
  Chapter 2655 is sent away

After hearing this, Mr. Xue said directly: "That’s because of me I’m afraid I’ll disturb the master’s cultivation."

Wang Chen nodded when he heard him say that, and then lightly said: "It doesn’t matter, it doesn’t matter whether it’s true or false. Anyway, I need a servant. As for You lied to me. You have the courage to lie to me. This is what makes you different."

Hearing this, Xue Lao knew that things were not good. It seems that this is Really remember what happened. So he doesn't ask himself to settle accounts now, just because he is interesting?

"Are you thinking, why don't I trouble you?" Wang Chen asked. Xue Lao was silent for a while and nodded. This is a fact, there is nothing to deny.

"Because I am also very curious, why do you want to help those people? Xiao Guoguo or Chi Xuan, don't they have grudges against you?"

Wang Chen Asked, Xue Lao nodded and said: "They do have grudges with me, but they are not irreconcilable with me. On the contrary, I think they might be able to forgive me.

Instead, it’s you, Since becoming a demonic cultivator, it is no longer possible to tell how you will treat me. You killed your confidant and your subordinates, and I just left a way out for myself. I am not helping them, just to find a way out for myself. , That's all."

When Old Xue said so, he was also fighting a way out for himself. This Wang Chen is already in a state of madness. He must be mad for himself. Only in this way can he be recognized by Wang Chen and perhaps he will not lose his life.

Xue Lao looked at Wang Chen, Wang Chen stared at him for a long time, only then slowly showed a smile. Then he said: "In that case, you are quite interesting, so let's keep you."

After hearing this, Xue Lao felt relaxed, and then saw Wang Chen closing his eyes again. , As if to continue to be cultivated.

Old Xue didn't know when Wang Chen would wake up again, but he knew that he saved his life this time.

And this time not only saved his life, it seems that Wang Chen will kill him without moving.

But he didn't expect. Only a few days later, Wang Chen opened his eyes again, and then looked at him said with a smile: "Since you want to be both sides, you also think that they are your chance. , Then I will give you a chance, you go find them."

No matter how old Xue didn't expect, he would usher in such a decision. Wang Chen actually agreed to let himself go to Xiao Guoguo and the others. Is this a good thing or a bad thing?

"What's the matter? Are you afraid?" Wang Chen asked, as if waiting for him to repent.

"No, I am not afraid. The master is willing to give me this opportunity. How can I not cherish it! But even if I go to find them, it does not mean that I will betray the master. What I need to do, just give me instructions."

Old Xue said so, but obviously Wang Chen didn't think so. Instead, he opened a vortex directly, grabbed Old Xue, and threw it over.

"Let you explore the way." Wang Chen said. He really thinks that this old Xue is quite interesting. Since it is so interesting, let him relieve his boredom for the time being.

No matter how old Xue Lao didn't expect, he walked out so easily. He thought his life could not be saved, but didn't expect, mountain road twists around each new peak.

Now it is not only his own life that is saved, but even better, he seems to be free.

No, it's not completely free anymore, because I still have Wang Chen's contract.

Yes, as long as this contract exists for one day, then he is impossible to be truly free. So he is still a servant of others now, only to be thrown out by his master.

In that case, he should enjoy life here, after all, he has no other choice now. If he didn't go to Xiao Guoguo and the others, I'm afraid Wang Chen would not let him go.

So, now go to Xiao Guoguo. They are not for freedom, but for the mission, which is the only choice they can make to survive.

It seems that it can only be so, it seems it should be so. Old Xue looked all around, he was going to find Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan.

There is just a question now, where are Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan, and how do you find them?

For a while, he will not think of how to solve this problem, so he can only inquire about the news from the people he left behind, and maybe he can make progress.

But Xue Lao really didn't expect. When he was looking for Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan, people were looking for them too, and it was a carpet search.

Chi Xuan and Xiao Guoguo spent half a year searching for it by little by little, but what is very distressing is that there is no news at all.

But one day, they got a piece of news, it was said that it was about Wang Chen, which surprised everyone. People who had been looking for it for so long suddenly got news, which is also very strange. .

"Is this news true?" Xiao Guoguo is a little uncertain. Although she is not very good at analyzing these, she always feels that this is a trap.

"This news is true, but who released it and what purpose is it? It's hard to say." Zhao Ting said.

Xiao Guoguo knows that what this means is that the talent behind this news is the point.

But with their current strength, even if they really meet Wang Chen, they will not be afraid, so they are not afraid, they want to find out.

"I don't think it is suitable for everyone to act together. In case it is a trap, you can't get caught together. Let me find out." Demon Venerable took the initiative to say this, and Xiao Guoguo was taken aback.

She didn't expect Demon Venerable to be the first to propose to investigate. She wanted to oppose, but she wanted to oppose it, and she seemed selfish.

So Xiao Guoguo hesitated for a while before he spoke, he heard Zhao Ting’s objection: "You can’t be the first to investigate. You are our trump card. Only at the last moment. Let’s arrange another person for one thing."

Zhao Ting said that, everyone looked at him, and now he arranges many things, so naturally everyone listens to him. Even Xiao Guoguo feels that Zhao Ting has an incomparable advantage in overall planning.

In the end, Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan were not selected to investigate, because they are the same as Demon Venerable. They are Wang Chen’s targets. If there is no reason, they will send people away. In the past.

Doesn’t this mean that Wang was blown up and thrown away at the beginning of the game? So Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan were stayed, and Demon Venerable was also stayed. In the end, Zhao Ting took Lingyue and Yuemu with them.

Why go three people? Because Zhao Ting wanted to make sure that if he was really in deep danger, then someone would come back to inform him.

So Lingyue and Yuemu's responsibility is to take care of themselves and not to put themselves in danger. Yuemu and Lingyue also knew their mission. They were very cautious and didn't mean to refuse.

(End of this chapter)

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