
  Chapter 2716 Invitation

Wang Chen feels that Chi Xuan is no longer the person he once knew. Is this guy the original Yang Shuo, why has he become so narcissistic? Is narcissism your life creed?

Although I told myself not to be angry, I am now discussing serious topics, which may even be the biggest secret between them, but I still can't help it.

"Where did you come from with such a big face, I am a man, am I jealous of your beauty? What's the use of your beauty? You are not planted twice!"

Wang Chen roared angrily and said what was in his heart.

"Oh, so you really dealt with us to complete the task." Chi Xuan said meaningfully.

Wang Chen didn't expect this result. Knowing that this was the case, he wouldn't say anything because he didn't hold his breath and told the truth.

But now that he has said it, he also feels that there is nothing to do. They will know it sooner or later, and how does he feel that these guys actually already know.

"Yes, I did deal with you for the task. Actually, I didn't want to deal with you. After all, it was just a waste of my time. So for so many years, you really hate the wrong person. "

When Wang Chen said this, he felt very comfortable in his heart, and the breath that had been suppressed over the years was finally let out.

"So your task is not Zhao Ting and the others, nor Guoguo, but me and Demon Venerable, right?" Chi Xuan asked, Wang Chen glanced at him, and then nodded again.

He always feels that Chi Xuan today seems to be looking for answers, so he will satisfy him, anyway, they are now irreconcilable.

And it may be that these secrets have been hidden in my heart for so many years and cannot be said, so if I can tell them at this moment, my heart is indeed full of relaxation. Finally, someone can make him vomit.

"It is precisely because of this that you brought Guoguo to me? I think about it, it is not easy for that guy Lin Lang to find a child. That is what you left deliberately to live. Huh?"

As Chi Xuan said, Wang Chen felt that he finally had some comfort in his heart. After all, he hadn't had the opportunity to speak out such a good plan in recent years.

"Yeah, not only did that girl remain alive, but it is also very important. No matter what the future of you and that girl, one of you and Demon Venerable will always get hurt.

Yang Shuo of the Seven Palaces, the daughter of Demon Venerable who likes Demon Venerable, it was not Demon Venerable who killed the person you like for the portal, or you were ruined for the person you like.

And the result was not very good. Okay? You and Demon Venerable lost their lives and the other was sealed for so many years. Isn’t this the best result?!"

Wang Chen felt that his innate talent was simply buried, so He came up with a wonderful plan.

"But even if you are so powerful and your mind is so high, you are still a chess piece in the hands of others. Why is this?"

Chi Xuan asked with a smile, as if a little Don't feel angry. His appearance makes Wang Chen's whole person bad. How dare he, how dare he be so relaxed, as if none of this had happened before.

"You, why do you say that! I am not, I am not anyone's pawn!" Wang Chen said, shaking his head slowly with a strange expression.

That is not anger, not sadness, but unwillingness.

Because Chi Xuan's words really touched his heart, he also felt that he was Heaven Blessed Genius, but he still couldn't escape his destiny as a chess piece.

"You are a chess piece, you can't violate the opponent's order, besides, you still dare not ask the state of mind alone, even in order to be able to improve the probability of your own pass, you also become Demon Venerable, and also absorb the powerful Power of Primordial Chaos.

All this shows that you want to get rid of the control of that person, you want to be a person in the rule world, and you want to control your own destiny."

After Chi Xuan finished saying this, Wang Chen fell into deep thought. Then he found out that what Chi Xuan said turned out to be correct.

He really doesn't want to be others' pawns and tools anymore. He has to control his own destiny. So how can this person understand his own mind, can he see his own mind?

Wang Chen's suspicion is the most notable feature, so he would not trust Chi Xuan easily, he only looked at each other, and then said nothing.

But he didn't speak, Chi Xuan couldn't. Instead, he started to continue.

"But is it really that easy? If it was that easy, he wouldn't choose you back then, and you won't be controlled until now, right?"

Chi Xuan this The words were really heartbreaking, which made Wang Chen's patience disappear again. At this moment, he looked at Chi Xuan, and finally closed his mouth.

"What on earth do you want to say?" Wang Chen felt that Chi Xuan must have a purpose.

"I want to say that I can help you. Although I am reluctant to do this, I still want to do it, because you are easy to deal with, but the people behind you are hard to deal with."

What Chi Xuan said, Wang Chen felt that he was crazy.

"Hehe, are you crazy? Do you think I will believe you? Such a thing, such a statement, do you really think I will believe it?"

Then he started to laugh crazily. He felt that Chi Xuan had become so stupid after so many years. Does he think he will believe it? Such a design, such a plot against, his simple mind... he would not believe it.

"I, I won't believe you." Wang Chen said.

"It's okay, although you have harmed us all these years, we still have our lives after all. It is estimated that in a few more years, you will not be able to kill us.

So , You are not our number one enemy, but another person, he is. So we want the other person’s life, and you also want to get rid of his control, so the enemy’s enemy is our friend.

By the way, even if you kill us, will he let you go and let you be free?"

Chi Xuan's words are simply heartbreaking, because Wang Chen knows , Impossible. These chess pieces are very easy to use, and naturally they will not be discarded. Once he completes the task, he will be placed in other worlds. This result is the most likely.

So even if he is the best among the chess pieces, the opponent will not let him go. So, what Chi Xuan said is true.

"Don't want to confuse me, I won't believe you." Wang Chen said this, turning his head and leaving, as if simply didn't want to pay attention to Chi Xuan.

But Chi Xuan was still laughed, and then turned and left. The moment he left, the array also disappeared.

Wang Chen knew it would be like this. These guys clearly wanted to sow discord, and he just wanted to use himself against that person.

But why does he feel that he agrees so much in his heart that he actually wants to agree?

(End of this chapter)

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