
  Chapter 2665 True and False

Xiao Guoguo sighed, then looked at Lingyue seriously and asked: " Senior, do you think I’m such an unreasonable person?" Lingyue is a little bit sorry, she knows in her heart that Xiao Guoguo called himself senior, that is from Lingshu’s side, if you press With the cultivation base, according to the identity of the two of them, she should call her senior.

Lingyue really didn't expect. Xiao Guoguo has such a tortuous life experience, and he was in the same period as the seven palaces, so Old Ancestor, the spiritual family, will shout when they see it. senior.

So Lingyue knows that Xiao Guoguo respects herself, and she can't hurt others' hearts. Although, this is a bit sorry for that person.

"Actually, I know that this happened three thousand years after we met. One day, someone found me and he wanted to talk to me about the future of the spiritual family."


Lingyue said so, Xiao Guoguo looked at Lingyue, three thousand years later, is the body of her second life still there at that time? At that time? Who is that?

"Do I know that person?" Xiao Guoguo asked.

"You know you naturally. He came to me using your name. I was surprised at that time because we all know that you have fallen through Transcending Tribulation, but that person actually used you I was naturally very curious about his name, so I met him."

When Lingyue said this, she looked at Xiao Guoguo and saw that she didn't have any clues, so she couldn't help but continue: "In fact, you also know this person, it is your Junior Brother, Lu Shan."

Xiao Guoguo: "..." Aiya? how can that be possible!

Lu Shan, after he left, he did find himself for a long time, but that was when he hadn't changed the past.

Later, she deliberately asked Lu Shan to cultivate well, and paved the way for his cultivation, so that it would not be enough. What happened in this?

"Lu Shan, is he looking for you? What does he want to do!" Xiao Guoguo was a little nervous, she didn't know that Lu Shan had ever been to Lingyue.

"I didn't expect I saw Lu Shan, but I remember him. And because of you in those years, Lu Shan also disappeared. This suddenly appeared, I thought he had some news Well.

After meeting, he said that he brought a good news, he found your Divine Soul fragment. Although it is only one piece, but he wants to put your Divine Soul fragment into one you should Where to go. But I don’t know where that place is. I only know that he has paid a lot for it."

When Lingyue said that, Xiao Guoguo's heart was raised, he What did you do for yourself!

At that time, when Lu senior brother Shan saw himself, he said clearly that he had not found anything. He didn't find that he was a fragment of Divine Soul. But suddenly, why did you say so much to Lingyue?

"What happened later?" Xiao Guoguo continued to ask, Lu senior brother Shan’s Divine Soul, she put it on top of the soul gathering stone. This time she didn’t take it with him. Of course, she also asked the Master to help. Take care of it.

Senior Brother is in Divine Soul status, how to take it away. It's safer to stay in the barrier, she would like him to be more comfortable in the future.

"Later he pulled me and talked a lot. He said that my brother’s fall is inevitable, and I don’t have to be too sad about it. He also said that sooner or later he will fall too, but I’m not afraid, they I will come back."

Lingyue finished saying that, looking at Xiao Guoguo, Xiao Guoguo only realized at this moment that Lingyue looked at her with a frenzy in her eyes.

"What does he mean by that?" Xiao Guoguo was puzzled, and Lingyue blinked, as if what she had just seen was just an illusion.

"I don't know what it means, but he told me that you will come back one day, let me wait, you are the master of Xi Yuezhong, and you are also the future of the spiritual family .

Actually, I have been waiting for such a passage for a long time, but you never showed up. I am actually very grateful that you saved the spiritual family back then, so I waited patiently It’s all for a hope.

But I didn’t expect, and then after a few hundred years, Chi Xuan suddenly appeared and he came to me."

Xiao Guoguo's heart sighed after hearing this. She looked at Lingyue and knew that she didn't have to lie to herself like this. In fact, she thought so at the beginning. She also thought it should be Chi Xuan, although she didn't know why. There was also Lu senior brother Shan who appeared in the middle.

"What did he say?" Xiao Guoguo asked.

"He told me that he needs my help to make a marriage." Lingyue said, Xiao Guoguo suddenly understood who and who this marriage was.

"Lingshu and Xiao Tai, I originally thought it was unreliable, but at the time I tried it with the mentality of trying it out. Where did I think that they really fell in love with each other, and they...really I have a daughter.

I don’t know what will happen later, but I am very concerned about you, and I have also attracted the attention of the disciplines, but then, who would have thought that Xiao Family would do this.

I was meant to help. Anyway, they are your father and mother. But I was stopped by Chi Xuan. He said it was the way you should go, let me not delay your way.

So I can only follow you occasionally, knowing that you have grown up safely and safely, I dare not intervene, just send people to report your affairs. Because Chi Xuan said, don’t worry, you will Grow up to become an excellent cultivator, and we better not intervene."

After Ling Yue finished speaking, Xiao Guoguo pondered for a moment and said: "This is impossible! It is clearly my ability to travel through time and space, Chi How could Xuan do it? He was impossible to do it!"

Xiao Guoguo said that, her body trembled a little, and she felt as if she had understood something, but that thought was fleeting, she Did not catch it.

"I thought so too, but Chi Xuan said many things so accurately that I have to believe him. But then I discovered one thing, Chi Xuan, in order to get close to you, I actually appeared at the Dongcheng branch school.

From that time on, I no longer guarded you. After all, you have Chi Xuan by your side. I think I can also retreat. Then I was right. You pay less attention until you reappear.

I know in my heart that you saved many dísciples of the spiritual family, and the current prosperity of the spiritual family has a direct relationship with you. So. , I have always wanted to say to you, thank you." Lingyue said that, Xiao Guoguo laughed, but she is really not in the mood to say anything now, because she feels it, there must be something wrong , But can't find the wrong place.

When did Chi Xuan have space-time travel capability? What is it for? He wants to go back in time.

Could it be that what happened to him in the future, this forced him to learn to control time and space, and then he returned to the past and helped himself?

(End of this chapter)

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