
  Chapter 2622 is no good.

Everyone looked at each other and knew that this was a perfect solution, and there was no quarrel. , There is no contradiction, this is the best result for them to Xiao Guoguo.

"There will be two people loving you in the future. This is a good thing." Lingshu stopped Xiao Guoguo and said with a smile, Xiao Guoguo leaned on Lingshu, and did not speak for a long time.

Her mood is also complicated and full of gratitude. How lucky she is to have three people who love herself so much. Of course, not just three, but also Chi Xuan and so many friends.

Since it is to celebrate, it is natural that everyone is present. The Elders of Sword Sect also know that Xiao Guoguo has one more family member. Although they don't know what's going on, they don't object to Old Ancestor, and they naturally won't interfere.

Therefore, the banquet was very lively. At the same time, Cui Cui and Xiao Nuan came. They have now taken root in Sword Sect, just like Sword Sect dísciple. Cui Cui looks more and more calm, Xiao Nuan is also married, Xiao Guoguo also made up a gift for them.

"No need, we will be happy if you can come back." Cui Cui said, looking at the magic weapon in her hand, it is very precious.

"Take it, this is my blessing to you, no matter what, I hope you can live as you wish in the future." Xiao Guoguo said, seeing them become mature and no longer It was the way it was when I first saw it, and I sighed how fast time flies.

At this time Wei Ling and Wei Feng walked in, and Young Master Pan and their child walked in together. Wei Ling and Young Master Pan now have two children in total, one boy and one girl. , Very happy.

The two children looked a little curiously at all around, especially the eyes staring at Xiao Guoguo with amazement and admiration. The girl is older and looks like he is in his twenties, while the boy looks only in his early ten years old. The boy is as tall as Wei Ling, but his face is blushing and he is shy when he sees it.

"elder sister, you finally came back." As soon as Wei Ling came in, she let go of Young Master Pan's hand and hugged Xiao Guoguo directly.

Young Master Pan: "..."

Looking at side Chi Xuan, Young Master Pan saluted: "Senior Brother, excuse me."

Chi Xuan couldn't help but smile. This is a substitute for Wei Ling to convict herself. After all, as soon as she appeared, she was squeezed aside.

"It's okay, I'm used to it." Chi Xuan replied, because even if there is no Wei Ling, there is still a essay, and he is already mentally prepared.

There are three women in one scene, and a few people have not only been for a long time, but naturally there are many things that can be talked about. At this time, even Wei Ling didn't have time to care about her child.

The children also have playmates. After all, they all grew up in sect. They are all very familiar with each other. The two children of Wei Ling's family have received Xiao Guoguo's meet-up ceremony and are now with other friends share.

"This is a gift from Sect Master. It must be a baby." A male dísciple said so, looking at it very enviously.

"I think it is at least at the Immortal Artifact level. Sect Master is the Great Grandmaster." There are also dísciple whispered. I only dare to look at it, but I dare not touch it.

Wei Ling's daughter turned her head and looked at Xiao Guoguo's direction. The mother said that yes, Sect Master really likes herself and her younger brother. This makes her feel very happy, even more than receiving a gift Rejoice.

Because she has heard a lot of stories about Sect Master since she was a child, how did she come to today step by step, and the past between her and mother, which was what she heard when she was a child The most stories.

Therefore, this is her most respected elder. When I saw it today, she only felt excited.

Xiao Guoguo didn’t know, there was a little admirer on her side. At this moment, she was staring in her direction with big shiny eyes, clenching her fists tightly, and preparing to target her. Become a powerful female cultivator.

Xiao Guoguo didn't find it, but Chi Xuan did. He laughed helplessly, he found that as long as Guoguo appeared, there was always such a look. Adorable, respectful, excited eyes.

Every time this time comes, he feels proud and worried again, does he still have a plan if this continues? Look at the three standing together, as if they were talking about something interesting, each of them smiled happily.

And at this time, Han Meng also walked over, listening with curiosity, but listening to it seemed that the topic was not right, couldn’t help but glanced at them, there was something on his face. Hong, looking at him rolling the eyes that couldn't help.

Chi Xuan: "..." He thinks, this blank eye is not for himself.

Qingyun daoist calmly drank the water, then looked at Chi Xuan who was looking at him and said: "It's definitely not looking at me, I didn't provoke her."

Chi Xuan thinks This makes sense, he also thinks it is mostly because he is sitting next to Wujian Old Ancestor, right? Although the chatters have their own Guoguo, Qingyun Daoist's daughter-in-law, it is definitely not theirs, absolutely not.

Wujian Old Ancestor sees them staring at him, sitting calmly, he will not take the initiative to accept such a blank eye. Although he could see the meaning in his eyes clearly, it was Han Meng who despised himself.

Wujian Old Ancestor maintained a calm look, but Chi Xuan and Qingyun daoist didn't plan to let him go. Qingyun daoist looked at Chi Xuan and asked, "When did you and Xiao Guoguo get married?"

Suddenly asked this question, Chi Xuan's hand shook slightly, and then calmly said: "Don't worry, now that the enemy is now, we should solve Wang Chen first."

"You can't do this." Qingyun daoist shook his head and said regretfully.

Everyone: "..." Why is it not working?

Chi Xuan is also very bitter, after all, no one knows his anxiety. Doesn't he want to get married? He can't help it. To get married now, we must not only get a Sir Father, but also get two father-in-laws.

He doesn't think Demon Venerable will agree so easily. This matter requires him and Guoguo to work hard together. Maybe Demon Venerable won't be the subject of it. But before Wang Chen was resolved, Guoguo definitely had no such thoughts. He could feel the thoughts in Guoguo's mind, so he didn't take the initiative to bring up this matter.

Chi Xuan drank a cup in silence. When this problem was mentioned, he wanted to borrow wine to seduce his sorrows.

However, it is better to be sad alone than to be together. So he turned his head and looked at Qingyun daoist and asked: "What level is your cultivation base now?"

Qingyun daoist: "..." Hey? Is this intentional? It must be?

"It's now in the late Saint Realm stage, but I think Void Realm is still in the foreseeable future." No one can understand the bitterness of Qingyun daoist. Although the wife is very good, she is too vegan and feels too good. Very depressed.

"Don't put too much in the heart, you will definitely be able to Void Realm in 10,000 years." Chi Xuan said. After thinking about it, he will feel comfortable. He will definitely not need 10,000 to get married. Year.

"That's right. Old Ancestor without sword, are you still alone?" Qingyun daoist asked the Old Ancestor without sword beside him. Old Ancestor without sword was stunned, why did he suddenly get on him.

(End of this chapter)

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