
  Chapter 2578 Reversal

Seeing this situation, Xue Lao immediately sighed. He has a very Bad premonition, trouble.

Although the life during this period of time was frightening, it was a good day compared to killing Wang Chen everywhere. But these idiots actually broke the peaceful life he had arranged so hard, and he wanted to destroy them.

So Old Xue looked at him, but didn't intercede. Besides, he knew in his heart that it would be useless to intercede by himself. It's better to look at it.

Old Xue didn't move, he could basically guess what the ending of these men was. You know, Wang Chen's temper, he just likes to show the calm side now, in fact, he simply has black hands and black heart.

Sure enough, after a while, those men were no longer seen here, and Mr. Xue knew what was going on without even asking.

"Master, shall we hand in the task?" Xue Lao asked cautiously, no matter what the result is, always ask clearly.

"Go, the task is still to be done." Wang Chen said, but Xue Lao clearly felt that Wang Chen was not happy, and his mood was very low, his voice became hoarse and full Depressed.

He only feels that his scalp is numb, this person, such a temperamental, he should be careful, otherwise he really doesn’t know when he is happy, so he will wrap himself in the black demonic energy Within this, his life could not be saved.

Old Xue took Wang Chen to hand in the task, but he could feel that this matter was just the beginning, and I am afraid that it will become more and more unmanageable in the future.

He actually wanted to ask, Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan, what are they doing? If you don’t come back again, don’t say that you can’t save your little life, this world, I’m afraid you will have to follow bad luck.

At this moment, Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan are looking at Demon Venerable. They don't know what the Demon Venerable is. Even if they are extremely anxious, they are still waiting, just to wait for Demon Venerable to return.

It's just that Demon Venerable's current situation is not optimistic. In the eyes of Fengyun Revered Master and Wenxin Revered Master, the current situation of Demon Venerable can be said to be very bad.

Although the Demon Venerable expression in the spiritual power pool is very calm, he was originally sitting, but now he is lying directly under the spiritual power pool. Obviously, I have struggled, but the situation is getting worse and worse.

"What do you think now, how likely is he to get out of this spiritual power pool?" Fengyun Revered Master asked the opposite Revered Master. In fact, he was also quite worried.

And seeing Demon Venerable about to fail, he also felt a little frustrated, which seemed to herald their future, even if they waited for so many years, they would not easily end up successfully.

"I think he hasn't lost yet. Before he lost, he could have everything." Wenxin Revered Master said.

"Everything is possible?" Fengyun Revered Master felt this sentence like this, and only felt that Wenxin Revered Master didn't like to talk directly and became more and more profound mystery. All of this requires his own understanding. Just work.

"Yes, everything is possible. Take a look, maybe things will turn around soon." When Wenxin Revered Master said this, he saw that one was standing by the spiritual power pool all the time. The woman on the road disappeared.

That shadowless person was created by Demon Venerable's removal of his Heart Demon in front of the Mirror of the Heart. Now that he suddenly disappeared like this, it is very likely that he went to find Demon Venerable.

"The turning point you said was the shadowless person just now?" Fengyun Revered Master asked, but the questioning Revered Master was silent, as if he didn't want to answer this question.

But Fengyun Revered Master feels that asking the heart Revered Master is obviously afraid that he will be inaccurate, so it pretends to be profound.

Fengyun Revered Master thinks that he has to believe in miracles. Even if his heart always suspects that Demon Venerable may fail, there is still hope, isn't it?

At this moment, Demon Venerable has been tightly entangled with circles of green vines. The black demonic energy on his body is getting weaker and weaker, almost covered by the vines.

But at this time, a black silhouette appeared beside Demon Venerable. The shadowless man sat gently beside Demon Venerable without saying anything, just staying with him like this.

This state lasted for several days, and then the seated Demon Venerable slowly opened his eyes and said: "Why don't you talk? Since you are here, it's okay to chat with me. "

"I don't need to say anything, just stay with you here. This is the meaning of my existence." The woman said that. She rarely speaks, but what she says always It makes Demon Venerable feel warm.

He looked at this woman, who was his favorite, and was by his side now. But in fact, he knew very well in his heart that he was not his wife, but his own Heart Demon.

But seeing her, Demon Venerable also understood that everything in front of her was not real, it was just his memory, memory.

He will not think that there will be a record of all his past here. The people who created this place are more impossible to know their past stories. So, all this can only prove one thing, everything here comes from my own memory.

Use his memory to attack him, this is the most powerful.

"How do you think I can break through this test?" Demon Venerable asked. The woman pointed to the life in front of her and said: "You have to be willing to go out, but I think you will regret it. "

When the woman said so, Demon Venerable understood that this was her true thoughts. In fact, he wants to stay. In fact, all this is just himself deceiving himself.

He has always known that this is just his own memory. These all are fake. He also guessed that if he wants to get out of here, there may be only one way...that is to break these memories.

Then maybe after going out, he will really forget everything here, the good life he and his wife have had in the past years.

"Do you think I will regret it?" Demon Venerable asked. It was the woman and her own heart.

"Perhaps. But you have forgotten the past, maybe you don't know what you regret." The woman said so, Demon Venerable smiled, and the smile was very bleak.

Yes, he might have forgotten all this, then the only thing left is the feeling of regret, but forget the reason for regret. This is the saddest point, that is, regret. He doesn't know what he regrets.

"It's okay, I can't fall down like this, I've walked so many roads, there is no reason to fall here." Demon Venerable finished saying this, and then suddenly raised his hand. , Began to tear the green vines on his body.

The green vines are broken one by one. As the vines broke, those memories were like smoke, and the little by little disappeared.

Their little room disappeared, their memory little by little disappeared. The memory of walking in the morning light disappeared, the memory of enjoying the cool afternoon disappeared, the memory of watching the starlight in the night disappeared.

(End of this chapter)

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