
  Chapter 2617 Who is it?

Old Xue’s mood was broken at the time. He was not a demonic cultivator. I never thought about coming to this place. The demonic energy here is not friendly to him at all.

So during this period, he had a miserable life. The surrounding area was filled with demonic energy. For the cultivator, this demonic energy was a loss of spiritual power. He had to take a lot of medicine pill and Spirit Stone, and built a small barrier for himself, which was the only way to hold it here.

But even so, he felt that the time he could survive was not long, at most several decades, if he could not leave for such a long time, he would be miserable.

Old Xue was worried, but there was no way he could do it. He didn't know where it was. He didn't even dare to walk around at will, let alone look for an exit.

Plot against silently in his heart. If he hasn't gone out after thirty things, then he will find an exit by himself, because it is also a little bit anyway, he has to struggle at least a bit before he die.

Just like the black demon daoist, he just came here thinking of taking the opportunity to escape. How did he think that Wang Chen would grab the cultivation base and be swallowed by this black space. He can't act rashly, at least not now. Wang Chen is just as dangerous as this space.

At this moment, Xue Lao is not in the mood to sympathize with the dark daoist, he is also a fool, and he feels that only he can come in here. He didn't expect, Wang Chen is also a demonic cultivator, and his cultivation base is higher than him, he can come in, why can't people come in?

Xue Lao thought about it seriously, he felt that in fact, many things, he felt that Wang Chen was hanging up. The difficulties that Wang Chen encounters can always pass easily. His chances seem to have fallen from the sky, and he can always hit his eyes.

This kind of luck, Xue Lao simply did not notice before, but following him during this time, Xue Lao discovered this, that is, Wang Chen’s luck is as if he has been blessed, and he can step on it when he walks. To baby.

Of course, these treasures will not be discovered unless you are careful, and most people will just walk past them. But Wang Chen himself is a careful person. Even now, he has crazy forgotten who he is, and his cautious and careful nature has not weakened.

He is very sure, even though Wang Chen seems to be absorbing spiritual power unscrupulously now, if he dares to attack him, then he must be defensive behind him.

It may be a layer of transparent barrier, or it may be black demonic energy. He will never give his back to other people unsuspectingly, even if this person seems to be innocent at all.

Old Xue sighed, how much he wants to attack from this angle, but how can he do it? He doesn't have the courage. He closed his eyes helplessly and pressed down his thoughts, he couldn't do that.

And now, Wang Chen is surrounded by black demonic energy. He wants to absorb all these demonic energy.

At this moment, in the midair, a woman is standing there, but she didn't say anything, but stared at a place in front of her. There was the black magic space, Wang Chen absorbed it. The woman thought about it, took a golden ring from her arm, and threw it down at the demonic energy space.

Wang Chen, who was absorbing magic power, felt threatened. He wanted to dodge, but found that he could not dodge. He felt a violent attack and directly bound his dantian. .

"Who! Who is plotting against me, come out!" Wang Chen yelled, but no one answered, not even a silhouette.

He was afraid for a moment. After all, this person has succeeded in plot against, why not come out? So what is the golden circle left in his dantian!

Wang Chen was terrified. Divine Consciousness probed, but found that there was indeed no one here, and there was only one Xue Lao behind him, but Xue Lao didn't have such a method.

He stared at Xue Lao, Xue Lao felt that he was in danger in an instant, so he trembled and asked: "My lord, what's the matter with you?"

"Nothing." Wang Chen looked at him for a while before answering that, and then looked towards all around again, and sure enough, it was still silent, there was no one.

In this way, Wang Chen waited silently for ten days, he looked as if he was still absorbing magic, but he knew that his mind was all around, he just wanted to see that person Will it appear.

Sure enough, that person never appeared again, and stayed in the golden circle inside of Dantian as if he was there. It just made Wang Chen's face even more ugly. He really couldn't figure out who it was and why on earth did he do this?

He was a little bit mad, the more he didn’t understand, the more he wanted to think, he ended up in a cycle like this, as if he was the only one left in the world, and he didn’t know who he was. , And don’t know who the enemy is.

Xue Lao sees Wang Chen like this, you sigh now, his life is dying. If this continues, I'm afraid he will destroy all the people and things he can see around him.

So Old Xue, who was still thinking about finding a way out in thirty years, could only act in advance. He left an illusory shadow in place, and he quietly merged into the darkness.

He didn't dare to use any spiritual power, just a very quiet action, because he was afraid that if he flew by himself or used spiritual power, Wang Chen would definitely find it immediately. So he can only walk forward like an ordinary person.

Fortunately, although this space is very huge, it is not a starry sky at all. Otherwise, I just walk on my legs. I don’t know when I can walk out of Wang Chen’s sight, let alone his perception. .

Wang Chen's ears moved suddenly. He seemed to hear sounds around him, but when he opened his eyes again, he found that there was nothing. Wang Chen was very angry. He felt as if he had been tricked by someone.

Xue Lao took a deep breath. Sure enough, Wang Chen is now on the verge of rage. He must not provoke him. He still stays far away. It is important to save his life.

Xue Lao left slowly, and it took a whole half a month's time to dily-dallying out of Wang Chen's perception. Even so, he didn't dare to move forward quickly, but proceeded slowly.

He thinks that the experience is more reliable. Since he didn't find it so early, let's go like this in the future. Otherwise, if he is discovered, Wang Chen wants to kill him.

Xue Lao quietly walked to the depths of the space, and Wang Chen began to exercise his Divine Consciousness. He found out that the main reason for the loss this time was that his Divine Consciousness was not strong enough. In that case, he should exercise well.

Therefore, Wang Chen began to absorb demonic energy while forging spirit refinement awareness, and at the same time, he did not want to waste any time.

But this also made him even crazier. He didn't even know where he was. He only remembered one goal to make him stronger. What's the point of making yourself stronger? He simply couldn't answer, and he simply didn't think about these questions.

(End of this chapter)

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