
  Chapter 2692 Strange Tips

Everyone didn’t expect it, it’s just a day later, Chi Xuan asked everyone to gather again, and this time he also said that he found a solution to the riot.

Is this method so easy to find? It was only one night.

"What do you think of a way." Zhao Ting asked Chi Xuan, Chi Xuan laughed faintly, and then asked Lingyue to tell everyone about the matter.

Although Lingyue feels that she has done this thing stupidly, since she needs it now, she doesn't care about being laughed at.

However, Zhao Ting didn't expect, and instead of mocking themselves, they fell into contemplation.

Lingyue: "..." Are these guys so smart?

The people who participated in her personally didn't expect a solution, but they seemed to have the same idea.

"Are you going to let Lingyue one by one continue to deal with it like this? Although her cultivation base is not high, it will weaken our strength?"

Lin Lang looked at Chi Xuan very seriously, watching everyone shook their heads helplessly, while Lingyue was relaxed. After last night, she had decided that she didn't want to deal with these things in a short time, she didn't want to solve these messy things one plane, one plane.

"Then what do you mean?" Lin Lang didn't understand what Chi Xuan thought.

"Do you want to imitate Lingyue and hurt the Sect Masters of other sects on these planes?" Sun Qianqian asked. Although this method is good, it still has the same problem. Who will do this? Who can have the time and ability to do this?

Chi Xuan still shook his head, and Zhao Ting stared at him, and then said: "You want to catch people back, as our help."

Zhao Ting this In a word, everyone feels suddenly enlightened. Yes, catching people back is not wounded or destroyed, but can help them. This seems like a good idea.

"Not only as a boost, we also need to use this opportunity to unite these sects, and only in this way can they truly live in peace for a period of time, and we can also be clear with Wang Chen. "

Chi Xuan said that, everyone does not understand, let these sects unite? How to do it?

Chi Xuan looked at Demon Venerable, and Demon Venerable suddenly felt bad. Is there anything else for him?

Demon Venerable can be said to be the least anxious person here. What about these planes and whether people from these planes will fight? What does this have to do with him.

The most important thing in his life right now is to protect his daughter. It would be great if Wang Chen could be destroyed by the way. As for the lives and deaths of other people, it has nothing to do with him.

"Look at what I do?" Demon Venerable asked puzzledly, and Zhao Ting and Chi Xuan laughed together, because Zhao Ting finally understood Chi Xuan's plan.


After the appearance of the man in gray, there were many sects on this plane that they didn’t dare. It's safe.

Why? Because up to now, no one knows why Antaimen was attacked this time! Why on earth is this!

So now everyone is in danger. As for what happened to Antaimen, no one cares anymore. Of course, even now, some people are playing the idea of ​​sect, but now the situation is unknown, no one dares to act rashly.

And not long after this, the sky seemed to be torn open by someone, and then, as everyone watched, huge silhouettes walked in.

"Earth Demon clan! Earth Demon clan!" someone shouted.

Although they have not listened to the name of the Earth Demon clan in recent years, they will not forget that nearly a thousand years ago, the Earth Demon clan used to arrest people on various planes and became a demonic cultivator.

Later, it was Sword Sect who brought many sects to defeat the Earth Demon clan. Not only was he defeated, it seemed to control the Earth Demon clan.

So, what is the situation now? Could it be that the Earth Demon clan really appeared!

Of course, there is no Sword Sect to rely on now. The Sword Sect that once took them to defeat the Earth Demon clan has now disappeared. The entire cultivation world can be said to be competing for the position of this number one Sect. .

But they only know now that without Sword Sect, the strength of the cultivation world will be defeated, and now no one takes them to resist the Earth Demon clan.

"Everyone, hurry up, don't come out, hurry up to the mountainside!" A dísciple shouted, and everyone ran to the mountainside of sect, where there are many forests and can hide the silhouette.

But they saw that the Earth Demon clan was getting closer and closer, and his huge silhouette seemed to be ready to step on them at any time.

And this time, a total of five Earth Demon clan appeared on this plane. These people did not do much damage, but went to capture the Sect Master and Old Ancestor of five sects.

This means that the high level power of the entire plane has now been captured, and there is no room for resistance at all. Everyone knows the toughness of the Earth Demon clan. They appear now, and the general high level cultivator is simply not their opponent.

Not to mention, their goal is very clear, that is, Sect Master and Old Ancestor. These Sect Master and Old Ancestor do this to preserve the lives of the disciplines!

If they don't leave, these dísciples will die, so they are taken away by Earth Demon clansman, and they still have confidence that they will completely destroy this place sooner or later.

Complete destruction! That is to say, it is not only to arrest people, but to retaliate against the entire plane.

They thought of that year, when they locked up the Earth Demon clan, the battle back then was very tragic.

Thinking about it this way, they must want revenge! The Earth Demon clan didn't know who had been released, but this time they were looking for revenge.

"No, we can't sit still, we must contact other sects as soon as possible and tell them that if we don't unite together to fight the Earth Demon clan, then no one wants to have a good life."

An Elder said so, everyone was silent for a while, and then they were like ants in the division of labor and cooperation, some were responsible for packing things, some were responsible for external contact, and naturally some people began to act as Sect Master.

"I really didn't expect, the effect is so good." Lin Lang stood in a transparent barrier and looked down.

"Yes, just need to say a few more words and catch a few more people, and they will realize the difficulties they face. When the threat they encounter is big enough, they will understand Unity is important."

When Zhao Ting said this, he slowly grasped his beard and watched the changes below. And Lin Lang couldn’t help but vomit: “It’s too shameful for Chi Xuan to propose such a simple method?”

Lin Lang asked, but Zhao Ting didn’t. Thinking of it, but said to him: "That guy Yang Shuo is already smart, it's not a shame."

Lin Lang was speechless, thinking about it this way, he was the only one among these people. An honest person, I really don't understand, how did someone such an honest person become friends with them?

(End of this chapter)

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