
  Chapter 2630 Opening

If this is not the case, Zhao Ting would not make a fuss about nothing. Finding myself, it can be seen that such situations are rare. So why does Sun Qianqian change her mood so much?

Xiao Guoguo followed Zhao Ting and left. In fact, Zhao Ting won't come, and they are ready to go back. People who should watch have already seen it, and have done what should be done. There is no regret.

Zhao Ting was anxious, so even though he didn’t stop here even though there were things that made him feel novel, but when he left, he went to the boutique and bought two of them there. Shiny bracelets, one is gemstones and the other is crystal.

Both Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan didn't expect, this guy turned out to be someone who can buy jewelry! Sure enough, you can't judge a person by appearance!

When they came back, Lin Lang looked at them helplessly, Zhao Ting frowned asked: "Why are you here, didn't you let you look at her?"

" You really looked at me high, she found me as soon as you left, she stared at me, and I didn’t dare to be there anymore, so I could only stay outside the yard, but I told you that I climbed high and looked far away. Now."

When Lin Lang said that, Zhao Ting understood. He looked at the tall turret. He was standing here and staring at her.

"You guys are really...genius." Xiao Guoguo didn't go to Sun Qianqian when he said that, but asked Chi Xuan to cook two bowls of beef noodles and some side dishes.

"Are you still in the mood to eat now?" Zhao Ting asked, Xiao Guoguo looked at him and said: "It's not that I am sad, why am I not in the mood to eat?"

Zhao Ting feels helpless because of his straightforward look. He also felt that he was a little too much and shouldn't hinder others from eating. Sure enough, Yang Shuo didn't seem to have a good face anymore.

Xiao Guoguo ate her share. She was really hungry and not in a good mood. She separated from Elder Feng and the others. Now Wei Ling and the others are also staying at the Dongcheng branch. They will stay with Elder Feng for a while.

So, who is not a baby anymore, and she is not in a good mood, so why should she coax others? Or Chi Xuan cared for herself, who really cared about whose daughter-in-law.

Thinking about it this way, Zhao Ting is a bit interesting. As for Lin Lang, don't mention it.

Lin Lang is now waiting for his bowl of beef noodles next to Chi Xuan. He also asked for more beef. He is really talented.

Xiao Guoguo had finished eating and was full. Then he wiped his mouth with the new beef noodles and left. Put more beef, more coriander, and a large bowl of noodles.

"Hey, that's mine!" Lin Lang couldn't believe that Xiao Guoguo actually took the bowl away. Is this a human thing?

"Yang Shuo, you can't be so unprincipled, even though that is your wife, I am your brother anyway." Lin Lang doesn't care, he wants to eat noodles, no one can grab it.

"I will just give you a bowl." Chi Xuan said with a smile, he doesn't need to follow, Guoguo will definitely tell himself when he comes back.

"Yang Shuo, you are the best." Lin Lang said with a look of admiration.

And Zhao Ting has followed Xiao Guoguo a long time ago. How can he have an appetite to eat now? He watched Xiao Guoguo arrive outside Sun Qianqian's courtyard, and Sun Qianqian saw her as soon as he turned around.

"Beef noodles, more beef, more noodles and no coriander." After Xiao Guoguo finished saying that, he also called the side plate, which contained refreshing side dishes.

"Pickled pepper and radish." Xiao Guoguo said. This is Sun Qianqian's favorite side dish.

Zhao Ting thinks that this method will definitely not work, and I don’t know what Xiao Guoguo thinks. One dish, one noodle, can others come out? hehe, then he has used this method a long time ago.

Zhao Ting began to wonder if he asked Xiao Guoguo to come back by himself, whether it was the right choice.

But at this time, Zhao Ting saw Sun Qianqian stand up with neither fast nor slow posture, but looked expectantly at the noodles and side dishes in Xiao Guoguo's hands.

Zhao Ting felt that he didn't know Sun Qianqian at all, and he actually opened the barrier for this bit of food.

Xiao Guoguo doesn't care how Zhao Ting feels and what he thinks, just as Sun Qianqian doesn't care.

She saw Xiao Guoguo side Zhao Ting, but she didn't let him in. After all, it was just a bowl of noodles and two side dishes. There was no need for two people to carry it.

Zhao Ting looked at the closed array, he really wanted to ask, did Sun Qianqian pretend not to see herself? Or simply ignored him, and stared at the food.

When I think of this, Zhao Ting feels that he is all for whom. With a sigh, he found a place to sit down. He was afraid that Sun Qianqian could not think of anything, and became a Heart Demon.

It’s strange to say that since Sun Qianqian became friends with Xiao Guoguo, shouldn’t she be the most impossible person to become friends? I really don't understand what their women are thinking.

At this moment, one of the two women was eating silently, while the other took out the melon seeds and candied fruit that he had treasured. It was boring to watch others eat, so I found some snacks to eat.

Sun Qianqian eats very quietly, but the speed is not slow. It is estimated that she has been practicing with Xiao Guoguo for so long. If you don't eat faster, there is simply no chance. Xiao Guoguo eats fast.

"Why did you come back suddenly?" Sun Qianqian wiped her mouth clean and asked. She had heard that they were going to the Dongcheng branch school and said they were going to visit an old friend. Why did they come back in a few days? ?

"Zhao Ting told me about your emotional disorder, let me come back to see you." Xiao Guoguo said calmly, while quietly taking a look at Sun Qianqian's expression.

There is no change in this look, but there is no change, and it does not prove that there is no problem. She didn't even say a word about Zhao Ting. People have spent a lot of effort to invite themselves back, she didn't even ask a word?

"Is it interesting to visit your friends? How do you feel when you meet again?" Sun Qianqian asked with a smile, Xiao Guoguo was sure, there was a problem.

"I thought it was very interesting. I wanted to stay for two more days, but Zhao was very anxious and had to ask us to come back now. I just ate an extra bowl of beef noodles and he stared at me. , Blame me for wasting time."

Xiao Guoguo said so, seeing Sun Qianqian being silent, and then continuing: "Since I'm back, let's talk, what are you thinking about here? If you have any questions that you don’t understand, you can come up with it and discuss it, maybe you can figure it out."

Xiao Guoguo said that, Sun Qianqian looked at her helplessly and smiled: "I’m fine, just recently Some feelings, so after two days of meditation, he made a fuss about nothing." Xiao Guoguo didn't believe what Sun Qianqian said. She felt that Sun Qianqian was a little bit eager to make a fuss about nothing.

Although it is not good to be so curious about other people's private affairs, she also asked with a kind intention. She thought it was a good opportunity to let Sun Qianqian talk about what she thought.

(End of this chapter)

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