
  Chapter 2632 Abnormal

The Life and Death Sword method was created by Xiao Ying and Fei Jian Old Ancestor , But the two did not succeed. Now it was in the hands of Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan, and it was a surprise.

But Xiao Guoguo is leaving this time. Although she is not going to leave the Life and Death Sword behind, she is planning to pass the Life and Death Sword method to inheritance because the Life and Death Sword method belongs to Sword Sect can also make Sword Sect remember itself.

Xiao Guoguo does not mean that Sword Sect must leave her own legend, but she has a sense of belonging to Sword Sect. Naturally, she hopes that Sword Sect's future dísciple will know that she once existed as a Sect Master. .

As for making Lin Lang and Zhao Ting come, there is a reason. Zhao Ting came because he was so careful that he was able to help himself refer to one or two. But Lin Lang was purely boring, and thought their incident was quite interesting, so he had to join in the fun.

So, they came for a reason, definitely not to stimulate Sun Qianqian, absolutely not.

Xiao Guoguo doesn't admit that he did this to stimulate Sun Qianqian, but if it can stimulate Sun Qianqian along with her, it will naturally be better for her to understand her own heart.

Seeing Sun Qianqian wandering around inadvertently for two laps outside, she felt pretty good, and it seemed that there was already a wave in her heart. If there is a response, it means that Zhao Ting still has a chance.

At this moment, Zhao Ting also felt strange, because Sun Qianqian passed by outside twice and never came in. Why?

Sure enough, the woman’s mind didn’t understand her own guess, she glanced at Xiao Guoguo, and finally couldn’t help but ask: “Or invite Sun Qianqian in? She seems to be very interested in this dísciple selection. Look like."

Xiao Guoguo glanced at Zhao Ting, and then shook his head with regret. Zhao Ting was taken aback by the angry expression. What does this mean? Do you agree or disagree? Why do you think of yourself this way?

"You can't do it like this." Xiao Guoguo said so, Zhao Ting was stunned, why couldn't he do it?

"Huh? Zhao Ting can't do it? What's wrong?" Lin Lang asked curiously.

"It's nothing to do with you, go ahead." Xiao Guoguo waved directly to Lin Lang, and then said with a very small voice: "You can always catch up with everything like this. People didn’t ask for anything, so you just go out and invite you. You’ll get a gray nose, do you know?"

"Will it?" Zhao Ting is not sure, although Sun Qianqian is a bit domineering, but she It still makes sense.

"You don't believe it? Then you go and please see it." Xiao Guoguo smiled. At this time, please ask Sun Qianqian. It is possible to slap him.

But she is not worried, anyway, she is watching the fun, what is she afraid of? Zhao Ting is now in such a dominant position, and the status of this family in the future can be imagined. This will not work. She wanted to say this just now, but think about it, everyone is a woman, so it's better to let Sun Qianqian give it to Zhao Ting.

Zhao Ting still went out, because Yu Xin couldn't bear it, Sun Qianqian was the person he took seriously, so naturally she couldn't bear to make her suffer even a little grievance.

It's a pity that he still doesn't have this consciousness, and he just feels uncomfortable in his heart, so he has to come out and ask, even if he is rejected, he has to come out and ask.

Sun Qianqian saw Zhao Ting, and he unexpectedly came out! What did he come out to do!

Sun Qianqian wanted to pretend that she didn’t see Zhao Ting, but she found that Zhao Ting moved towards herself. She was not the kind of weak character. When she found that Zhao Ting came to her, she didn’t Dodged, looking directly at Zhao Ting, Zhao Ting was slightly taken aback.

"You, what are you doing here?" Zhao Ting doesn't know what to ask, he can't ask, why can't you wander around here? Do you want to go in and watch the excitement?

Asking this way, it seems that the other party is too stupid, and put himself in an overly high position. He is afraid of Sun Qianqian's proud temperament, and when the time comes is unhappy.

"What am I doing here? Are you in charge of what I am doing here?" Sun Qianqian directly rolled the eyes and couldn't help asking rhetorically.

This guy is really interesting, so he is allowed to have a blind date inside, but he is not allowed to go outside by himself? This place belongs to his house, it was contracted by him!

"That, I didn't mean that." Zhao Ting felt that his meaning was misunderstood.

This is why Sun Qianqian is so wrong recently. No matter what she does, she is always awkward, as if she has grudges with him, and she always has no good tempers when meeting.

"What does that mean? Are you here to show off?" Sun Qianqian asked, raising her chin. She couldn't answer Zhao Ting in a short time, and her heart became even more angry. Up.

This guy is here to show off. Does he still want to beat himself? Then he thinks too much, how he is, what does it have to do with him, she doesn't care at all!

"No, I'm not here to show off." The sweat on Zhao Ting's head fell off. This is exactly the same as Xiao Guoguo said. He rushed to ask, and finally touched The ashes of the nose.

"hmph, I don't believe you. Sure enough, you can't believe what a man says." Sun Qianqian said so, turned around and left, simply not giving Zhao Ting a chance to explain.

The key point is that Zhao Ting doesn't know exactly where the problem is. It seems that he has done nothing wrong and doesn't know what to explain. But Sun Qianqian's expression seemed to misunderstand herself, what is going on.

At this moment, Xiao Guoguo looked at Chi Xuan, and Chi Xuan shook his head helplessly. He knew that this matter must have something to do with Xiao Guoguo. He didn't care much about what could be done between Sun Qianqian and Zhao Ting. He only asked for the end, so they didn't complain about Xiao Guoguo.

"What's the matter? Two people are awkward. It's not easy." Lin Lang sighed, Xiao Guoguo heard it, and then asked: "Why not Easy to handle?"

"The two of them had an awkward relationship last time. Although I don’t know why, Sun Qianqian ignored Zhao Ting for three hundred years!"

Lin Lang said that, Xiao Guoguo was also stunned. Three hundred years, that was not a short time.

"Did something happen in the past three hundred years?" Xiao Guoguo couldn't help but asked. She wanted to know that Sun Qianqian had an opinion on Zhao Ting last time. Why? ?

"Nothing big happened. We have been cultivation. In that world, we rarely travelled and saw not many people." Lin Lang recalled carefully. I still don't understand why Sun Qianqian always bullies Zhao Ting. It seems that Zhao Ting has a special sense of accomplishment when he is being bullied.

But looking back, it's okay, after all, if she doesn't bully Zhao Ting, she will bully herself. Thinking about it this way, Lin Lang felt that his whole person was not good.

(End of this chapter)

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