
  Chapter 2572 Kindness

When they came to this world, Xiao Guoguo came with space Yes, because there is her most important person in there, Xiao Guoguo does not rest assured to leave father and mother to anyone to take care of.

And Xiao Tai and Ling Shu also insisted that they must be with Xiao Guoguo, but their cultivation base is too low, so they can't get out of the space all the time. Xiao Guoguo once thought that if there is a day when it comes to the battle of life and death, then she will give this space to a safe person, and in any case, let them live well.

Now Xiao Guoguo feels uneasy, so she goes to see Xiao Tai and Lingshu, and she hasn't visited them for a long time.

Chi Xuan knows that Xiao Guoguo thinks that Xiao Tai and Lingshu are very important, but Demon Venerable is also a relative now, she wants to stabilize herself.

Xiao Tai and Ling Shu were also surprised, Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan came in suddenly. Since they came to this world, they haven't gone out for a walk, but they don't care at all, because they know that don't trouble Xiao Guoguo, don't let her distract, this is the most important thing.

"Guoguo, I made your favorite meal for you. You must eat more." Xiao Tai made a table of meals by himself. Although the taste was not satisfactory, Xiao Guoguo ate a lot. , Because she knows very well that this is father's love for herself.

"Okay, I will definitely eat more." Xiao Guoguo showed his sincerity with actions, and Chi Xuan helped clean up.

Lingshu started the mode of asking Xiao Guoguo about the cold and asking for warmth. How was your time outside? Is the cultivation hard? And how about your relationship with Chi Xuan?

Lingshu did better than Xiao Tai, because she allocated part of her energy to Chi Xuan. Although she is not a real son, he is a future son-in-law, and she has to take care of her feelings.

Xiao Guoguo feels at ease, but she answers such detailed questions very seriously and doesn't feel annoying at all. Perhaps this is why many people say that father and mother are the people who love you the most, because you always feel that you are still a child when you are by their side.

However, Xiao Guoguo also knows that this is a rare meeting for them. When Demon Venerable wakes up, or maybe before he wakes up, they will leave.

Xiao Guoguo looked at Demon Venerable. She hoped that Demon Venerable would wake up sooner. After all, he is also her own relative.

At this moment, Demon Venerable is playing chess with Wenxin Revered Master. They have played this game for a month, and neither of them will let anyone move. They competed not in chess, but in cultivation base, mood and perseverance.

I have to say that Demon Venerable still has some strengths in this respect. After all, most people are also impossible to wait for such a long time. Demon Venerable's mood is strong, and Xiao Guoguo may be the only weakness.

Beside him, there is always a gentle woman standing beside him, looking at him silently, with love in her eyes.

This woman and Demon Venerable are connected. They know each other's deepest thoughts. During the time Demon Venerable spent here, they only felt very peaceful.

"There are no years in the mountains, and it has been three years in a blink of an eye, Demon Venerable Fellow Daoist, what do you think has changed in your eyes?" Wenxin Revered Master asked, and dropped a pawn. , He is not to distract Demon Venerable's attention, just chat while playing chess.

Demon Venerable slowly raised his head. Although he was staring at expectation just now, what he saw was the world. It took courage to hold this chess piece in his hand.

This game was not played by these two people. It was originally a mirror of the heart. The last time these two people played a game of chess, it took them twenty years. After this game is over, they can participate in it. .

And this time, he played a game with Wenxin Revered Master. Every time he played a chess piece, he experienced some twists and turns in his heart, saw a lot, thought a lot, and seemed to experience it.

Every time he settles, he is a choice of life and death. Although he will not die in it, he still suffers from within Sea of ​​Consciousness. He understood that this chess game exists to temper their minds.

"There are many changes. The scenery here is different in the four seasons, and the scenery is different every day, and it is never repeated. It is really mysterious." Demon Venerable said so, and then the chess piece in his hand was dropped.

This kind of dialogue, the two of them may not have one time in more than ten days, and each time they settle down, it is a kind of improvement for him.

No wonder that at the beginning, these two guys almost fought for the qualification to play chess with them. It turned out that there are so many benefits.

Demon Venerable found out that everyone here can’t underestimate them. All of them are old fox. Although they are polite to themselves, they are not afraid of themselves. If they join hands, he will also It is impossible to hit two people.

But he found an interesting thing here. Maybe they simply can't fight here, or they will be punished severely. Otherwise, why would these two people just quarrel and refuse to do it?

Of course, this is just a guess. Whether it is true or not, it needs to be verified. But Demon Venerable doesn't want to waste too much time here, so it doesn't want to verify it either.

This game was played very quickly, and Wenxin Master could feel that Demon Venerable did not put all his mind in this game, and it almost proceeded with a non-winner mentality.

He knew that if he insisted, it would have no effect. After half a year, he ended the game, and then smiled and said to Demon Venerable: "Fellow Daoist, I remember I once said, The time here is different from the outside. After five days outside, it’s only one day inside. We don’t need to worry about it."

Demon Venerable naturally knows and remembers it, but he is just anxious. He becomes anxious. Strong, anxious to go out to accompany his daughter.

"I didn't mind the game, but it delayed you, sorry." Demon Venerable said with a good temper.

Asking the heart, Revered Master, after hearing this, it is hard to say anything. Although the game of Demon Venerable is really not very rewarding for him, it does not affect much, because he can continue.

In fact, the profound mystery of this game is that even if a person is playing against himself, there will be improvement, so he is not in a hurry. But seeing Demon Venerable look like this, I'm afraid I won't stay here anymore.

"Fellow Daoist, what do you think?" Inquiry Revered Master asked. His Side Fengyun Revered Master also stared at Demon Venerable. They really want to know if Demon Venerable has changed. Thoughts, would you like to stay.

"Many thanks to the kindness of both of you, I also know that you took me around during this period of time, just to make me better in the future, I hope I will reach a new realm. But now, I There is really more important thing to do. My daughter is waiting for me. "

After Demon Venerable said, the two of them have some regrets, after all, they still want to leave.

"Your daughter, is it really that important?" Wenxin Master asked.

"More important than my life, I am still alive today because of her." Demon Venerable replied.

(End of this chapter)

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