
  Chapter 2602 revisit an old haunt

On the other hand, Xiao Guoguo left here and Chi Xuan also listened Tell the story between them.

Sometimes he has to sigh, Guoguo's luck is actually very good. Of course, on the other hand, Guoguo is a soft-hearted person. If this matter is changed to another person, he will not necessarily care about it.

Although many things are no effort at all for them, changing the past, especially saving such a powerful person, will have too much impact on the future.

"Where are we going now?" Chi Xuan curiously asked, he followed Xiao Guoguo, they tore the void again, it was clear that they were going to another plane.

"The seafood you eat, always take you to see, that flourishing plane, now I don’t know how." Xiao Guoguo said, looking at the direction, and then moved towards one direction. go with.

Seriously, she is not sure whether this direction is right. But she thought, at worst, just look for it again. Anyway, it should be in this direction.

However, Xiao Guoguo overestimated his ability to recognize directions. After searching for a whole day, he couldn't find it. After grabbing a cultivator, he figured out the direction.

"Hehe, it must be correct this time." Xiao Guoguo doesn't understand. She is already in this cultivation base, why is she still lost?

Chi Xuan said nothing, and followed Xiao Guoguo. They hadn't traveled together like this for a long time, even if they didn't know what to go, even if they didn't know the direction, but Chi Xuan enjoyed this relaxing moment.

And this time, Xiao Guoguo also managed to find a place, and he tore through the void and walked in, floating in the air and overlooking the earth, becoming more and more prosperous.

But fortunately, it is still antique. If it is changed to a modern society, she will really not accept it for a while.

"Is this the place where you have been before?" Chi Xuan asked curiously. He didn't expect Xiao Guoguo would choose such a place to live.

"Are you surprised, do you think this is not my style?" Xiao Guoguo asked, Chi Xuan smiled and said, "I thought you would choose a modern country, after all, there You are more familiar with it, and you can feel back to your hometown."

Xiao Guoguo knows that Chi Xuan is talking about the place where she grew up. Indeed, she is more familiar with that era. But Xiao Guoguo did not do this, because people are always curious about the unknown, especially when you are strong enough.

"I'm just curious about what this prosperous world is like. I didn't have the opportunity to take a look back then. Now that I have this opportunity, I naturally want to cherish it."

Xiao Guoguo said that, he went directly to the sky above the palace. The king of the year is definitely no longer there, and even the dynasty of the year may not still exist.

But what made Xiao Guoguo didn't expect was that his statue was in this palace.

Xiao Guoguo looked at Chi Xuan, and Chi Xuan looked at Xiao Guoguo. Both of them were stunned. What's the situation?

"Or ask someone to ask?" Chi Xuan said.

"You don't need to ask someone to ask, I'll take you to a place to inquire about this kind of gossip." Xiao Guoguo said this, and took Chi Xuan to a teahouse.

"Really didn't expect, this teahouse still has it, this is the largest and best teahouse here, and the level of the storyteller is higher." Xiao Guoguo familiar with the order, found a private room Sit down and look at the literary play list.

"Look at this, Mrs. Xiao broke through the pirate island." Xiao Guoguo looked at the names on it and found several people who had something to do with him.

"You, are you this Mrs. Xiao?" Chi Xuan exclaimed. Mrs. Xiao, does she call her own wife when she goes out and walks? Thinking of this, I was very happy.

Xiao Guoguo naturally knew what he was thinking, and ignored him. Instead, he called Xiao Er and gave Jin Jin, and let the storyteller say this paragraph.

The storytelling is also wonderful, Xiao Guoguo slowly learned that this is about going to thunder pirates. But through these stories, she probably also knew what happened after she left that year.

The change of dynasties is naturally unavoidable. That king was good back then, does not mean that his descendants are all talents. It was thousands of years ago, and five dynasties have been experienced. So what happened in the past can only be seen from history.

The change of dynasties is always bloody, and the current prosperity is only a few hundred years old.

"Sure enough, all good things must come to an end, nothing is just a passing scene." Xiao Guoguo sighed, feeling that he was too busy back then.

Xiao Guoguo's mood is a little bit depressed, Chi Xuan naturally felt it, he grabbed Xiao Guoguo's hand and said: "Everything in Human World is the same thing, and it can be changed without human power. Nothing is immutable. We can only do our best, and no one knows what the result will be."

Chi Xuan said that, Xiao Guoguo looked at him, Chi Xuan is really cute, although she A little depressed, but only a little bit. Seeing how he calmed himself so seriously, Xiao Guoguo only felt sweet and warm.

"I know, don't worry." Xiao Guoguo said so, and someone was watching them frequently.

"Look, how can the couple at that table look so beautiful? When I grow up, I have never seen anyone more handsome than them." Someone said to his companion in such a low voice. .

"This is the truth, I have never seen such a beautiful person, this man looks like a man, it is more difficult to remove his eyes than a woman."

There are people here who admire so much, but such admiration is just pure appreciation, but does not include other things, of course, there are also unhealthy minds, such people dare not speak.

"Wait, you look at that lady, how come I look familiar?" Some people always think Xiao Guoguo seems familiar.

Xiao Guoguo sighed helplessly in the heart, did you finally notice yourself? Sure enough, with Chi Xuan, her appearance is always compromised.

Would you say that you admire Mrs. Xiao very much? It is said that there are statues of her in the whole country? We can't be so fooled.

"Ah, Mrs. Xiao!" One person stood up abruptly and said, everyone looked at Xiao Guoguo and took a breath.

This really looks like Mrs. Xiao, is this really Mrs. Xiao?

Everyone began to stare at Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan, some whispering, some wondering, Madam Xiao was a person thousands of years ago, how could it really exist?

"Madam, what shall we do?" Chi Xuan asked Xiao Guoguo. Xiao Guoguo gave him an angry look and stood up and walked outside.

"Two, are you Mrs. Xiao? Is this the Husband in your legend?" The person asked curiously.

"I recognized the wrong person." Xiao Guoguo bypassed the person directly and quickly walked outside.

Although everyone heard Xiao Guoguo's answer, they still didn't believe it. They rushed to catch up, but in a blink of an eye, they disappeared.

"This, it's really Mrs. Xiao, Mrs. Xiao is still alive!" Someone exclaimed, and everyone felt so.

(End of this chapter)

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