, I’m your opponent, you didn’t beat me so badly back then, so in this comparison, they are better than you Great...Of course, they are impossible than you, but they must be more insidious than you."

Worry-free: "..." Hehe, thinking about it this way, it really makes sense.

They are not as strong as their own, it must be because they are more insidious than their own to win Shi Gang. I underestimated the enemy, underestimated the enemy.

"You are right." Wuyou said so, and then waited for Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan, thinking about how these two people did it, and absorbed their demonic energy.

They definitely can't do it, so there is only one possibility, and that is the demonic cultivator.

"Don't hide your head and show your tail. Since you are going to fight, it is better to stand up generously. Such behavior is too embarrassing even as a demonic cultivator." Wuyou said so, and no one paid him any attention.

The invisible Demon Venerable thought very clearly, why should he stand up by himself? Now the show has just begun.

He was originally a cultivator, the spiritual power can only be carried on his own, but now he is a demonic cultivator, he he he.

Demon Venerable refused to appear, and there was nothing to worry about. He knew that Demon Venerable must protect these two people, so he attacked Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan again.

But this demonic energy was absorbed again, and the opponent was not injured at all.

"Impossible!" Wuyou couldn't sit still, and stood up directly, then looked all around, and suddenly took out a magic weapon.

I saw that the magic weapon looked like a dart, but in an instant, the dart split into hundreds, and flew towards all directions directly.

The magic weapon is also powerful in this way. The combination of these darts is a long sword, and it can be transformed into a shield, and spread out is a powerful weapon that can attack in groups.

This is the magic weapon for worry-free. This dart Myriad Transformations can not only become a long sword, but sometimes it can also become a whip.

Of course, the shape of this whip is invisible to ordinary people, and I have only seen it once. So when he saw a dart, he felt a pain in his back and was stabbed back then.

"Hehe, you are a magic weapon, it seems you are serious. You must kill them."

Shi Gang changed his posture to continue watching the excitement, with a commentary. This makes Worry-free look at him fiercely. This guy is very happy when he sees himself unlucky.

But Shi Gang is not afraid, what is he afraid of, anyway, there is a vow and a Divine Consciousness control on him now, so it is even a two-sided attack.

There are hundreds of darts. These darts are walking around. Someone will see it at a glance. Demon Venerable is like a cloud of smoke. The shuttle.

"I finally saw you." Wuyou said so, and then the dart transformed into a Flying Sword.

This Flying Sword is very sharp, chasing the black mist, and watching without worry, concentrated attention completely, he must kill this demonic cultivator this time.

But at this moment, Wuyou suddenly felt a strong murderous aura. He turned his head abruptly, and felt a force rubbing his body, and then hit his own. Within the field of rules.

Such a large amount of energy collision made the rule field shake a bit, and the people who set up this field have no worries and are naturally backlashed.

Although this backlash is not very powerful, Wuyou still shook it, and this is not the most important thing. The most important thing is that the attack was originally directed at him, so although he dodges Soon, but he was still injured, leaving a blood stain on his face.

"Come out!" Wuyou backhanded back, and only heard a plop, the demonic cultivator fell to the ground.

"You are really good plot against." Wuyou mocked so, touched his face, the blood beads on it condensed, he felt that he would recover soon.

But it doesn't matter, I have found it out. Seeing his appearance, his counterattack just now should have been hit.

"What can I do if I don't plot against, I can't beat you again." Demon Venerable said, looking like a rascal, which makes worry-free didn't expect.

How come these people are abnormal one by one. This is who, isn't there a normal person?

"Your sneak attack is justified! People like you, I..." He was almost defeated!

I can't afford to lose such a person. No one knows the resentment in his heart. He has never come into contact with such a cunning person. There is no such person in the rule world.

(End of this chapter)

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