
  Chapter 2586 Battle

Wang Chen looked at the black demon daoist in front of him, and then looked at Xue Lao, Very quietly asked: "Are you really sure? This guy is my enemy? So awkward?"

"Really, you are now amazing, think about it, you were not so good before At that time, how could he be so respectful to you!" After Mr. Xue finished saying that, Wang Chen felt reasonable. Besides, he was the one who killed people with himself, even this People are not their enemies, they killed them by mistake... it seems that there is nothing to lose.

"Do you remember me?" Wang Chen asked.

"You? I don't remember." said the black demon daoist. This man is so strange and powerful, but he is a little confused.

"Don't remember? Then you must have lied." Wang Chen said so, the black demon daoist opposite was stupid.

How come you say you are lying! This must not be recognized. Although he is a demonic cultivator, he is not a forgetful person. He has seen people for so many years, and he remembers them all! This one is so unique, so tricky, so tough, how could he forget it!

So with the logic and mind of a demonic cultivator, he can't understand Wang Chen's thoughts. This also proves that even among the demonic cultivators, Wang Chen is the most unique one.

"I didn't... you at the end..."

But before the black demon daoist finishes, here Wang Chen won't give him a chance, and said directly: " Now no matter how big our grievances have been, let's end them together today."

"But we..." There is no grievance!

The Black Demon daoist retreated quickly, and Wang Chen had already begun to attack. He felt that today was really too aggrieved. If they are really enemies, then let them go.

But now, it seems that simply is an innocent disaster, this is someone who provokes someone!

Now he seems to have finally realized the feelings of those who died in his hands. Helpless and helpless, at the same time mixed with infinite anger and sadness.

Why doesn't this make people talk? What he says is the truth. Or is this person simply here to look for things, and everything is just an excuse?

This dark daoist is hiding and thinking about such a serious question, but there is no answer. He feels that he can only think about these issues when he is in an advantageous position. Once he loses these advantages, everything will change, and he has no ability to think.

People are so strong, do you still use an excuse to destroy him? This is something he didn't understand, how could he think that all of this was done by Old Xue.

The black demon daoist has such a resounding name, and it is not a vain name. If it weren't for the birth of Wang Chen, this black demon daoist would really be the second place in the demonic cultivator world.

Why is the second place? Because there is still a Demon Venerable pressing on it. By the way, this black demon daoist has always regarded Demon Venerable as an idol.

Although the cultivation base of the dark daoist is not as good as Wang Chen, he is a demonic cultivator that has been alive for many years. He has a lot of tricks. During the battle with Wang Chen, he can still give Wang Chen from time to time. To create a little trouble, it can be seen that this guy is not someone who is easy to deal with.

Watching the battle between the two, Xue Lao felt more relieved, because he could see that this dark demon daoist not to be trifled with.

It is not wasting his time to inquire for so long, he must find a demonic cultivator that is the most powerful in the cultivation world, and he finally found this guy. In order to find him, Xue Lao spent a lot of effort, looking for clues on a plane by plane, otherwise how could he have been found until now.

The black demon daoist didn't know, in order to find him, Xue Lao had spent a lot of energy. I didn't know that everything he faced today was that Xue Lao plot against.

He is thinking now, how can he escape from Wang Chen's hands.

Wang Chen's thinking is different from that of the Dark Demon Daoist. He was planning to kill the enemy cleanly and then to find more interesting things to do. But as soon as the two played against each other, he changed his mind.

Why do you say that, because Wang Chen discovered that this dark daoist is quite interesting. This is the person with the highest cultivation base and the most methods among the demonic cultivators he encountered.

In that case, he has to see what this guy does. Otherwise, it would be a pity to kill directly, he always felt a little regretful that he couldn't see these methods.

If the black devil daoist knows what Wang Chen is thinking now, I wonder if it will be crazy. He has been at the top of the demonic cultivator world for so many years. Now that he is forced to become like this by a similar person, he feels very shameless on his face.

If he knew that now he could run away like this, it would be someone else's show mercy, it would definitely be even more depressing. Such aggrieved, such aggrieved, it is estimated that he can give birth to the idea of ​​perish together with Wang Chen.

It’s just that the current dark daoist hasn’t seen it yet, and his secretly believe oneself infallible means have worked. And he didn't want to beat the opponent right now. He was sure as soon as he played against him. He is not his opponent. What he thinks now is how to run.

Wang Chen looked at the dark daoist and wanted to run, coldly smiled, and then stretched out his hand, he saw that this plane was covered by the black demonic energy. It was clear that Wang Chen gave the dark daoist to Stuck here.

"You! How dare you!" said the black demon daoist. He looked at Wang Chen in disbelief. This guy was a bit too powerful, and even covered the entire plane with demonic energy. .

"Senior, can we not kill to the last one, what do you want, can't I give it to you?" The dark daoist was really scared.

"No, I am a very principled person. I only take revenge. I don't rob to benefit." Wang Chen replied.

Black Demon Daoist: "..."

He was very angry, very wronged, and at the same time he understood that this time I am afraid that he will be desperate. Perhaps being able to perish together is already the best result.

Therefore, the black demon daoist no longer hides his strength, he saw the mountain where he was turned into a group of black demonic energy, behind him, a huge Earth Demon clan silhouette formed, It is transformed from demonic energy.

"This time is going to be serious." Xue Lao was a little excited. It seems that this black demon daoist is capable.

He was thinking about one thing, that is, let this black demon daoist seriously wound Wang Chen, as long as he is seriously injured, then he has a chance! He is also very difficult to deal with, but he is not as good as Wang Chen, what he lacks is an opportunity.

Xue Lao stared at their battle seriously, one day and one night, the two demonic cultivators never stopped. Now there is no trace of what it used to be on this plane, because there is a mess on this plane.

If you look at all around, people will even wonder if civilization ever existed here? Did there ever exist creatures here?

However, the scope of their battle now is only limited to this range of thousands of miles, and there is still some leeway from the destruction of the entire plane.

"Who the hell are you! I'm going to die in your hands now, I can always know who is killing me!" the black demon daoist asked.

(End of this chapter)

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