
  Chapter 2722 appeared

Looking at the expressions of the three, Wang Chen admitted that his legs were a little numb Up.

But he didn't doubt his choice. After so many years, he has developed this habit. Don't doubt his choice no matter when it comes.

Because he can't look back after he chooses, he can hesitate before making a choice, he can regret it, but once a decision is made, he must stick to it no matter whether he wins or loses.

Of course, this does not mean that the decisions he made are all right, but for the cultivator, even if it is wrong, there is no chance of starting from scratch.

Just like back then, he would die if he didn't choose to be an adult of Wuyou, but now, if he doesn't choose freedom, escape from Wuyou's hands, then he will die in the future!

The same thing, different results, just because the time is different, I... naturally also different.

"For so many years, really didn't expect, we still got to this step!" Zhao Ting said, looking at Wang Chen, to be honest, a little embarrassed.

"Yes, originally thought cannot be a friend, at least not an enemy. Do you have to stop me today? You should know that what I am looking for is not your trouble."

Wang Chen said very seriously, Lin Lang was silent, but Sun Qianqian spoke instead: "You just don't trouble us now, because your master thinks that we have no ability to enter the state of questioning and enter the world of rules."

"What! Is it like this? Then we are underestimated?" Lin Lang couldn't believe it, they were actually despised.

Everyone: "..." Do you only understand it now?

"Yes, she is right, we are not your enemy now, it does not mean that we are not in the future, once we are going to Transcending Tribulation, your master will let you kill us, right? "" Zhao Ting asked, and Wang Chen shook his head.

"No, only aptitude can be dealt with, because ordinary people with aptitude can't get out even if they enter the state of questioning, so there is no need to worry." Wang Chen told the truth again.

Everyone: "..." deliberately.

"You deliberately, this is to look down on who! Who said that we can't enter the next realm, who said that we can't get out! I tell you, don't look down on people, Lao Ziwan After the year, he must be stronger than you!"

Lin Lang is not convinced. Who is this to look down on? Isn't this bullying them?

"Although things are hard to say after ten thousand years, I believe that you will not be able to compare to mine within ten thousand years. And things after ten thousand years are too far away, I don't want to think about that much."

Lin Lang is so angry, this Wang Chen didn't expect his mouth to be so powerful, he has nothing to say in a word, which is obviously despising him.

"Wang Chen, so we are here to stop you today, not only for the loyalty of our friends, but also for the sake of maintaining this world, but also for ourselves. If we don't help them now, we will probably face this in the future. We are actually helping ourselves!" After Zhao Ting finished saying that, Wang Chen sighed, and acting affectionately was not enough.

"I got it." After the three words fell, black's demonic energy seemed to have become a huge devil beast, and then moved towards Lin Lang and the three attacked away.

Of course, the three of them are also extremely powerful, how could they suffer this loss. Although they weren't Wang Chen's opponents alone, they were still very confident in a group fight of three.

Wang Chen watched three people holding my hand while I was holding your hand, standing together in a very different posture, as if they were surrounded in a circle.

But isn't their target themselves? Why should they be combined into a circle? There are no enemies there.

"spiritual power ring!" Lin Lang said so, and Wang Chen could see how powerful their attacks were.

These three guys unexpectedly merged their own spiritual power. The spiritual power of the three of them is different. The spiritual power of the three of them merged together and became a circle. From a distance, the golden light is shining. In fact, this represents a powerful spiritual power.

Wang Chen: "..." It's a lie!

"When did they..." Xiao Guoguo was also asking Chi Xuan over there, why didn't she know, when did the three of them practice this technique?

"For many years, their three people would have done it, just because Sun Qianqian and Lin Lang are not very harmonious, so I haven't used it again in these years.

When facing a powerful enemy, they would join forces like this. Now that I can see it again, I think I miss it very much."

With that said, Xiao Guoguo understands it. The fateful friendship, this is the so-called loss of friends.

Xiao Guoguo looked at the spiritual power ring made by the three of them, and watched that the spiritual power ring trapped Wang Chen.

"Very difficult to deal with."

Xiao Guoguo sighs that Wang Chen is actually not very lucky very often. With good luck, they should have been successfully destroyed long ago. Up.

Wang Chen struggled, he found that this spiritual power ring is really powerful, even if the black demonic energy protects himself very well, the spiritual power ring outside still prevents him from moving .

At this moment, he seems to be set in place, and he can't move like a target. He feels that the following killing move may be about to arrive.

Yes, the next one is killing move. Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan's Life and Death Sword are like a light, getting closer and closer in Wang Chen's eyes.

Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan control Life and Death Sword together, just to supplement this last link.

The Life and Death Sword magnified in Wang Chen's eyes. At this moment, he even doubted whether he was fooled and whether they wanted his life before.

But his temper is tough. The ninja born at this moment watched the Life and Death Sword pass through his chest.

His chest was very painful, but it was only very painful, because he found that he had no worries about life and death.

Sure enough, I made a right bet. They didn't want their lives.

But they don’t know. In fact, it’s not easy to want summon worry-free adults, and summon may not come.

"Do you think this can trap me? It is too simple to think that I am not so easy to defeat! It is not so easy to die, this little injury is simply nothing!"


When Wang Chen said so, he used black demonic energy to corrode the spiritual power ring.

Zhao Ting looked at Sun Qianqian. Sun Qianqian knew what Zhao Ting meant. If their three people really attacked Wang Chen alone, then their three people are not opponents.

Obviously there is not much difference in the cultivation base, but it is a crisis of life and death. The three attacked together, but they couldn't beat them. What is this!

"We won't lose easily!" Zhao Ting said, mobilizing all his spiritual power.

This time, they understood what Wang Chen meant. It seemed that the injury was not serious enough!

What he meant was that only in the face of a life-and-death crisis, the opponent will appear! So they can't be merciful.

Thinking about it this way, I feel a little excited. Of course, they also know that the other party will definitely not show mercy anymore. They have to really fight a game.

(End of this chapter)

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