
  Chapter 2605 Followers

Where are they going? Naturally, I want to go home.

But he was really reluctant, so he was silent for a while: "Go back to another world."

"Another world!" Great Elder didn't expect yes This answer, and another world, that is what they have always wanted. When the Seven Palaces arrived, they wanted to go to another world, really didn't expect, Sir Demon Lord actually came from there.

The Earth Demon clansman was also surprised. In another world, how deep an enmity it must be to be so reluctant to forget, and to go back and take revenge.

Ask them to say that although their Earth Demon clan also likes to fight for a win or lose, they have changed a world, so forget about it. Demon Venerable is not right now. I have to compare others with others. Is it really worth it?

"Sir Demon Lord, I want to follow you." Great Elder suddenly demanded, kneeling on one leg, meaning to be loyal to him for life.

"Get up, that person is very powerful. I don't know what the result will be when I go back alone, so how can I take you with me." Demon Venerable said.

Before he left, he really didn't want to take Great Elder with them, although he had moved, using the Earth Demon clan to take them back together.

But after knowing what they did for themselves, Demon Venerable is not as embarrassed to do so. He has been using the Earth Demon family all the time, yes, but he also has feelings, and he will naturally weigh right and wrong, so he gave up doing it.

But he finally made up his mind not to take them away, and he also arranged the way for them in the future. He was worthy of them.

But he didn't expect. At this time Great Elder suddenly said that he would follow him, and beside him were several kneelings on one leg, and said sincerely: "Sir Demon Lord, The servants are also willing to follow!"

Demon Venerable: "..." Is he so prestigious?

Demon Venerable himself didn't expect, he is so prestigious, Great Elder and several Elders are willing to follow. You know, they are the most powerful of the Earth Demon clan, the power of the cream of the crop.

"Okay! Since you are going to follow me, then I will tell you who my enemy is." Demon Venerable said, all the Elders of the Earth Demon clan raised their heads, and they thought very much too. You know, who is the enemy of Demon Venerable!

Seeing the curious eyes of the Earth Demon clan, Demon Venerable felt helpless. Sure enough, everyone has curiosity. This is true. If they want to know, just tell them. Up.

"This person is the boss of the Seven Palaces, Wang Chen, the leader of the Seven Palaces." Demon Venerable said so, everyone was stunned.

So, do you have an enemy with the Seven Palaces? By the way, when the Demon Lord arrived, he said that he would take them to attack the Seven Palaces.

Later, because the Demon Lord was so good, so amazing, they all forgot about it.

In their opinion, the Demon Lord is already so powerful, that would definitely defeat the Seven Palaces. Therefore, I was always holding my breath before, and the heart to always want to win was not so strong.

And recently they get along well with the Seven Palaces, so they feel that the situation has eased. How did they know that it was because Wang Chen was simply not here, and Zhao Ting had always taken care of Demon Venerable and Xiao Guoguo, so naturally they would not conflict with the Earth Demon clan.

Not only will it not conflict with the Earth Demon clan now, nor will it be for some time in the future. The top powers of the Seven Palaces are not here now, so there is no chance that they can directly compete with the disciplines.

Therefore, for a long time in the future, both parties will be in peace. The Earth Demon family doesn't know, but Demon Venerable can guess it.

"Sir Demon Lord, I am willing to follow it to the death!" Great Elder said that he used his right hand to beat his chest vigorously. This is the most sincere promise.

"I am willing to follow you!" The same is true for other people, slapped their chest fiercely with their fists, which represents their sincerity and determination.

"Okay, very good!" Demon Venerable wanted to support them one by one, but thinking about the height difference between the two sides still dispelled this idea, but raised his hand and made them all stand. stand up.

Everyone is very excited. This is really very good. They are going to another world with Sir Demon Lord. I feel excited when I think about it.

"You go back and prepare, take your strongest men, and we will set off in ten days! I will take you to avenge and take you to kill Wang Chen!"

Demon Venerable's words are too popular, because they all hate Wang Chen, and they think that they can avenge him with Demon Venerable. That is definitely a great honor.

Everyone is going to prepare. They want to bring the most powerful subordinates in the tribe. They want grandiose to set off and let everyone see the strength of their Earth Demon clan.

"Great Elder, wait a minute." The Demon Lord called Great Elder, and Great Elder was taken aback. His back tightened and his heart was very disappointed. He knew that things must have changed.

"Sir Demon Lord." Great Elder looked at Demon Venerable expectantly, but Demon Venerable sighed: "We are all gone, then who will take care of the entire Earth Demon clan?"

Great Elder heard this and didn’t say a word for a long time. He looked at Demon Venerable, looking a little pitiful, but seeing that he didn’t change his mind, Great Elder could only say: "I know, if you really are like this Arrange, I will obey your order!"

Although Great Elder agreed and obeyed the order, it’s not regrettable, it is impossible. This is an opportunity to go to another world to fight a battle. He is unlikely to have a second chance in his life.

"Great Elder, if I am still alive, I will definitely come back. I need someone to help me guard the Earth Demon clan. I am definitely not at ease with the others, but you, I believe you can do it. Okay."

With Demon Venerable saying that, Great Elder was immediately excited. He knew that he was left behind, and it must be valuable, so he was very happy. Although he still felt a little regretful, it was not that uncomfortable anymore.

"My lord, don't worry, I will guard the Earth Demon clan for you, and you won't be messed up when you come back." Great Elder assured him that Demon Venerable patted his fist, which is his greatest Trust it.

"I still need to prepare a lot of things before I leave, you should be able to help me." Demon Venerable said, Great Elder immediately nodded, he can help, these are his own business.

"You can rest assured, what you need, I will definitely prepare it for you." Great Elder immediately took it all.

"Okay, I will trouble you." Demon Venerable said, and finally convinced Great Elder to stay, and he felt relieved.

Eight days later, in the capital of the Earth Demon clan, everyone is looking up at the direction of the palace. Their king and their Demon Lord are leaving. It is said that their Demon Lord is going to occupy another world, which makes them feel very proud and excited.

Finally, the dream that they could not realize, what the Demon Lord could not do in the past, this Demon Lord will do.

(End of this chapter)

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