
  Chapter 2574 Getting Out

At this moment, the questioning Revered Master and Fengyun Revered Master did not rest, nor did they After cultivation again, the game did not start. They all stared at the spiritual power pool attentively, looking at the Demon Venerable inside.

"How do I think the situation of this Fellow Daoist is so unusual? Do you remember the Fellow Daoists who entered here in the past, none of their expressions have been so relaxed."

Fengyun Revered Master said so, and Wenxin Revered Master looked at the Demon Venerable inside, and then said with emotion: "I guess that he might have passed this level a bit bigger than the others."

"Why do you say that?" Fengyun Revered Master curiously asked, this questioning Fellow Daoist has been with him for many years, and he still knows a little bit about this.

Although he seems to be a gentle person, he is actually very proud of in the bones. It is actually quite difficult for such a person to praise him.

Because of this, he felt surprised. And he knew that Wenxin Revered Master must be very surprised, because Wenxin Revered Master was the same as his previous opinion, if Demon Venerable really entered this spiritual power pool, he would never be able to get out again.

But looking at how Wenxin Revered Master looks now, it must have meant to change his mind. So what should he say, no matter what happened before, it has been proved that Master Revered is right, so is it right this time?

"I think maybe, maybe he really hopes to go out." Wenxin Revered Master said.

"Do you think he can really come out?" Fengyun Revered Master said that he was not surprised to ask, but he still felt a little unbelievable.

"Yes, I think it can. And this spiritual power pool has not been out of the ordinary, but the time is too long, we almost can't remember it."

The questioning Revered Master said so, Fengyun Revered Master felt that it made sense. In fact, the two of them have been here for so long and have witnessed the glory of others and the failures of others, but in the end they have witnessed them.

"I hope so, but this time I don't know how long it will take, and if I don't know how long it will take, it is estimated that these years will not be over." Fengyun Revered Master said this, suddenly changed his words and said: "Or we Next set?"

"No, I don't think it will take long, he might be out soon." Wenxin Revered Master refused, which is very rare.

The legendary Demon Venerable will come out soon. At this moment, he is looking at his own life. His wife and himself once fell in love with each other so much... In other words, they are also in love with each other very much now.

Since we are in love, we naturally cherish the past. It is precisely because of cherishment that in addition to feeling bitter, but also painful, although there is happiness in it.

But now he discovered that in the face of such happiness, in fact, he will feel bitter more often, especially when his wife has fallen.

"Am I really going to be here all the time?" Demon Venerable asked so softly, no one around him answered, it was him who was asking himself, asking his own heart.

He actually doesn't know what he is going to do now. Seeing that scene in front of him, he has a feeling that he is in it, that he is still what he used to be.

He knows that this is not a good change, but he has a willingness to sink into it. Demon Venerable didn't know that at this moment, he seemed to be struggling to outsiders. Perhaps he was struggling because he wanted everything in front of him to be true and wanted to stay. On the other hand, he realized very clearly that he could not stay, this is not where he should stay.

But even though Demon Venerable has been struggling, he feels that his Divine Soul is becoming more and more stable, and he has even begun to familiarize himself with the life here. Sometimes he even feels that he lives here, here is the real life.

Demon Venerable doesn't know, at this time, his situation is not optimistic. When Demon Venerable was trapped in this spiritual power inside the pool, there were green vines around it. These vines began to grow, one by one, tied to the body of Demon Venerable.

But it was just one at the beginning, and now there are three. These vines are green, but they steal energy from Demon Venerable and gradually become black.

If Demon Venerable wakes up, he will find that if he stays here for a long time, sooner or later, these vines will run out of energy and fall here.

But he can't feel it anymore, he seems to be deeply trapped in such a scene. Deep in one's heart, although Heart Demon of Demon Venerable has been wiped out, it does not mean that he has no nostalgia for the past.

On the contrary, he is very nostalgic for the past. Every time he thinks about it, he wants to go back to the past. It is precisely because of this that he refuses to let go. He didn't want to leave here anymore. He didn't want to wake up when he looked at his wife's smiling face and her appearance.

So he has more and more vines. Although his heart is calm, he can feel that his spiritual power is losing more and more. The outside questioning Revered Master and Fengyun Revered Master are even more worried, because they have seen that Demon Venerable's situation is not good.

"This guy, I don't know what hesitating. Look at the painful look, he must be deep in the illusion. But logically speaking, he is a person who can get through the mirror of the heart. , It shouldn't be like that."

Fengyun Revered Master said so, and asked Xin Revered Master that... this makes sense. Then it can only be said that the difficulty level given by the spiritual power pool this time is too high.

"So I said, let's have a good cultivation, wait until the foundation is laid, and then go ahead." The Fengyun Revered Master said so, but in fact there is a trace of hesitation deep in one's heart .

Although it was just a little hesitation, it also made him feel sad, that is, he didn't know whether it was possible for him to pass the spiritual power test.

Even if they want to go to the rule world, they still need to overcome these many tests. Even though they can stay here slowly now, it's okay even if they don't go out in the future.

But he is a cultivator with pursuit after all. How could he not want good cultivation and breakthrough?

So, Fengyun Revered Master at this time is actually far less calm than what he showed, and there are various small emotions in his heart, constantly rolling.

He thinks that Demon Venerable's break into the spiritual power pool is indeed impulsive, but to be honest, he also admires it very much. It is not ordinary people who have this courage and courage, at least he does not. of.

"Let's take a look, after all, it's only a few days, and I don't see anything for the time being." That Wenxin Revered Master said.

"Actually, I also hope that he can succeed. After all, he succeeded, so we have more opportunities." Fengyun Revered Master said.

"Hehe, there is some truth to this." Wenxin Revered Master said. Although Demon Venerable can pass this level, there is no direct concern about their strength, but if Demon Venerable passes through , Then at least they will have a lot of confidence.

(End of this chapter)

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