
  Chapter 2667 Concerns

Little Junior Sister is very curious, she doesn’t understand Xiao Guoguo’s pill concocting What's the meaning.

But they didn't mean to set out to find someone for the time being. After they got here, they knew better that what they had to face was a powerful enemy.

This person used to be the boss of the Seven Palaces, and his cultivation base is far above them. Both she and Senior Brother understand that they are here to be helpers, but not to be the main force.

Because with their cultivation base, simply impossible becomes the main force.

"Senior Brother, are you worried?" Little Junior Sister suddenly asked Zhang Jing.

"There is nothing to worry about." Zhang Jing replied, and Little Junior Sister looked at him tangledly.

Zhang Jing found that Little Junior Sister’s situation was a bit strange, and then asked earnestly: "What's the matter with you? Why do I think you seem to be very upset?"

After Jing asked, Little Junior Sister's expression was a little unnatural. She didn't want to talk about it. Although they are a couple, after all, she didn't want Senior Brother to feel that she was not broad-minded.

But, besides Senior Brother, who else is around now? So she couldn’t help but said: "Senior Brother, I miss home, sect, my family, and of course, I also miss children.

Senior Brother, do you think children also want I’m gone. It’s been a long time. Will they worry about us? What if they are in trouble? We are not by their side. I’m afraid they won’t be able to solve the trouble."

Jing looked at such a Little Junior Sister, if he changed his person, he would not be so polite. You can worry as much as you want for questions like this. How can you answer such questions?

But this is my wife, and the person in my heart. Naturally, I have to be more affectionate. So the pacified Patted Little Junior Sister’s shoulders said: "Don’t treat them as children. Every bite is a child. They It’s a few thousand years old."

Little Junior Sister is a bit sorry, because the Master Brother is telling the truth, and their youngest son is already several thousand years old.

But she still can’t rest assured, don’t look at them as they have reached their current age, they are already full of children and grandchildren, but she still thinks about it all the time, perhaps because their family is not easy. So she cherishes it very much.

"Look at what you said, I just miss them. I don't know when we can go back. What if they run into a tough opponent."

With that said, I couldn't help but grabbed a hand of Zhang Jing's arm, and Zhang Jing helplessly sighed: "They will watch and deal with it. We can't stay with them for the rest of our lives. Sooner or later, we will die. When the time comes, they have to deal with the problem by themselves. Could it be that they can’t make it through when we are gone?"

When Zhang Jing said this, he also reflected on it. He seemed to be true. Not young anymore. At his age, he has been a Sect Old Ancestor, but he always feels that he can rush forward.

Perhaps, he should relax for a few years and take his wife around to see?

Wait until this matter is over, he must take his wife to stroll around the Human World.

"Yes, I know what you said makes sense, I just thought about it." Little Junior Sister felt her heart relaxed a little, she felt a little sad, and Zhang Jing looked at her, Stopped her hand and asked: "Why did you mention these suddenly? Are you thinking? If you have any ideas, you can tell me, I can understand you."

Little Junior Sister felt that The disappointed heart was warm in an instant. She knew that Senior Brother would never ignore herself. He didn't intentionally want to neglect himself, but during this period of time, he has been cultivation and wanted to come because he wanted to face each other. There is too much pressure on powerful enemies.

"Senior Brother, I’m fine. It’s just that I was in the barrier some time ago. There were so many people. Normally I didn’t feel like talking and laughing. I suddenly came here. We big eyes staring at small For eyes, you are always cultivation...Of course, I’m not saying that your cultivation is wrong, you must cultivate well, the enemy is too strong.

Anyway, it’s my own problem, I feel a little lonely I’m thinking about the children. I’m making you bother, don’t take it seriously, I’m fine now."

Little Junior Sister said Zhang Jing was a little bit ashamed. He didn’t I think of Junior Sister because I am a little lonely when I have been alone for a long time. He patted Little Junior Sister's hand twice, and then said gently: "Although cultivation is very important, it is not as important as you. I will take a break during this period and let's have a good chat."

Little Junior Sister didn't expect Zhang Jing to do this, and suddenly felt very moved.

In fact, she still had a little bit of concealed caution, but she didn't say it, because she knew that once she said it, Senior Brother would be very angry.

In fact, Xiao Guoguo was very grateful for helping them back then, but after all these years of Anniversary, she didn't want to get involved in such dangerous things.

But she knows Senior Brother’s gratitude to seniors. If it weren’t for Xiao Guoguo, they would have already fallen. Where is the current life?

So every time this idea came up, she herself suppressed it. He didn't dare to let it appear because she herself felt ashamed.

Fortunately, she didn't say anything. Otherwise, Senior Brother would not only not accompany her, but might even ignore her. Little Junior Sister has been listening to Zhang Jing all her life, and has been living by him. She has become accustomed to this kind of life, and she can't imagine what the result will be if she is disgusted by Zhang Jing.

The two people reconcile as before, and Little Junior Sister seems to have no knots, and finally stabilized.

And just two months later, Xiao Guoguo left the customs, she no longer trapped herself in the pill room. But she has started to refine the equipment, and this time, not only Xiao Guoguo, but also Chi Xuan will also help.

Although Xiao Guoguo's ability to refine tools is good, if Chi Xuan's help can be taken to a higher level, so every time Xiao Guoguo refines a high-level magic weapon, he always asks Chi Xuan to help. .

"You, do you want to improve Xiyuezhong?" Chi Xuan was taken aback for a moment, completely didn't expect, Xiao Guoguo turned out to be doing this.

"Yes, I want to upgrade Xiyuezhong, although Xiyuezhong has been very difficult to deal with, but the person we are facing is Wang Chen, so this time we have to work harder. "

Xiao Guoguo said that, Chi Xuan frowned thought for a long time, and then he agreed.

Everyone didn't know that what they had to do was to raise Xi Yuezhong again. And they were also afraid of what would happen to Xi Yuezhong in the process of refining, so they found a separate plane.

The two of them left, Zhao Ting and the others felt it, but they didn't care about it. Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan were together, and they weren't worried at all.

(End of this chapter)

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