
  Chapter 2598 is back.

Everyone didn't expect to get such an answer.

A Heart Demon? This answer really completely subverts their understanding of Heart Demon. When will such a beautiful Heart Demon also give them one?

Of course, they don't want human form, they are the Earth Demon clan and they naturally like the Earth Demon clan.

Shaking their heads, and throwing this bad idea out of their minds, they also have self-knowledge, like Demon Lord, how many can they have? They are not the Demon Lord, and naturally they can't be as strong as the Demon Lord.

"Congratulations to the Demon Lord for the return! Earth Demon patriarch is prosperous!" Great Elder knelt down and said so, he was still kneeling a row behind him.

"Congratulations to the Demon Lord for the return! Earth Demon patriarch is prosperous!" They were obviously excited, the Demon Lord came back, and their backbone was back.

"Thanks for your hard work during this period, hurry up." Although Demon Venerable didn't move and didn't take the initiative to support him, his tone had been relaxed a lot. Compared to before Transcending Tribulation, his attitude changed too much. Big.

"We don't work hard, we are willing to go through water and tread on fire for Demon Lord!" Great Elder said, staring at Demon Venerable excitedly.

He really didn't expect that Demon Venerable can become the most powerful Demon Lord in the history of the Earth Demon clan. At the beginning, he had doubted whether his choice was correct, but now it seems to be really fortunate.

Although he is a Human Race, he is closer to the Earth Demon clan from the way of cultivation and temperament. So Great Elder regards Demon Venerable as his own person from the bottom of his heart.

"Well, let's get out of here first, let's talk about something when we go back." Demon Venerable said so, everyone took their orders.

Demon Venerable Transcending Tribulation succeeded. The news was blowing like a gust of wind. Earth Demon clansman gathered in the capital. They looked at the Demon Lord who had returned successfully and followed and cheered all the way.

Xiao Guoguo was full of emotion when he saw such a scene. If you didn't see it with your own eyes, it would be hard to believe that father has such an influence in the Earth Demon clan. These Earth Demon clansman clearly regard Demon Venerable as True King.

"Okay, pass my order, you can celebrate in the three Tian City at will, three days later, let them do or do."

Demon Venerable so Great Elder approves of the arrangement. It's definitely impossible to celebrate such a thing, but it's not too much to celebrate, otherwise it's easy to cause trouble.

"I'll make arrangements right away." Great Elder winked away, because he knew that now Demon Venerable definitely wants to be with his relatives, and Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan are the ones His relatives.

Although he felt a little sour in his heart, he didn't dare to show it, because these two were also very tough. When Demon Venerable woke up just now, they couldn't hold the rays of light, and they evaded one after another. Only the two of them stood still motionless, that is to say, they were stronger than them.

"Guoguo, I have gained something this time." Demon Venerable said.

"Father, you can take a break first, let’s not worry." Xiao Guoguo said, but Demon Venerable shook his head: "No need to rest, I’m in good spirits. I stayed there for another month. Now It's almost recovered."

Xiao Guoguo was taken aback for a while, she could understand why Demon Venerable didn't wake up for so long.

"Then tell me, what is going on this Transcending Tribulation?" Xiao Guoguo curiously asked.

Since Xiao Guoguo wants to know, Demon Venerable will naturally not conceal it. He explained all the causes and consequences of this Transcending Tribulation, and Xiao Guoguo was deeply moved.

"Did you go to ask the state of mind? Is there very difficult to deal with?" Xiao Guoguo looked at Chi Xuan, she was thinking that Chi Xuan would go there after Transcending Tribulation.

"It’s very difficult to deal with, I met two people there, one of them is Rewarded Master and the other is Revered Master. I don’t know when your Transcending Tribulation arrives there, they will still I'm not here anymore."

Demon Venerable sighed, and then smiled and told Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan about the situation of these two people. He even told them the details of the questioning state of mind and the final pass, hoping that when they were Transcending Tribulation, they would not be so dark as his own.

Parental love is far-reaching, this is Demon Venerable's love for Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan. Although Chi Xuan just took it along, he also benefited from it.

"By the way, you didn't see that game. It's really very difficult to deal with. It can comprehend many things. It can not only improve the cultivation base, but also improve the Divine Consciousness and mentality. If you get in, , The game between you two is just right."

When Demon Venerable said this, he felt gratified and bitter at the same time. Fortunately, it is good for Xiao Guoguo to be accompanied by Chi Xuan. Their cultivation bases are similar. In the future, they may be able to overcome the state of mind together.

But he is also bitter, because he can't accompany her to the rule world in his life. This is what I gave up. Although I don't regret it, I still feel bitter.

I hurriedly cleaned up my mood, Demon Venerable did not dare to let Xiao Guoguo see it. It's just that the woman has been by Demon Venerable's side, feeling his true emotions.

She was also sighing in her heart. The owner only mentioned the experience of breaking through the barrier this time, but never mentioned what she had given up. She felt very regretful and aggrieved for giving up to the rule world, but the owner didn't feel it at all, and even had no regrets in her heart, and even refused to tell Xiao Guoguo in front of her for fear that she would feel burdened.

This is what makes her feel sigh. Maybe as a parent, many people are like this. They will only consider the child, even if the child has grown up, and simply doesn't need it.

"Apart from this, there is a red jade mirror in there. That is really a treasure. The problem I found this time was also told by the red jade mirror."

Demon Venerable With that said, Xiao Guoguo's heart felt a little tight, and what was the problem he found.

So Demon Venerable told Xiao Guoguo what he saw in the red jade mirror, Xiao Guoguo looked at the woman, it was like they get along in this way? I couldn't believe that Wang Chen would look like this in front of a woman.

"Can you find that woman?" Chi Xuan frowned asked. He felt that if this woman could not be found, then it might be a huge threat to them.

"I can't find it. I used the Mirror to look for it. For three days, there was no news at all. Hey, if I knew that the Mirror is so powerful, I won't go through the barrier first. Look for a period of time, so that even if you can’t find it, it won’t be such a big regret."

Now that Demon Venerable regrets this, if he knew that this treasure was so powerful at the time, how could he not let it go? , Must have a good query.

"You don't have to regret it. This is something that everyone didn't expect. According to your statement, if there is someone behind Wang Chen, it will not be so easy to find. And we Time is running out, so I have to hurry up."

Xiao Guoguo's words, Chi Xuan and Demon Venerable both understand, and now they don't know what is going on in another world.

(End of this chapter)

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