
  Chapter 2635 Pursuit

Seeing Xiao Guoguo in this scene, don’t worry, Zhao is determined. OK.

She can see that it is interesting that these two people are distinct from each other. Since it's interesting, it's easy to handle. It's not completely emotional, it proves that they have hope.

"It's just, why not let him in!" Xiao Guoguo said, and was anxious for the two of them again.

"Yeah, why don't you go in? This is too useless!" Lin Lang was also watching secretly at the same time, he also felt that the atmosphere was not right, otherwise he would not keep paying attention. Zhao Ting.

With this attention, he discovered a lot of things that were wrong. Only now did he know that Zhao Ting liked Sun Qianqian. Thinking about it this way, he was a little bit jealous.

But he is a good buddy of Zhao Ting. Although this buddy may be married in the future, they are brothers. This will not change.

When he thinks of this, he feels that he is careful again. He can't have a home for himself or let his brother have a home. So he is purely a blessing now. I hope Zhao Ting can let Sun Qianqian promise him.

But seeing Zhao Ting being blocked by a door, he was anxious, but he couldn't show it, and couldn't help. After all, he was not just and honorable following, but secretly watching of.

"Come in." Sun Qianqian's voice came, Zhao Ting also sighed in relief, then opened the door, walked in, and then turned and closed the door.

Xiao Guoguo: "..." It's not easy to peek blatantly.

"Do you think he can discover our Divine Consciousness?" Xiao Guoguo asked, and Chi Xuan laughed. He wanted to see it, but he was afraid of being discovered by others.

"Yes." Chi Xuan answered honestly.

Although his cultivation base is a bit higher than Zhao's, but staring at them so blatantly, you will definitely notice that everyone is embarrassed when the time comes.

"Forget it, don't read it, when the time comes, there will definitely be a result." Xiao Guoguo said, and he really took back his Divine Consciousness.

And Lin Lang is more entangled than her, he wants to keep watching, but he also knows that if lovers are together, it is inevitable to be affectionate. He looks like that, no Appropriate.

After much deliberation, Lin Lang ignored it. These two people took their Divine Consciousness back at the same time, Zhao Ting felt heart relaxed inexplicably. He knows that Xiao Guoguo has been paying attention to him, but it doesn't matter outside. Now, if you have to say something sincerely, naturally you don't want to be heard.

They didn't expect Divine Consciousness. Sure enough, the friends he made were good.

Zhao Ting was thinking about this mess in his mind, but his eyes were always fixed on Sun Qianqian. Sun Qianqian was drinking tea, but the look in his eyes made him feel awkward.

She doesn't know why, anyway, she just feels awkward, as if she has a small insect on her body, she can't help but want to see if she has messed up clothes or messed up hair.

Seeing Sun Qianqian a little nervous, Zhao Ting felt happy from the bottom of her heart. It seemed that she really didn't feel at all for herself.

But the two of them are so face-to-face, and no one is willing to speak first. Time passed quietly, but the two of them didn't feel uncomfortable, but sat so quietly.

It seemed that they were very comfortable sitting in a room so quietly. Although it was a bit awkward at first, when Zhao Ting was also nervous, Sun Qianqian also relaxed.

After relaxing, Sun Qianqian poured a cup of tea for Zhao Ting and brought out the best Spirit Fruit to entertain him. And Zhao Ting really relaxed. The two of them drank tea cup by cup, just feeling that the years were quiet.

But looking at the rays of light that gradually became faint, Sun Qianqian lit a lighting bead. The room was still bright, but there was a touch of soft rays of light.

Zhao Ting looked at Sun Qianqian under such rays of light, and felt his fingers itchy. He felt that his hand wanted to touch Sun Qianqian’s face, under the soft rays of light. White and tender face.

He immediately picked up his tea and concealed a trace of his embarrassment. He felt that his courage was really getting bigger and bigger.

"What did you do today?" Sun Qianqian spoke first. Zhao Ting was taken aback for a moment, looked at Sun Qianqian, and then said stupidly: "I helped Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan choose the Life and Death Sword method. Descendants of."

"What, what descendants?" Sun Qianqian didn't expect, she actually heard this answer.

"Life and Death Sword method, the two of them cooperate very well, it is a set of Sword Art, and I want to inherit. But this requires high inheritance people, Lin Langxian and I As soon as there was nothing wrong, she helped to take a look. It was just a day to choose a suitable pair."

Sun Qianqian was a little embarrassed when she heard this. She felt that she was stupid, why? Do you think Zhao Ting is on a blind date?

Xiao Guoguo must be blamed for this. She clearly misled herself on purpose, but she actually believed it. This is also the reason why she is too stupid.

Sun Qianqian will never admit that she is caring and messing up. She looked at Zhao Ting and knew that Zhao Ting didn't want to find a partner, and suddenly felt relaxed.

"You, do you think it's okay to be alone?" Sun Qianqian asked suddenly. She felt that Xiao Guoguo's words made sense, and Zhao Ting and Lin Lang might really have the idea of ​​finding a partner.

"Is it good to be alone? It is naturally not good to be alone. If there is a way, who wants to be alone." Zhao Ting looked at Sun Qianqian very seriously when he said this, and gave it to Sun Qianqian. Very shy to see, I don't know what to say.

"I don't want to be alone anymore. I think that although a person is good for cultivation, but the cultivation base has reached our level, the pursuit of cultivation has faded. I am very envious of Sun Family. Brother, they have a family and grandchildren, and they look very happy." When Zhao Ting said that, Sun Qianqian thought he meant something, so she looked up at him and said, "You tell me Why is this?"

Sun Qianqian's eyes are long and narrow phoenix eyes, and the tail section of the eyes is slightly raised. They are very beautiful. At this moment, looking up at him like this, Zhao Ting feels that the heartbeat is a few times faster.

"I just want to ask you, what do you think of me?"

Zhao Ting asked very much. Sun Qianq glanced at him, and then slowly The bottom said: "This is your thoughts, okay, are you not sure about it?

You ask me, what do you say, I am not you, how can I know how you feel? If you think it’s good, it’s naturally good. Why bother about what others think.” After Sun Qianqian finished saying this, on the one hand, she felt sour in her heart. After all, Zhao Ting really wants to get married. It means that a woman is likely to appear next to him in the near future, who is more important than any of them. Just like Yang Shuo once, Chi Xuan is the same now.

On the other hand, she also thinks that there is nothing wrong with Zhao Ting thinking like this. At their age, only the word love hasn’t been touched. Don’t you really want to? Think about it!

(End of this chapter)

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