
  Chapter 2608 is not easy

Zhao Ting watched Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan walk over, watched The look of the two walking side by side is really envious.

Back then, he didn’t understand, why Yang Shuo would give up his life for one person. Even if the people in the Seven Palaces had a good relationship, he wouldn’t do it for any of them. It is simply too stupid to give up your life.

However, after so many years, he seems to finally understand. A person is really lonely and has no worries about himself. If it is not supported by strong beliefs, it is easy to lose his way.

Looking for someone is not only to keep a group warm, but also to make yourself a little concerned and not to be crazy. So now, as a single dog, Zhao Ting is very envious of Chi Xuan. Although he has waited for so many years, the wait is worth it.

Just thinking about these words in his heart, he will never say it, because he can't afford to lose face. He is known as the most shrewd and calm person in the Seven Palaces, with a wise brain. He will never do anything to damage his face.

"We can go now." Chi Xuan said.

"I'm afraid it's not that easy." Zhao Ting exclaimed. He found that he was the most troublesome person. It seemed that everyone had no idea about leaving this world and entering another world.

"How to say? Is there any trouble?" Chi Xuan asked.

"If it's just a few of us, then there will be no problem. Just open the array and maintain it for a while. But now, not only have to take five thousand cultivators, but also the nearly ten thousand Earth Demon clansman. I want to. It took at least a quarter of an hour in the past, so we need to maintain the normal time of a quarter of an hour."

When I said this, Zhao Ting felt that he had a toothache, and said it was a quarter of an hour, which sounded easy. Looks like, but it's really not easy to do.

If it is a battle, even if he persists for so long, he will not be so embarrassed, just because the array wants to maintain the open state, it really takes a lot of cultivation base.

You know, they are in the past and no one knows what scene they are facing. It is definitely not the right choice to spend almost all the cultivation base on oneself before it has passed.

But the Earth Demon clansman brought by Demon Venerable is tall, and it takes a long time to get through this array, so he is very embarrassed now.

"This matter is actually simple to say, let me solve it." Xiao Guoguo said, Zhao Ting was taken aback. It is simple, how simple?

"Do you have any good way to speak out and listen." Zhao Ting is really curious, what can Xiao Guoguo do.

"I have a lot of medicine here, all kinds of qi and blood, tonic, just take one." Xiao Guoguo said and took out his medicine pill.

Zhao Ting: "..." He shouldn't ask.

"Chi Xuan, do you have any thoughts?" Zhao Ting asked, Chi Xuan smiled faintly, and then said: "This matter is really simple to say, you are afraid that the cultivation base will cost cleanly, but array can't last long.

But what you want is to use your own strength to support the entire array, it is naturally very difficult, but now, Guoguo and I can help you share this Isn't it easy?"

Chi Xuan said so, and Zhao was stunned for a moment. Yeah, he forgot, they are not Void Realm Early-Stage anymore. He even forgot that Chi Xuan's current cultivation base is higher than him.

It is really constantly comparing oneself to others will only make one angry. Although Yang Shuo was so good back then, but Yang Shuo has disappeared for so many years, he has almost forgotten such a fact.

"You are right, it is indeed much easier for us to open the array together." When Zhao Ting said so, he glanced at the Demon Venerable opposite.

Although it was just a glance, Demon Venerable guessed what the other person was thinking. He really is... This guy has too many eyes. Is this the wise man in the legend?

"Let your people go first, our queen." Demon Venerable sound transmission directly, Zhao Ting is completely free of worries.

He was actually worried. He didn’t believe in Demon Venerable very much. People couldn’t believe the Elder and clansman of the Earth Demon clan. He was afraid that his own people would not pass. Demon Venerable took the Earth Demon clansman and ran directly. Now, when the time comes another world is dangerous.

So he would rather take the risk and let his own people pass first, so even if Demon Venerable has any plans, his men can stop him for a while.

Don’t think that making this decision is easy. Those who are loyal to yourself are all subordinates who are worried about their safety. But Zhao Ting understood that taking them this time was actually a situation of nine deaths and still alive, Wang Chen...I don't know what they look like now.

Zhao Ting hurriedly reduced his mind, he was afraid that he was thinking too much, making him unstable and affecting the opening of the array.

"Then you can cooperate with me and run with my spiritual power." Zhao Ting said so, and a spiritual power entered the array.

The array rays of light shine, and you can see it from a distance, but no one dares to come here because it is the site of the Seven Palaces. The rays of light in the array became more and more powerful, and after a while a channel appeared in the void.

Earth Demon clansman was very surprised, of course more exciting. This world channel, they have heard it many times, but the Earth Demon clan has always wanted to break through the blockade of the Seven Palaces and go to another world to take a look.

But it hasn't been realized for so many years, and now they finally have time to go to another world to see, how can they not be excited. They want to beat their chests with their small fists.

"Let the Human Race go first, and the Earth Demon clan will stand there and wait for the Demon Lord's order after passing by!" An Elder said. The Earth Demon clansman was quite obedient, especially when there was Demon Venerable. .

On the other hand, those cultivators wearing black clothed and serious expressions have flown into the tunnel. They move quickly, because they know that the energy required to support such an array is unimaginable. Yes, their quick passage is the greatest help to adults.

"The speed must be fast, the team must be tidy, no competition is allowed, the only goal is to pass the passage as soon as possible!" Demon Venerable said, and the Earth Demon clansman responded.

They followed Human Race closely, in this brief moment, everyone seemed to have forgotten the grievances between the Earth Demon clan and Human Race. They wanted to work with a common purpose. No one can hold back things.

Therefore, Earth Demon clansman's excitement weakened a bit because of the concentration to pass. They remembered the command of the Demon Lord, and quickly passed through the passage.

Zhao Ting felt that there was sweat on his forehead, although with the help of Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan, the spiritual power consumption was still very large. Fortunately, after listening to Xiao Guoguo's words just now, I really swallowed a medicine pill. At this moment, spiritual power is continuously replenishing my meridian, otherwise the situation is worse than it is now.

"Hold on, they are passing soon." Chi Xuan said. His situation is better than Zhao, after all, the cultivation base is deeper.

While Chi Xuan has taken more pressure to take care of Xiao Guoguo, Xiao Guoguo is in the best situation. Zhao Ting looked at it, and was envious again.

(End of this chapter)

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