
  Chapter 2593 Change

This statement seems to have been heard by him, but is it true? ? Does your own daughter have this ability? Did she use her ability to come and talk to him?

"How do you... know this?" Demon Venerable couldn't help but ask.

"I saw it with my own eyes. I was cultivation when you were Transcending Tribulation, so I didn't catch up. This time I came here specially to catch up." Xiao Guoguo said and smiled. Chi Xuan also understands that now it is in the past. These things may not have happened before, but Xiao Guoguo has come to change.

"You, you mean, I have a problem with Transcending Tribulation, right?" Demon Venerable is very smart. Seeing Xiao Guoguo like this, guesses can be guessed.

If it wasn't for the problem with the Transcending Tribulation, the daughter would not run over in such a hurry. After traveling through time and space, he felt that he had to ask clearly what went wrong.

"Your Transcending Tribulation was very successful. In the end, thanks to the efforts of the Earth Demon clan, there was almost no injury on your body. However, during the Heart Demon robbery after the Transcending Tribulation, you had a problem. .

That Heart Demon is very powerful. Heart Demon has been used to rob you for several years, but the Transcending Tribulation has not been successful. Before I came, your body was constantly aging, and your vitality was getting better. There is less coming.

Xiao Guoguo finished saying that, Demon Venerable was silent for a long time, and then said: "You tell me this now, don't you worry that I won't be able to properly Transcending Tribulation because of this? "

When Demon Venerable asked, Xiao Guoguo calmly said: "I believe you, you are not such a vulnerable person." "

Demon Venerable is speechless. This daughter is born with him, and she really understands him. Knowing all this, he really hasn't been shaken too much.

Transcending Tribulation This is for sure Yes, otherwise, why should he challenge Wang Chen. And he thinks that this Transcending Tribulation, maybe there will be unexpected surprises.

He is a demonic cultivator, if Heart Demon is not a good robbery It's strange. And once Heart Demon is over, he can take a step forward, which is very important.

So now, he is full of fighting spirit, and it seems that he has not prepared enough.

So Demon Venerable thought for a few days and prepared for a few days before going to Transcending Tribulation. Xiao Guoguo knew that she was impossible to prevent him from Transcending Tribulation. She just wanted to make Demon Venerable even better. Sufficient preparation.

"If this Transcending Tribulation really fails. "When Demon Venerable said this, Xiao Guoguo immediately shook his head and said: "Don't say this now, you are leaving yourself a way out." "

Xiao Guoguo said that, Demon Venerable is a bit speechless, this child is smarter than he thinks.

"Well, I don’t leave myself a way out, I know you are here Wait for me outside, I will definitely be back this morning. "Demon Venerable said, he feels that he is becoming more and more important.

Before he was not needed, he always felt that he was dispensable, but now that he is needed by his daughter, there are still people outside waiting for him. , How could he fail Transcending Tribulation? This is impossible!

"I believe you, you can't break your promise. "Xiao Guoguo said so, Demon Venerable nodded hard, and then moved towards another plane and flew away.

Chi Xuan didn’t know what was supposed to happen, he only knew, this time maybe things will be complete Are different.

"Don’t go and see? "Chi Xuan asked Xiao Guoguo, Xiao Guoguo faintly smiled and said: "I already know the result, what to see, I'd better go back and see what the future holds. "

When Xiao Guoguo said that, Chi Xuan's face was full of dismay. Xiao Guoguo smiled and pinched his face and said: "Don't worry, it's been a few days. "

Xiao Guoguo finished saying that, once again tore through the barriers of time, she appeared in the cave. This time everyone looked at her, as if looking forward to her coming.

"Why are you only appearing now? Sir Demon Lord's situation is not so good. "Great Elder said so, Xiao Guoguo nodded sitting next to Chi Xuan.

Chi Xuan looked at Xiao Guoguo and smiled. She was right. It didn't take long. They met again. And Things have indeed changed as she said.

This time Demon Venerable Transcending Tribulation seems to be smoother, and the Heart Demon Tribulation after the success of Transcending Tribulation, the situation is much better than the previous one.

Great Elder They didn’t know that Xiao Guoguo went back. What they saw was that Demon Venerable was aging, but they didn’t know this time, Demon Venerable was not aging that much.

Xiao Guoguo saw the change in the situation, and felt very comforted. At least it was worthwhile to go back by herself, so that was enough.

Although she doesn’t know what happened here, she can see. It’s enough to make a good change. She thinks things must be trending for the better.

At this moment, the questioning Revered Master and Fengyun Revered Master by the side of the pool look at each other. They learned from each other’s I saw the shock in my eyes. How could this be possible!

"Did you feel it as if there was a problem with our memory?" "Wen Xin Revered Master asks Fengyun Revered Master.

"Brother, you are right, I feel it too, but I don't understand why I suddenly feel this way?" Fengyun Revered Master said so, some do not understand, don't understand why this happened.

"If I didn't guess wrong, it must be related to what happened recently." Since it is related to recent events, it is because of Demon Venerable Fellow Daoist in nine out of ten. "

Asking the heart. Revered Master finished speaking and started thinking about the problem. He also wanted to know what it was. Fengyun Revered Master is even more puzzled. Demon Venerable, isn't it going through the barrier now?

He is rushing through the barriers, and he is overwhelmed by himself. Where does he have time to affect them? But apart from this, there is indeed no other explanation.

"Let's go, let's take a look at the Hongyu Mirror. "Wing Xin Revered Master said that, Fengyun Revered Master followed along, and they wanted to figure this out.

If only one of them felt this way, then That’s all, maybe it’s the wrong feeling. But now both people have this feeling. It’s weird and it doesn’t make sense.

So they are going to look at the red jade mirror now, that’s On the one hand, it records all the magic weapon in the entire questioning state of mind. Normally, people can’t touch it and don’t know its existence.

But they have been here for too long, and they don’t know anything, so two Individuals just go to the deepest part of their minds. They want to check what happened during this period.

They went to a room, and the price was carved by Spirit Stone, a huge piece of The Spirit Stone was directly carved into a house. The value of the Spirit Stone can be seen from this.

But here, such a Spirit Stone is nothing unusual, and what is even more surprising is the middle of the house. , There is a red spirit jade mirror. This mirror is tall and tall, and inside is asking what is happening in the heart.

"Let’s look at it from the moment Demon Venerable arrives. "Fengyun Revered Master said so, and I asked Revered Master to have no opinion. After inputting his spiritual power, everything in the red jade mirror began to turn upside down.

(End of this chapter)

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