
  Chapter 2647 The atmosphere is here.

Seeing Beibei’s appearance, Tsukiki is very pleased. This afternoon There is no wasted, this is useful.

Although I don't know why, others like this flashy thing, but since they like it, he will arrange it a lot. It's not very strenuous anyway, what Chi Xuan can do, Qingyun can do it, there is no reason why he can't do it.

Yuemu found himself a reason to pursue romance. He can't lag behind others!

"Do you like it?" Yuemu asked in a low voice. Although the expression should be liked, many things won't come out. If you don't get a certain answer from the other party, you can't do it accurately.

"Like, I like all these things. Did you prepare them? Did you prepare them yourself?" Beibei asked while staring at Yuemu, her face slightly red.

"I think you will like it. People say that my daughter likes this kind of unaffordable... No, I mean, I like this romantic environment, so I just set it up a bit.


It’s just a little decoration. It doesn’t take much time. You like it. If you like me, I will arrange it for you once in a while."

Yuemu said that because of him. Most of the time is spent on cultivation, impossible to play these tricks every day, there is no time. However, can there be other methods? Yuemu has already begun to consider the possibility of finding someone to help him do this.

"No, I don’t need to arrange it often, so I’ll be very satisfied once." Beibei said very seriously, and then continued: "You still need more time for cultivation. The cultivation base is improved. The most important thing."

Just now Yuemu had thoughts in his mind that he planned to let people arrange for him. At this moment, it disappeared without a trace. These things have to be done by themselves to be sincere.

"Although cultivation is very important, you are also very important to me." Yuemu said while quietly holding Beibei's little hand.

Beibei’s hands are soft, she has gained weight recently, but Yuemu found that he likes such a bebe very much and looks even more cute.

"Really?" Beibei lowered her head shamelessly, and Yuemu took her to the table and brought the dinner up.

Beibei feels even more happy. Yuemu made dinner for her. Is there anything better than this? Although a beautiful environment is also very important, what you eat in your stomach is the real benefit.

"Let's talk." Yuemu said so, and Beibei looked at the steak on her plate.

Is this time? Seeing such a delicious thing and not eating it, just to talk. Beibei felt a little depressed, but after struggling, she still stared at Yuemu nodded.

Yuemu's expression looks very calm, and she smiles in her heart. This guy is always easy to talk when she has something to eat. When she says something about eating, she can always relax her vigilance. Because I want to eat as soon as possible.

"You have been unhappy these days, and seem to be very dissatisfied with me. Did I do something wrong?" Yuemu asked directly, and Beibei said in a daze, "This, you found out Already?"

Tsukiki: "..." It's so obvious, it's hard to find it, okay?

"If you have something unhappy, you can tell me, one person counts the short, two counts the length, we may come up with a good idea after discussing it."

After hearing this, Beibei felt very reasonable, but she would never admit it, or wouldn't it prove that it was a stupid choice to be angry with him before.

"I'm not angry, how should I put it, I'm just a little envious." Beibei sorry, she felt that speaking of which of this matter seriously was unreasonable.

So, you have to figure out many things yourself, and you have to get through that effort. Now Beibei was moved, and then suddenly realized that she was too much.

"What do you envy? Tell me, we are not worse than others, tell me what we want, and I will get it for you." Yuemu said so, Beibei almost laughed, but His face blushed.

"I mean Dudu, every time I go to Wenwen to play, Dudu is so cute, I really like her. Wenwen said, since I like it so much, let me and Han Meng, give birth to one earlier..."

Beibei couldn't help blushing after finishing talking. Looking at Yuemu, Yuemu finally understands why Beibei always comes back from Wenwen. Not happy, this... is still Wenwen's fault!

"I also think Dudu is very cute." Yuemu said so for not knowing why.

Only when he finished speaking, he wanted to slap himself. Now he said that this is definitely not appropriate. Can they really give birth to one? Thinking about it this way, it seems there is nothing wrong with it.

Although Beibei is not as calm as Wenwen, Beibei is very sensible, beautiful, and has a good personality. She will definitely be a good mother. And myself... he is much better than Qingyun Daoist.

"I, I think so too." Beibei's fork poke on the steak, this delicious thing is not fragrant now, she feels that Yuemu hasn't finished her words yet. .

Yuemu also wants to say that we want one, but he dare not. It's not that he dare not marry Beibei, but that they may soon go to a life and death duel.

If you want a child at this time, what will the child do in the future!

As soon as Yuemu thought about this, she felt that she had to make it clear to Beibei so that she could not misunderstand her. What if she thinks she doesn't like her or doesn't want a child?

"Babe, I like you very much." Yuemu suddenly talked to herself about this topic so seriously, Beibei was a bit sorry, but her heart was sweet, as if she had eaten candy.

"I, I know, I like you too." Beibei said while poking the steak, showing that she was still nervous.

"Babe, I want to have a cute daughter like Dudu with you, but not now." Yuemu spoke this time, Beibei stood up abruptly, she felt that today Mu was very different. The heavy news was thrown down one by one, making her a little unacceptable.

"Yuemu, what are you talking about? Do you want to talk to me?" Beibei didn't react a little.

"Yes, I want to have a child with you!" Yuemu said with certainty, walked a few steps to Beibei's side, knelt in front of her and said: "Babe, you are willing Is it?"

"What do you want?" Beibei felt that now she seemed to be soaked in the air, her feet were soft, and she didn't know what she was stepping on. It just felt unreliable. Is it fake?

"Would you like to marry me and form a family with me?" Yuemu asked. He wanted to ask this question a long time ago, but he didn't find the right opportunity for a while, didn't expect, Today this opportunity is just right.

Beibei suddenly covered her mouth. She couldn't believe that Yuemu had said so.

"This, I have been preparing for a long time, I just haven't taken it out." Yuemu held a ring in his hand.

(End of this chapter)

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