
  Chapter 2569 Anger

When the king received the first memorial, he felt that With a fierce jump, I calculated carefully, from the water bandit to the pirate, and then the remnants of the previous dynasty, what happened in less than half a year?

Especially seeing the tiger charm and the mark of Ruzhen’s personal presence on it, he had a not-so-good premonition.

"They went all the way to the south and then to the southwest." When the king said that, Court Eunuch, the great side, did not dare to say anything. You must be cautious about whoever is involved. OK, because you simply can't guess what they will do.

"I have a feeling that what kind of censorship, what kind of imperial envoys, are not as good as others. Look, how many problems have been found?!" Wang Shang sighed and opened the memorial.

The great Court Eunuch next to Wang Shang has no power to say anything. He hasn't read the memorial yet, so he believed in others so overwhelmingly. It is estimated that General Wu would cry if he knew it.

The more I looked down, the more ugly Wang Shang's face became. Finally, he snapped the memorial to the table. With the intensity and anger, Great Court Eunuch felt that if at that time, General Wu was under Wang Shang's hand, he would definitely slap like that, and fiercely would shoot it down.

"Stop the king's anger!" Everyone knelt on the ground, panicking in their hearts, as if the king was getting angry more and more in the past year.

It is also understandable. Originally thought, in the peaceful and prosperous world, there is still a little pride in my heart. As a result, I find various problems one after another. Can I not let the king's heart be choked?

But is there any way? If the problem is discovered, it is because they cannot afford to offend. In this way, the people who make mistakes will be even more miserable. The descendants of the former, the Sect Master of Sect, are still in the circle now.

Don't let death, the king just let him live to warn future generations, what predecessors and descendants, are useless, unpopular!

Now, this General Wu doesn’t know what he’s doing, he even made the king so angry. This angry look almost catches up with the last time the officers and soldiers colluded with the water bandits... It won’t be, they Did you also do something like this? That's too boring.

"Arrogant, really arrogant! He dared to rebel and wanted to stand on his own as the king! This is because he has dictated himself, otherwise this king will destroy his whole family!"

Wang Shang Furious, this General Wu was also his own subordinate, who followed him out of the mansion, side guard. For so many years, he dared to give Nanbian to him because he was relieved that he felt that no matter what, the other party would not be rebellious.

Because he does not have his own support, he is just a guard, he has no foundation, no family support, impossible and other thoughts. Unexpectedly, he actually thought of occupying the mountain as the king!

"Go, send someone to check to see if he really died or escaped!" The king said so, the Great Court Eunuch hurriedly asked the Shadow Guard people to do it.

"Also, his family members were all arrested for me, and none of them were allowed to run away!" Wang Shang said so, no one dared to intercede for General Wu.

If you get caught before you lose it, you don’t want to be executed right away. There is still time to verify. Just thinking of these things General Wu did and let his family members enjoy the rich and honorable life, the king definitely couldn't accept it.

It’s just didn’t expect, only one day later, there are two more memorials. One of them was sent by Zhou Tong. It briefly described what was going on at the time, and it proved from the side that General Wu sanctioned it.

The other one, which was sent by local officials, also proved the incident. It proved that General Wu was dead. This was what they saw with their own eyes. And in memorials and the like, they wasted a lot of pen and ink to complain, how miserable they have been bullied for so many years, how did the prefect die in the previous time.

Only then did Wang Shang discover that the south was really under the control of General Wu for so many years, and those officials simply did not dare to tell the truth. He has a feeling that these people he appointed are so cowardly and lacking courage at all.

But he still sent two teams over. One of them took the lead. They were civil officials. They were responsible for communicating with the local civil officials to understand what happened in the past few years. The king must know in detail.

Behind them, the officers and soldiers followed, and the two generals were both his confidantes and led people. If it is a trap, then take over directly.

Of course, the king thinks that the probability of a trap is not great. Even if the civilian officials are afraid of death, they have to help General Wu set up this game, but Xiao Guoguo will not.

How great the ability of this General Wu is, it is impossible to ask Xiao Guoguo for help. So he felt that it was mostly because General Wu offended Xiao Guoguo and them, so Xiao Guoguo punished him.

In short, because he offended Xiao Guoguo, he was killed directly.

The king thought this, and suddenly felt a lot better. Whoever makes him arrogant, if he is not so arrogant, he will not offend people, and if he is not a sinner, he will not lose everything so quickly.

Xiao Guoguo knows that Zhou Tong was taken to the capital. She should have been to understand the situation. She doesn't care. After all, there are generals guarding here, indicating that the king is still very sensitive to things like rebellion. of.

Then came the replacement. The guards here were dismantled and transferred to various places. From then on, it is difficult to form a force. Xiao Guoguo thinks that this king's brain is very easy to use.

Later, the entire southern side was stabilized. In small villages, the days are getting hotter and hotter. Those children have grown up gradually. They are very clever. Some have been obediently and honestly farming, and some have started to do business.

Because they are related to pirates, although they have left the local area, they cannot participate in the imperial examination, so doing business has become the best choice.

And Sun Da is also very smart. He took these children to run in the vicinity, reselling goods, and made a lot of money.

After making money, he bought a lot of shops and did not rent them out. Instead, he let the women in the village do business. He was afraid that they were idle, so he arranged things for them.

But there is one thing Sun Da has always insisted on, that is, not to touch the sea. They insist on being merchants on the road, and they buy and sell goods on the road, let alone going to sea, even in coastal areas, they rarely go there.

Maybe this is their warning to themselves, maybe they don't want to meet anyone who knows them.

Xiao Guoguo stayed here for five years and visited all the surrounding areas, only then took Sun Clan and Sun Kun back to Sun Kun's hometown. At this time, it has been seven years since Sun Kun's home.

Sun Kun's adoptive parents are very happy. The child is back, and they only feel at ease. Sun Clan did not identify herself. She was very grateful that the couple adopted Sun Kun at the time, otherwise it would be difficult for them to meet again.

They lived here for a period of time. Sun Kun's father and mother gave him a marriage. How dare Sun Kun agree? His goal is not getting married. He has a bigger future in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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