
  Chapter 2637 promised

It was obviously an unlovable confession, but Sun Qianqian felt very happy. But she knew that she would definitely not be able to agree at this time, otherwise how could the other party know to cherish it.

So she pondered for a while and said: "When did you like me?"

Sun Qianqian has asked a question, if Xiao Guoguo would give her something here Yes, I have to call it expert. This question is the real proposition, and if one answer is not good, it is out of play.

But Zhao Ting didn't know. It was because of her innocence. He didn't know how to answer at once, and he really thought about it for a while.

Sun Qianqian is not in a hurry, it is fun to look at him like this. Looking at Zhao Ting's serious thinking, I knew he was not talking about it, at least he took this matter seriously.

Sun Qianqian feels that she can’t do this. Maybe this is a regret she has never experienced. She has passed the age when she hears others say that she likes to blush and heartbeat. She is completely calm now. Then be able to analyze this matter very rationally.

She feels a little regretful, but when you think about it carefully, her attitude towards Zhao Ting is not ordinary. If this regret is compared with Zhao Ting, then it is nothing.

Sure enough, she still likes him very much, and now give him a chance, as long as he gives him a satisfactory answer, then agree to it.

When Sun Qianqian thought so in her heart, her mood also rose, and it was a feeling of joy.

On this side, Zhao Ting finally wanted to understand, and then hesitated and said: "Actually I don't know when I fell in love with you. I don't want to lie to you about this matter, but I really like it unconsciously.

And it was only yesterday that I knew my mind clearly. At that time, I thought about it. When did I like you? How long did I like you? Why not Like you? But I don’t have an accurate answer myself. So, I really can’t answer this question."

After listening to this passage, it is undeniable that Sun Qianqian's entire face turned black. . Whoever heard such an answer would probably not be happy, Sun Qianqian couldn't even help thinking in her heart, okay, I only found out yesterday, and I only confirmed my heart yesterday!

He doesn't even know when he likes himself! Forget it, that's it, don't say it, but I don't know why I like myself, this is too much!

She really wanted to slap him out, still so close to herself, hmph!

Zhao Ting clearly felt that Sun Qianqian’s mood was not very good, he even thought Shouldn't he take two steps back, in case, he was saying that if Sun Qianqian did it, she was the late stage of Void Realm, and if one of them couldn't be dealt with, she would be seriously injured.

"The door is over there." Sun Qianqian said.

Zhao Ting: "..." He seems to have said something wrong just now.

"Well, I know you are angry, but I don't want to lie to you. But I am sure of one thing. I must have liked you a long time ago, and I like you very seriously, and during this period I I am not tempted by anyone.

I always can’t help but care about you. I always want to know what you are doing. I want to coax you when you feel unhappy, but because I’m too stupid, so every time I didn’t succeed, I made you even more unhappy.

I apologize to you for these, and I will wait for you to promise that I will improve in the future. If I understand it myself If not, then I will ask others for advice and I will study.

So can you give me a chance, just a chance, let me stay by your side and try it out and see if you can Like me?"

I have to say that Zhao Ting like this makes people feel a bit pitiful, he is actually very humble and begging for his feelings. This guy didn't know that she had actually already...Sun Qianqian thought that for the time being, we should not let him know. This guy is indeed a piece of wood, but it is also a piece of wood that can be carved. She knows that she can find someone to ask for advice.

"I need to think about it." Sun Qianqian said, Zhao Ting was taken aback.

Think about it, that is to say you are hopeful? He smiled stupidly and asked: "How long is it to consider? Is one day enough?"

"Where is one day enough? At least three days." Sun Qianqian said.

"Three days is too long, two days, okay?" Zhao is a pitiful person, and Sun Qianqian is almost laughing, can this guy still bargain for things like this?

"Okay, just two days." After Sun Qianq said that, she bowed her head and said nothing, and Zhao Ting was also silent.

"I mean I'm thinking about it alone, not you staying with me in the house." Sun Qianqian helplessly said, this guy has no consciousness at all.

Zhao Ting had no other choice but to go out. Sun Qianqian asked so, he naturally had to consider the other party's mood. But after he went out, he didn't leave either. Instead, he stayed outside the yard, stood there without saying a word, and waited there.

Sun Qianqian saw all this in her eyes, but she was only sighed, and then she thought about her own thoughts. This guy, don't feel like this, you will feel relieved, she will never feel relieved.

And Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan are staring at the outside of the yard at this moment. They can't understand what is going on. If you fail, why don't you stand outside the courtyard?

But if it succeeded, why didn't the two come out together? This makes everyone feel confused.

And Lin Lang couldn't understand it even more. He was an inexperienced guy who could only observe Zhao Ting's face. At least her complexion is not bad, there is no depression, no sadness, as if there is still a little expectation, is it because Sun Qianqian was beaten?

It's not right. If you get beaten, it shouldn't be this expression.

The three of them felt puzzled, but Zhao Ting stood there all the time. After standing for one day and one night, Xiao Guoguo felt that he understood a little bit, and then asked Chi Xuan, "You have Don't think? This move has a very easy-to-understand name."

"Do you want to talk about bitterness?" Chi Xuan answered immediately.

"Or you know me, you see, is this exactly the same as the bitter trick?" Xiao Guoguo felt that Zhao Ting was using the bitter trick and wanted to win sympathy.

"No, Sun Qianqian's heart is hardened. If you want to use bitterness to calculate this level, it won't work." Chi Xuan said.

"Then how about we make him more difficult?" Xiao Guoguo's mind moved quickly, and Chi Xuan always felt that Guoguo was going to do something.

Sure enough, dark clouds obscured the clear sky, and then a heavy downpour suddenly poured down. Zhao Ting stared blankly at this... Doesn't the situation seem right?

This is clearly due to spiritual power fluctuations, not natural weather changes. Who thinks that he is not pleasing to the eye, and is causing trouble for himself at this time?

In fact, there are only a few people who can doubt. He just doesn't understand. Why do they do this? Did you provoke them yourself? No!

(End of this chapter)

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