
  Chapter 2583 I am awkward

At this moment, Wang Chen doesn’t know much about himself, he seems to know himself His name seems to know who these people are, as if he also understands his pursuit.

But I don't know why, he always feels that he lacks a trace of reality. Although it is really painful to hit the body with a fist, how does he feel that even the pain is fake?

This Wang Chen here naturally didn't know that his existence was originally based on the memory of Demon Venerable, and it was originally composed of the energy here.

Because of this, he always feels that his mentality is wrong, he has very strong ambitions, but he does not know what his ambitions are for, where he is going, and for what he wants Demonized?

Besides, why did he offend these people so badly? What does his cultivation have to do with these people? Why does he plot against these people? Is it because you want to use them as stepping stones?

While fighting, the Demon Venerable here is thinking about this issue. He feels that at such a moment of life and death, he shouldn't be distracted to consider these issues, but he still can't help thinking about it. And why is he so strong, he didn't lose his life in three consecutive battles. These people don't seem to be his opponents, which always feels weird.

The same is true for Xiao Guoguo. They always feel that their existence is to witness Demon Venerable's grievance with this Wang Chen. But shouldn't they be the protagonist? Aren't they the ones who were plot against Wang Chen to the bones? Why are they idle now?

It always feels very strange, as if every time they want to take revenge or fight, Demon Venerable always arrives in time to beat Wang Chen completely out of recognition.

Xiao Guoguo looked at Chi Xuan and found it strange. Is this the person he loves so much?

Chi Xuan looked at Xiao Guoguo, he always felt that the real Xiao Guoguo should be different than the person in front of him, she should be more enthusiastic and brighter. But he was also wondering, did Wang Chen move something here, bewildering his mind?

And the woman in the distance looked at all of this, she was frowned, looked at all of this, as if she had become a bystander, and she did not move after three consecutive attacks.

The Wenxin Revered Master and Fengyun Revered Master outside the spiritual power pool no longer drink tea or play chess. They are sitting outside the spiritual power pool. Although they seem to be closing their eyes and meditating, they actually know their surroundings well.

Now the spiritual power pool has begun to roll, and they have lived here for tens of thousands of years. No one knows what's wrong with this spiritual power pool. No one knows better than them.

"Ask the Fellow Daoist, is this Demon Venerable Fellow Daoist really okay?" Fengyun Revered Master looked at the spiritual power pool, and always felt that the situation in this pool was definitely not optimistic.

"Now it seems that there must be a problem." Wenxin Revered Master said so, looking at the spiritual power pool, this is obviously not a good situation.

They have been here for so many years and have met many people who want to break through the spiritual power pool. They have seen failures and successes, and they have naturally summed up a lot of experience.

In fact, they also find the law through the spiritual power pool. After this person enters, if the spiritual power pool is very calm, then the success may become bigger, if the spiritual power pool rolls, then success The possibility is very small.

So, looking at this rolling look, they are very worried. They always feel that this is not a good situation, and they don't know how Demon Venerable is now.

"Hey, there is still a 50 or 60% chance of winning, but I don't know if he can be the lucky group." Wenxin Revered Master sighed so, Fengyun Revered Master also felt reasonable.

They are all waiting here just to see a result, but in fact, they also know that this result is not so easy to wait. It may not be waited for a year or two, or even more than ten years. Can not wait.

But... If the spiritual power cloud in this spiritual power pool increases significantly, and if the spiritual power in this spiritual power pool becomes more concentrated, then Demon Venerable is really dangerous.

They all know that if there is such a change in the spiritual power pool, it means that the person who breaks through the barrier has failed. He glanced at Fengyun Revered Master and said: "When shall we make a break?"

This question, Fengyun Revered Master is not easy to answer, when will we make a break? He really couldn't make this determination.

"Brother, I'm afraid." Fengyun Revered Master said so.

Every time when he admits counsel, Fengyun Revered Master will call out to ask the Revered Master, as if this way their relationship has become closer. In fact, their relationship is indeed very close. They have been together for such a long time, and their feelings are far more than usual, just like the closest family members.

That's why Fengyun Revered Master said so, and when you asked, Revered Master knew that he was not ready yet. But he already wanted to go through the barrier. After so many years here, the years seemed to be quicksand, unconsciously disappeared.

He doesn't want to stay here anymore, he feels that he is ready and wants to take a step forward.

But Fengyun Revered Master, also his brother, he is gone, what should he do? Therefore, this question asked the Heart Revered Master has been thinking about it. Previously, he advised Demon Venerable to stay and hoped that he would leave. Fengyun Revered Master could have a personal company. This is a bit of his selfishness.

"I want to break through. Demon Venerable is just a newcomer. He has this courage. I have no reason to have this courage." Ask Xin Revered Master said that, Fengyun Revered Master was just stunned, he didn't. t expect asks the heart that Revered Master would say so.

"This is not courage, this is recklessness. Brother, you are not an impulsive person." Fengyun Revered Master knows his good friend very well, and he doesn't know why Wenxin Revered Master said so suddenly.

It was not a decision made overnight. I have had this idea for so many years, but I didn't bring it up until now. Because I don’t think the time has come, it’s too early to be too anxious.

But this time, this Demon Venerable really touched me a lot. It turns out that in addition to the pursuit of Tao, there are other precious things in this world that can support us in our pursuit. I think I am too cautious compared to it, which is not good. "

Asking the heart of Revered Master. Fengyun Revered Master is surprised. This means that he has really thought about it this time!

There have been several times before that, Revered Master was fidgeting. Even when he was very manic, but he didn’t make any decision, so Fengyun Revered Master only felt that he needed to adjust his emotions.

But now he understands that Wenxin Revered Master has already left. His mind. It’s just that he can’t make this determination until now, so he has waited until now, stimulated by Demon Venerable, and made this decision.

"Brother, you should know why we have been so many years Here cultivation, why dare not to try even if he knows the export. Is the spiritual power here really from this heart-seeking space? "

Fengyun Revered Master asked, and asked the heart Revered Master took a deep breath: "Fengyun, the energy between this Heaven and Earth belongs to this world, and our cultivation borrows this part of the energy. It is a fluke to extend the life essence, and we can't keep doing this forever.

After the fall, there is nothing wrong with returning this part of energy to this world to benefit more people. This is not something you and I can stop, and there is no need to worry about it. ”

(End of this chapter)

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