
  Chapter 2613 Arrangement

He has never been a parent, so naturally he does not know his parents’ concerns and feelings for the child . He only felt that he was making a complaint, and he didn't know that Wenwen would have heard it in his heart.

"There is nothing wrong with you. In the future, you can teach her a lot of things and make her very difficult to deal with. Finding a husband better than Qingyun is not very good. Is it exciting?"

Xiao Guoguo comforted Wenwen so, and at the same time fiercely gave Yuemu a look, thinking in his heart, what others said that pregnant women are emotionally unstable, this seems not unfounded.

Look at how strong Wenwen is. If Yuemu had spoken like this before, she could slap him in the air. Now, I cried in one sentence, and Qingyun Daoist's worried head was sweating.

And Yuemu was also wronged. He wanted to be the first to say hello to the boss, but Wenwen robbed him of the position. Now the boss blames him for Wenwen.

But he did blame himself for a while, so he coaxed Wenwen and said: "Don't be sad, maybe it's a boy."

Xiao Guoguo: "..." So comforting?

Qingyun daoist: "..." is not good.

Sure enough, Wenwen, who was still crying just now, suddenly raised his head, and his tears disappeared suddenly, just like a closed faucet. She just looked at Yuemu like this, then pointed her finger at him and asked: "What did you say?"

Yuemu suddenly found out that she seemed to have said something wrong. If you want a daughter persistently, it doesn't seem very good to say that.

"I... I tell you, the boss is back, don't want to bully..." Before finishing speaking, Wenwen snapped his fingers softly, and Yuemu disappeared in In place.

Xiao Guoguo: "..." If you don't agree with this, you can do it, it doesn't seem very good.

Chi Xuan took a step back silently. He knew that Wenwen often looked unpleasant to him. At this time, he should not go forward.

And Qingyun Daoist's sweat really came down, and I don't know where Wenwen sent Yuemu to. But thinking of that guy's speechlessness, he felt it deserved it.

Forget it, turn around and intercede again. This guy should teach him a lesson, and see if he goes down and still owes it.

Everyone was stupid looking at this scene, they didn't know what happened, they saw Wenwen move two fingers, and then took someone away.

Zhang Jing looked at Little Junior Sister, are the people here so scary? Little Junior Sister was thinking, sure enough, there is no ordinary person who follows the senior.

Sun Qianqian and Zhao Ting were also slightly taken aback. They always felt that this article In Literature there is a bit powerful.

And Xiao Guoguo took Wenwen forward, thinking in his heart, this month wood is also deserved, his mouth is too cheap. But even though he thought so in his heart, he still said in his mouth: "Just let him reflect on it, don't forget to let him go when you look back."

Xiao Guoguo said that, Wenwen will naturally not listen. , Nodded can be regarded as agreed. And Qingyun daoist is also relaxed, and as expected, Xiao Guoguo's life here will be much easier.

Chi Xuan’s idea is exactly the opposite of Qingyun daoist. Xiao Guoguo is back. With Wenwen and Yuemu, he naturally has less time for himself.

And Demon Venerable look at Wenwen. This is a friend of his daughter. He has a good personality. He appreciates it, and he likes it very much.

Earth Demon clansman thought, the Human Race here seems to be more powerful than theirs. They have to be careful, they have to protect the safety of the Demon Lord.

And at this moment, Yuemu shouted loudly in a dark space: "Wenwen! I know you can hear me! I tell you, let me out quickly, or I will give You are not finished, I will definitely sue the boss!" Tsukimu is so threatening, but it's useless at all, the text hasn't changed even his face, and his voice hasn't changed a bit, just as if he simply didn't hear it. .

In fact, she really heard it, but when she heard Yuemu's attitude, she felt that this guy still owed it. So she pretended that she didn't hear anything. Anyway, this guy was just lonely and cold there, so it's okay to cool it down.

Xiao Guoguo followed them inside. The place is actually not big, it's just a place temporarily separated by a few people for cultivation. There are five or six Cave Mansion altogether, and everyone has their own territory.

"Boss, I also got you a Cave Mansion, thinking you will come back." Wenwen said, Xiao Guoguo looked at the Earth Demon clansman behind him, here they can only fix it in the wild .

"It's okay, I will arrange for them. You go back first, and I will go there." Demon Lord said. Xiao Guoguo also thought it was better, so he followed Wenwen.

Watching Xiao Guoguo go, Demon Venerable looked at all around and said: "Although it is not big here, but if we allocate it well, we should be able to arrange it."

Demon Venerable said this not to his Elders, but to Zhao Ting on the opposite side.

The reason why he talks to Zhao Ting now is entirely because Zhao Ting is following the Five Thousand Human Race cultivator.

If it is outside and the place is so big, it can be arranged any way. But in the barrier, they must first divide the territory.

"What you said makes sense. There are many Earth Demon clansman and a tall stature. Choose a place first." Zhao Ting said this very politely. Now he has confirmed that Demon Venerable is his own for the time being. The natural attitude is much better.

"Okay, let's lean on the barrier, if there is something, we can attack in time." Demon Venerable made this decision, and Zhao Ting would naturally cooperate.

"You let Earth Demon clansman arrange it first, and we will arrange the rest." Zhao Ting took a step back. Demon Venerable was very satisfied and nodded, turning his head and proceeding to get down to humanity: "Let clansman We set up tents and try to leave more space for them, so that we don’t look like we are deliberately bullying others."

Having said that, Elders naturally know how to do it. They think this place is not open enough compared to the Earth Demon clan, but if it is too small, it is an exaggeration. Ten thousand Earth Demon clansman can also be arranged.

"Don't worry, we must be able to arrange it properly." The Elders said so, and they went to find their own people. They wanted to divide the area, and then left a martial stage in the middle.

As long as there is a place for Earth Demon clansman, there must be a martial stage, as long as there is a martial stage, then everyone will have a happy life, and there will not be anything.

Demon Venerable trusts his own people very much, and after telling them not to cause trouble, he turns around to find Xiao Guoguo and them. The same is true for Zhao Ting. If he has to do everything himself, then what do those subordinates use.

So when they began to reminisce about the old, Earth Demon clansman and Human Race cultivator, they have already started to organize their own venues, but this is too much movement, obviously so many people camped together, not one A trivial matter.

"By the way, there are two girls you want to meet, they will temporarily live in your Cave Mansion." Lin Lang said to Xiao Guoguo, Xiao Guoguo was taken aback, the two of them I want to see, who is it?

(End of this chapter)

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